Development of smoothed numerical methods for fracture analyses and interfacial toughness characterization in thin film systems
... 1.3 Characterization of interfacial toughness in thin film systems 10 1.3.1 Characterization of interfacial toughness base on normal indentation 11 1.3.2 Characterization of interfacial toughness ... methods for fracture analyses in thin film systems Chapter presents a brief introduction of strain smoothing technique and G space including th...
Ngày tải lên: 10/09/2015, 08:26
... “so-called immersed boundary methods are not real immersed boundary methods and therefore fall out of the scope of the present 13 Chapter Introduction thesis 1. 3 Brief review of Immersed boundary ... function-vorticity formulation-based immersed boundary method; The reported immersed boundary methods for thermal flows are not capable of exactl...
Ngày tải lên: 09/09/2015, 11:17
... Δs1 ⎟⎜ 21 Dh N ⎟ ⎜ Dh Δs1 ⎟⎜ ⎟⎜ MN ⎟ ⎜ Dh ⎠ ⎝ DhN 1Δs1 12 Dh 22 Dh DhM 12 Dh Δs2 22 Dh Δs2 DhN Δs2 DhM ΔsM ⎞ ⎟ Dh M ΔsM ⎟ ⎟ ⎟ NM Dh ΔsM ⎟ ⎠ (2. 25) ⎛ U n +1 B ,1 ⎜ n +1 U [B F ] = ⎜ B ,2 ⎜ ⎜ n ... (2. 28) ρU ∞ D 43 Chapter Governing Equations and Boundary Condition-Enforced IBM CL = FL (2. 29) ρU ∞ D where FD and FL are the drag and lift forces on the cylinder surface For...
Ngày tải lên: 09/09/2015, 11:17
Development of immersed boundary methods for isothermal and thermal flows 3
... ∂x (3. 3) and the stream function is related to the velocity by u= ∂ϕ ∂y v=− (3. 4) ∂ϕ ∂x (3. 5) Note that ω + Θ in Eq (3. 3) is the physical vorticity Eqs (3. 1) to (3. 5) together with Eqs (2 .3) and ... (3. 8) and (3. 9) and obtain predicted vorticity ω * and stream function ϕ * ; 2) Substitute ϕ * to Eqs (3. 4) and (3. 5) to calculate the predicted velocity * field u ; 3) Com...
Ngày tải lên: 09/09/2015, 11:17
Development of immersed boundary methods for isothermal and thermal flows 4
... = TB (X(s, t ), t ) (4. 4) Here Eqs (4. 1a), (4. 2), (4. 3) describe forced convection problems while Eqs (4. 1b), (4. 2), (4. 3) describe natural convection problems In Eq (4. 1b), the Boussinesq approximation ... ∫ − T Γ total Γ Lref (4. 22) where Ltotal is the total length of the immersed boundary Ltotal = ∫ Γ (4. 23) ds As shown in Eqs (4. 21) and (4. 22), the evaluation of loca...
Ngày tải lên: 09/09/2015, 11:17
Development of immersed boundary methods for isothermal and thermal flows 5
... releases constant and uniform heat flux is simulated for several low and moderate Reynolds numbers of 1 35 Chapter An Efficient IBM for Thermal Flow Problems with Heat Flux Boundary Condition ... investigations are carried out for three Rayleigh numbers of Ra = 1000, 57 00 and 5 10 while Prandtl number is kept at Pr = 0.7 The initial conditions are set as zero for...
Ngày tải lên: 09/09/2015, 11:17
Development of immersed boundary methods for isothermal and thermal flows 6
... in Fig 6. 10 To get a clear view of the ground effect on the aerodynamic forces, C H 161 Chapter Applications of Developed IBM Solvers to Simulate 2D Fluid and Thermal Flows and CV for the ... (see Fig 6. 25(a) and Fig .6. 25(c) for comparison), but higher vibration frequencies play a role of progressively reducing the longitudinal vortex spacing (see Fig 6. 26( b...
Ngày tải lên: 09/09/2015, 11:17
Development of immersed boundary methods for isothermal and thermal flows 7
... (20 07) reported the variation of the drag and lift forces for Reynolds number of 50, 100 and 200 Yoon & Yang (20 07) , by performing a parametric study, estimated flow-induced forces on two 2 27 ... terms of temperature contours (isotherms) in Figs 7. 3 and 7. 4, for isothermal condition and isoflux condition, respectively As expected, the isotherms are symmetric about...
Ngày tải lên: 09/09/2015, 11:17
Development of immersed boundary methods for isothermal and thermal flows 8
... overall width of the wake is larger The time-dependent hydrodynamic forces experienced by the fish for Re = 300 and 4000 are plotted in Figs 8. 18( a) and 8. 18( b), respectively, in forms of force coefficient ... cases of St = 0 .8 and 1.0 in Figs 8. 10(b) and 8. 10(c), a diamond-shaped region of high velocity exists immediately behind the flapping foil and there is...
Ngày tải lên: 09/09/2015, 11:17
Development of immersed boundary methods for isothermal and thermal flows 9
... ( 199 7) 2807-28 19 Liu H., Wassersug R.J., Kawachi K., A computational fluid dynamics study of tadpole swimming, J Exp Biol., 199 ( 199 6) 1245-1260 Ljachowski D.N., J techn Phys., Leningrad, 99 9 ... Stability of flows past a pair of circular cylinders in a side-by-side arrangement, J Fluid Mech., 595 (2008) 491 -507 Mohd-Yusof J., Combined immersed boundaries/B-Splines methods...
Ngày tải lên: 09/09/2015, 11:22
Development of immersed boundary methods for isothermal and thermal flows preface
... Pressure-velocity formulation-based 14 immersed boundary method 1.3.2 Stream 14 function-vorticity formulation-based immersed boundary method 18 1.3.3 Applications of immersed boundary method 20 ... Table 7.5 Comparison of the mean drag coefficients and Nusselt numbers for tandem-sphere system at Re = 40 251 Table 7.6 Comparison of the mean drag and lift coefficients...
Ngày tải lên: 09/09/2015, 11:22
báo cáo khoa học: " Integration of molecular biology tools for identifying promoters and genes abundantly expressed in flowers of Oncidium Gower Ramsey" pps
... of proteins encoded in these genes was also determined in this system With this combination of approaches, novel Oncidium gene promoters of genes abundantly expressed in flowers were cloned and ... Onc GR genes and promoters abundantly expressed in Onc GR flowers This approach, combining multiple tools provides a fast, easy to use and convenient s...
Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 11:21
Development of smoothed methods for fluid structure interactions
... DEVELOPMENT OF SMOOTHED METHODS FOR FLUID STRUCTURE INTERACTIONS WANG SHENG (B.Eng., University of Science and Technology Beijing M.Eng., University of Science and Technology ... explorations of the performances of these smoothed methods on solving the pure solid and fluid flow problems are still needed Furthermore, a coupling of those valid smoothed methods...
Ngày tải lên: 09/09/2015, 10:06
numerical methods for control and games of regime-switching diffusion systems algorithms, analysis, and computations
Ngày tải lên: 13/11/2014, 11:08