Basic Mathematics for Economists phần 10 doc

Basic Mathematics for Economists phần 10 doc

Basic Mathematics for Economists phần 10 doc

... − 10. 1q 1 − 10q 2 − 10q 3 = 0 (1) π 2 = 837 − 10q 1 − 10. 06q 2 − 10q 3 = 0(2) π 2 = 835 − 10q 1 − 10q 2 − 10. 04q 3 = 0 (3) These conditions can be rearranged to get 839 = 10. 1q 1 + 10q 2 + 10q 3 837 ... =   π 11 π 12 π 13 π 21 π 22 π 23 π 31 π 32 π 33   =   10. 1 10 10 10 10. 06 10 10 10 10. 04   © 1993, 2003 Mike Rosser which will be C =   (0 − 10) −(8 − 25)(8 − 0)...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 22:20

57 594 0
Basic Mathematics for Economists phần 8 docx

Basic Mathematics for Economists phần 8 docx

... as p = (120 − 20) 0.5 = 100 0.5 = 10 Thus, substituting these results into formula (1), point elasticity will be e = (−1) 10 10 (−1)(120 −2q) 0.5 = (120 − 20) 0.5 = 100 0.5 = 10 Sometimes it may ... 15.38 1.13 14 4 103 .75 14.81 -0.56 15 5 98.125 15.09 0.28 16 6 100 .9375 14.95 -0.14 17 7 99.53125 15.02 0.07 18 8 100 .23438 14.99 -0.04 19 9 99.882813 15.01 0.02 20 10 100...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 22:20

53 1,1K 0
Basic Mathematics for Economists - Rosser - Answers docx

Basic Mathematics for Economists - Rosser - Answers docx

... 2. 106 9 3. 10 © 1993, 2003 Mike Rosser 2.9 1. ±25 2. 2 3. 0.2 4. 7 5. 2.4494897 6. 96 7. 10 8. 5.2780316 9. 0.03423 10. 87.977857 2 .10 1. 270,818.98 2. 220.9478 3. 2.8563 × 10 9 4. 1.5728 × 10 8 5. ... for Q ≥ 500 2. MR = 76 − 0.222Q for Q ≥ 22.5 3. MR = 80 − 0.555Q for Q ≥ 562.5 4. MC = 30 +0.0714Q for Q ≥ 56 5. MC = 56 +0.1333Q for Q ≥ 30 6. MC = 3 +0.0714Q for Q ≥...

Ngày tải lên: 06/07/2014, 07:20

13 527 1
Basic Mathematics for Economists phần 2 ppsx

Basic Mathematics for Economists phần 2 ppsx

... 4.12) becomes − P X P Y =− 20 10 =−2 (iii) The price ratio remains unchanged if income then falls to 100 . There is a parallel shift inwards of the budget constraint to EF. The new intercepts are M P Y = 100 10 = 10 on ... Adjusted for inflation, the real price increase for food is thus 100  1.225 1.115 − 1  = 100 (1.099 −1) = 9.9% Test Yourself, Exercise 3.8 1.RefertoTable3.1a...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 22:20

53 440 0
Basic Mathematics for Economists phần 3 pdf

Basic Mathematics for Economists phần 3 pdf

... Rosser Giventhatthetheoryofpricediscriminationassumesthatafirmwilladjusttheamountsold ineachmarketuntilMR 1 =MR 2 =MR,then Q=Q 1 +Q 2 =  40−3 1 3 MR  +  60−6 2 3 MR  bysubstituting(1)and(2) =100 −10MR 10MR =100 −Q MR =10 0.1Q ThissummedMRfunctionwillapplyaboveanaggregateoutputof10. Fromtheaboveexampleitcanbeseenthatthebasicprocedureforsummingfunctions horizontallyisasfollows: 1.transformt...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 22:20

53 839 0
Basic Mathematics for Economists phần 4 pdf

Basic Mathematics for Economists phần 4 pdf

... X will be 50 g for each container of A plus 20 g for each container of B. Total usage must be at least 100 g. This quality constraint for X can thus be written as 50A + 20B ≥ 100 Note that the ... involved then the formula can be adapted along the same lines. Example 7.8 What will £20,000 invested for 10 years be worth if the expected rate of interest is 12% for the first 3 year...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 22:20

53 546 0
Basic Mathematics for Economists phần 5 ppt

Basic Mathematics for Economists phần 5 ppt

... of 100 million gallons per day will equal demand when 100 = 25(1 +r) 100 4 = (1 + r) 100 100 √ 4 = 1 + r 1.0139595 = 1 + r 0.0139595 = r Therefore current water supplies will be sufficient for ... unit) Over the remaining 10 weeks the total sales will therefore be 396(0.9) + 396(0.9) 2 +···+396(0.9) 10 In this geometric series a = 396(0.9), k = 0.9 and n = 10. Its sum will theref...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 22:20

53 364 0
Basic Mathematics for Economists phần 7 potx

Basic Mathematics for Economists phần 7 potx

... as MU A P A = MU B P B Therefore, substituting the above MU functions and the given prices of £4 and 10, this condition becomes 10A −0.75 B 0.5 4 = 20A 0.25 B −0.5 10 100B = 80A B = 0.8A (1) Substituting (1) for B ... actual values are y = 2 (10) = 20 when x = 10 y = 2(11) = 22 when x = 11 Thus actual change is 22 −20 = 2 (accuracy of prediction 100 %) (ii) y = 2x 2 dy dx = 4x = 4 (10)...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 22:20

53 828 0