Six mistakes in IELTS note
... desired score Something for nothing will never learn for IELTS Misunderstanding 6: Examination of consciousness is too simple Site in preparation for IELTS exam many students showing the process ... pro forma who mind you, IELTS is the system's learning process, usually the accumulation of particular importance in order to bring about qualitative change in quantity All in all,...
Ngày tải lên: 16/06/2015, 19:30
Common mistakes in IELTS writing
... with many problems.”, “Travelling might provide people with many useful skills.” chẳng hạn, cần giải thích rõ problems skills Support cho idea không đủ Trong IELTS, examiner không chấm idea bạn mà ... pháp, rõ ràng với topic việc dùng cụm „serious debate‟ không phù hợp chút nào, điều cho examiner biết thí sinh học thuộc cụm không hiểu Thiếu topic sentence Topic sentence paragraph quan trọng...
Ngày tải lên: 13/07/2014, 06:24
... For describing the lowest point The number of students hit a trough/plunged to a trough of 2000 For describing a fluctuation The number fluctuated between ... fluctuation The number fluctuated between and The number fluctuated wildly around and Some words for describing “approximately” About/around/approximately/well over/roughly
Ngày tải lên: 04/10/2012, 09:39
130 common mistakes in english
... tor of English for Business Barcelona, English for Business M adrid, English Phone and Words 300 English for Business Barcelona teaches English lessons to companies in the Barcelona area English ... reason why She couldn’t explain the reason why she was here She couldn’t explain the reason because she was here 120 Think of I’m thinking of moving to Australia I’m thinking to move...
Ngày tải lên: 25/05/2013, 11:34
... British Library • Succeed in IELTS Speaking - Student s Book - ISBN: 978-1-78164-015-9 • Succeed in IELTS Speaking - Teacher’s Book - ISBN: 978-1-78164-016-6 • Succeed in IELTS Speaking - Self-Study ... Listening sections, 40 items approximately 30 minutes Academic Reading sections, 40 items 60 minutes General Training Reading sections, 40 items 60 minutes Academic Wri...
Ngày tải lên: 31/08/2013, 13:41
longman common mistakes in english
... go Say: The rain prevented me from going Succeed in 4- -ing Don't say: Paula succeeded to win the prize Say: Paula succeeded in winning the prize Think of + -ing Don't say: often think to go to ... pen at home 173 Using according to my opinion instead of hi my opinion Don't say: According to my opinion, she's right / Say: In my opmion, she's right Note ' think A v o i d using the p h r...
Ngày tải lên: 08/09/2013, 22:47
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: Improving Classification of Medical Assertions in Clinical Notes" pdf
... training data to measure the impact of each of the four subsets of features explained in Section Table shows the cross validation results when cumulatively adding each set of features Applying ... Identifying Negated Findings and Diseases in Discharge Summaries Journal of Biomedical Informatics, 34:301-310 Wendy W Chapman, David Chu, and John N Dowling 2007 ConText: An Algorithm...
Ngày tải lên: 20/02/2014, 05:20
... CASE IN AN IELTS EXAM, but not usually the case in normal life Know how to use your idioms Incorrect usage can result in a negative effect on your marks, so learn the proper use of idioms during ... during your IELTS exam preparation, and not force their use unless you can use them properly What we are trying to in this lesson is to teach idioms specifically fo...
Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 02:20
Báo cáo khoa học: "Annotating and Recognising Named Entities in Clinical Notes" pot
... extraction and segmentation Proc 17th International Conf on Machine Learning, 591–598 F Brennan and A Aronson 2003 Towards linking patients and clinical information: detecting UMLS concepts in e-mail ... Preliminary experiments in clinical named entity recognition using both rule-based and machine learning approaches were performed on this corpus These experiments have achie...
Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 01:20