de cuong toan 11 hoc ki 1 Mr PHU

de cuong toan 11 hoc ki 1 Mr PHU

... = 1cos3 2 + x f) y = 1) sin1(2 ++ x BT ẹAẽI SO & GIAI TCH 11 1. HAỉM SO LệễẽNG GIÁC A/ Tóm tắt lý thuyết: 1/ Hàm số y = sinx . TXĐ: D = R . Là hàm số lẻ . Tập giá trị: T= [ -1; 1] ( -1 1sin ≤≤ x ) ... hàm số: a) y = x x sin cos1 + b) y = x x cos1 cos1 − + c) y = tanx       − 3 π x d) y = cotx       + 6 π x e) y = sinx + tanx +cotx f) y = x x sin1 sin1 + − e) y = tan...

Ngày tải lên: 18/08/2013, 14:10

6 535 2
MRI nguyên lý ứng dụng lâm sàng_Phần 1

MRI nguyên lý ứng dụng lâm sàng_Phần 1

... Rẫy NGUYÊN LÝ ỨNG DỤNG LÂM SÀNG NGUYÊN LÝ ỨNG DỤNG LÂM SÀNG • Hình cộng hưởng từ (MRI/ Magnetic resonance imaging) • Hình cộng hưởng từ hạt nhân (NMRI/ Nuclear magnetic resonance imaging) MRI ... Solid State Physics 10 , L55-L58 (19 77). • Từ trường thấp ( <0.5Tesla) • Từ trường trung bình (0.5ặ< 1. 0 Tesla) ã Tửứ trử ứng cao (> ;1. 0 Tesla) Phaõn loaùi maùy MRI...

Ngày tải lên: 17/10/2013, 15:15

20 702 5
Báo cáo khoa học: Expression and physiological role of CCN4⁄Wnt-induced secreted protein 1 mRNA splicing variants in chondrocytes potx

Báo cáo khoa học: Expression and physiological role of CCN4⁄Wnt-induced secreted protein 1 mRNA splicing variants in chondrocytes potx

... al. 16 64 FEBS Journal 274 (2007) 16 5 516 65 ê 2007 The Authors Journal compilation ê 2007 FEBS Expression and physiological role of CCN4⁄ Wnt-induced secreted protein 1 mRNA splicing variants in chondrocytes Takeshi ... FEBS 16 61 CCN4 ⁄ WISP1 and WISP1v proteins were actually translated from CCN4 ⁄ WISP1 and WISP1v mRNAs in HCS-2 ⁄ 8 cells. A rabbit ort...

Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 10:20

11 436 0
Báo cáo hóa học: " “Hypoxia-induced down-regulation of microRNA449a/b impairs control over targeted SERPINE1 (PAI-1) mRNA - a mechanism involved in SERPINE1 (PAI-1) overexpression” pptx

Báo cáo hóa học: " “Hypoxia-induced down-regulation of microRNA449a/b impairs control over targeted SERPINE1 (PAI-1) mRNA - a mechanism involved in SERPINE1 (PAI-1) overexpression” pptx

... 8:33 Page 9 of 14 RESEARC H Open Access “Hypoxia-induced down-regulation of microRNA- 44 9a/ b impairs control over targeted SERPINE1 (PAI-1) mRNA - a mechanism involved in SERPINE1 (PAI-1) overexpression” Michaela ... of microRNA-44 9a/ b impairs control over targeted SERPINE1 (P...

Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 16:20

14 279 0
Báo cáo sinh học: "Hypoxia-induced down-regulation of microRNA449a/b impairs control over targeted SERPINE1 (PAI-1) mRNA - a mechanism involved in SERPINE1 (PAI-1) overexpression" pptx

Báo cáo sinh học: "Hypoxia-induced down-regulation of microRNA449a/b impairs control over targeted SERPINE1 (PAI-1) mRNA - a mechanism involved in SERPINE1 (PAI-1) overexpression" pptx

... Open Access Hypoxia-induced down-regulation of microRNA- 44 9a/ b impairs control over targeted SERPINE1 (PAI-1) mRNA - a mechanism involved in SERPINE1 (PAI-1) overexpression Michaela Muth 1 , Kais ... Hypoxia-induced down-regulation of microRNA-44 9a/ b impairs control over targeted SERPINE1 (PAI-1) mRNA - a mechanism involv...

Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 19:20

5 222 0
báo cáo hóa học:" Hypoxia-induced down-regulation of microRNA449a/b impairs control over targeted SERPINE1 (PAI-1) mRNA - a mechanism involved in SERPINE1 (PAI-1) overexpression" pdf

báo cáo hóa học:" Hypoxia-induced down-regulation of microRNA449a/b impairs control over targeted SERPINE1 (PAI-1) mRNA - a mechanism involved in SERPINE1 (PAI-1) overexpression" pdf

... Open Access Hypoxia-induced down-regulation of microRNA- 44 9a/ b impairs control over targeted SERPINE1 (PAI-1) mRNA - a mechanism involved in SERPINE1 (PAI-1) overexpression Michaela Muth 1 , Kais ... 9:24 Page 5 of 5 R e-evaluation o f miRNA-44 9a and miRNA-449b in f ibroblast s - Hypox...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 03:20

5 215 0


... the exam. 10 .The match would have been fun if it (not rain) yesterday. 11 .I didn’t go in to bussiness with Sam.If I (go) into bussiness with him ,I (become) a success. 12 . If I (make) ... the party if you (not invite) them. Exercise 4:Put the verbs into correct conditonal sentences: 1. Mr Harry (help) you if you want. 2.If my friend (be) here now, he would help me. 3....

Ngày tải lên: 26/07/2014, 07:21

2 608 21
Correct enghlish 1 ppsx

Correct enghlish 1 ppsx

... to Z of Correct English ANGELA BURT 2nd edition howtobooks Published by How To Books Ltd, 3 Newtec Place, Magdalen Road, Oxford OX4 1RE. Unit ed Kingdom. Tel: ( 018 65) 793806. Fax: ( 018 65) 248780. email: ... identified as the author of this work, in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 19 88. British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data A catalogue record for this b...

Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 22:20

5 126 0
Báo cáo y học: "Multidrug resistance-associated protein-1 (MRP1) genetic variants, MRP1 protein levels and severity of COPD" docx

Báo cáo y học: "Multidrug resistance-associated protein-1 (MRP1) genetic variants, MRP1 protein levels and severity of COPD" docx

... al., Multidrug resistance-associated protein- 1 (MRP1) genetic variants, MRP1 protein levels and severity of COPD Respira- tory Research 2010, 11:60 Budulac et al. Respiratory Research 2010, ... provided the original work is properly cited. Research Multidrug resistance-associated protein- 1 (MRP1) genetic variants, MRP1 protein levels and severity...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 11:22

11 225 0


... for two weeks. It has been raining for two days. She has been sleeping for 10 hours. Many ESL students commit the mistake of using since when referring to a period of time. He has been working ... living here since 1999. (NOT We have been living here since ten years.) Beside and Besides ESL students often get confused about the meaning and use of these two words. Note that beside means

Ngày tải lên: 20/10/2014, 13:00

3 146 0


... practice English online. Discourse Markers Discourse markers are words and expressions used to show how discourse is constructed. There are a large number of discourse markers. Here are a ... markers. Here are a few of the most common among them. With reference to With reference to is a formal discourse marker used mainly at the beginning of business letters. With reference to...

Ngày tải lên: 20/10/2014, 17:00

2 145 0


... objects. Incorrect: The boy who does best he will get a prize. Correct: The boy who does best will get a prize. Incorrect: Whoever works hard he will win. Correct: Whoever works hard will win. Incorrect: ... practice English online. Correct the following sentences - Exercise 1 Incorrect: One should not waste his time. Correct: One should not waste one's time. Correct: A man /...

Ngày tải lên: 20/10/2014, 17:00

2 255 0


... don't have to use any with no. Incorrect: Both men have not come. Correct: Neither man has come. Incorrect: Both answers are not correct. Correct: Neither answer is correct. We do not usually use ... English online. Correct the following sentences - Exercise 2 Correct the following sentences. Incorrect: Every people know this. Correct: Every man knows this. Correct: Ever...

Ngày tải lên: 20/10/2014, 17:00

2 225 0