Optimizing and Testing WLANs phần 2 docx

Optimizing and Testing WLANs phần 2 docx

Optimizing and Testing WLANs phần 2 docx

... 40mW 20 0mW 800mW 100 mW 100mW 20 0mW 1000 mW 50mW 25 0mW 20 0mW GHz Figure 1.13: 8 02. 11 Frequency Bands and Emission Limits Ch01-H7986.indd 20 Ch01-H7986.indd 20 6 /28 /07 12: 49:07 PM6 /28 /07 12: 49:07 ... Resolution Resolution Resolution Uncertainty Uncertainty Ch 02- H7986.indd 32Ch 02- H7986.indd 32 6 /28 /07 12: 49:47 PM6 /28 /07 12: 49:47 PM Chapter 2 36 makes approximate...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 14:20

26 286 0
Optimizing and Testing WLANs phần 5 docx

Optimizing and Testing WLANs phần 5 docx

... specifi ed time after the signal begins (Ͻ4 μs for 8 02. 11a and 8 02. 11g in short-slot mode, 25 μs for standard 8 02. 11b, and Ͻ15 μs for standard 8 02. 11g). This is referred to as the CCA detect time. ... peak output power to no more than 1 W in the 2. 4 and 5.8 GHz bands. The 5.15 and 5 .25 GHz bands have lower limitations on transmitter power (50 and 25 0 mW, respectively...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 14:20

26 350 0
Optimizing and Testing WLANs phần 6 docx

Optimizing and Testing WLANs phần 6 docx

... Test Setup Attenuator (20 –30dB) 2: 1 Splitter Host Computer with Test Software Ch05-H7986.indd 122 Ch05-H7986.indd 122 6 /28 /07 10:16 :23 AM6 /28 /07 10:16 :23 AM Chapter 6 1 42 • A streaming-media usage ... of the 20 Mb/s capacity of a Ch05-H7986.indd 125 Ch05-H7986.indd 125 6 /28 /07 10:16 :25 AM6 /28 /07 10:16 :25 AM Protocol Testing 131 QoS adds another dimension to performance...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 14:20

26 221 0
Optimizing and Testing WLANs phần 1 pot

Optimizing and Testing WLANs phần 1 pot

... Maintenance and Monitoring 20 2 Chapter 9: Testing MIMO Systems 20 7 9.1 What is MIMO? 20 7 9 .2 The IEEE 8 02. 11n PHY 21 9 9.3 A New PLCP/MAC Layer 22 5 9.4 The MIMO Testing Challenge 23 1 9.5 Channel ... 23 3 9.6 Testing 8 02. 11n MIMO Devices 23 7 Appendix A: A Standards Guide 24 1 A.1 FCC Part 15 24 1 A .2 IEEE 8 02. 11 24 2 Contents vi Prelims-H7986.indd viPrelims-H...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 14:20

27 221 0
Optimizing and Testing WLANs phần 3 ppsx

Optimizing and Testing WLANs phần 3 ppsx

... 1500 V, and Ch 02- H7986.indd 52Ch 02- H7986.indd 52 6 /28 /07 12: 49:55 PM6 /28 /07 12: 49:55 PM WLAN Test Environments 63 Dealing with the spatial and temporal variations found in both indoor and outdoor ... Test Equipment Figure 2. 10: WLAN Manufacturing Test Setup Example Ch 02- H7986.indd 46Ch 02- H7986.indd 46 6 /28 /07 12: 49: 52 PM6 /28 /07 12: 49: 52 PM Metrology, Test In...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 14:20

26 250 0
Optimizing and Testing WLANs phần 4 pdf

Optimizing and Testing WLANs phần 4 pdf

... BPSK 2 Ϫ5 56 .2 9 BPSK 2 Ϫ8 39.8 12 QPSK 4 Ϫ10 31.6 18 QPSK 4 Ϫ13 22 .3 24 16-QAM 16 Ϫ16 15.8 36 16-QAM 16 Ϫ19 11 .2 48 64-QAM 64 22 7.9 54 64-QAM 64 25 5.6 In practice, measuring EVM on 8 02. 11 ... range may not be suffi cient. The 8 02. 11 standard specifi es that the center frequency tolerance must be ϩ/ 25 ppm in the 2. 4 GHz band and ϩ/ 20 ppm in the 5 GHz band. The cente...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 14:20

26 233 0
Optimizing and Testing WLANs phần 7 pps

Optimizing and Testing WLANs phần 7 pps

... kb/s 1 72 20 ms 68.8 kb/s G. 726 ADPCM 32 kb/s 92 20 ms 36.8 kb/s G. 723 .1a ACELP 6.3 kb/s 36 30 ms 9.6 kb/s G. 729 CS-ACELP 8 kb/s 42 30 ms 11 .2 kb/s Spectralink (proprietary) PCM 64 kb/s 25 4 30 ... Handsets * 123 456 789 * 0# * 123 456 789 * 0# * 123 456 789 * 0# * 123 456 789 * 0# * 123 456 789 * 0# * 123 456 789 * 0# * 123 456 789 * 0# BSS #2 * 123 456 789 * 0# *...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 14:20

26 213 0
Optimizing and Testing WLANs phần 8 pot

Optimizing and Testing WLANs phần 8 pot

... support dynamic confi guration of clients such as laptops and handsets; Ch08-H7986.indd 182Ch08-H7986.indd 1 82 6 /28 /07 10 :20 : 02 AM6 /28 /07 10 :20 : 02 AM WLAN Manufacturing Test 169 In a high-volume manufacturing ... YellowJacket and AirMagnet Survey can make the site survey process much easier and more accurate. Ch08-H7986.indd 192Ch08-H7986.indd 1 92 6 /28 /07 10 :20 :06 A...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 14:20

26 232 0
Optimizing and Testing WLANs phần 9 pptx

Optimizing and Testing WLANs phần 9 pptx

... Ch08-H7986.indd 20 4Ch08-H7986.indd 20 4 6 /28 /07 10 :20 :10 AM6 /28 /07 10 :20 :10 AM Chapter 8 198 For relatively low data rate PHY layers such as 8 02. 11a, 8 02. 11b, and 8 02. 11g, the distinction between Ricean and ... Firstly, the APs (and WLAN controllers) themselves contain quite extensive Ch08-H7986.indd 20 2Ch08-H7986.indd 20 2 6 /28 /07 10 :20 :09 AM6 /28 /07 10 :20 :...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 14:20

26 230 0
Optimizing and Testing WLANs phần 10 pptx

Optimizing and Testing WLANs phần 10 pptx

... 8 02. 11 24 2 24 3 Description 13–19 Receiver 21 22 Regulatory body 12 Standard 3– 12 Transmitter 19 21 IEEE 8 02. 11n 21 9 Aggregation 22 7 22 8 Beamforming 22 2 Channel estimation 22 1 Channel model 21 9 22 0 Effi ... 21 9 22 0 Effi ciency, increase in 22 6 22 7 Evolution 21 9 Legacy interoperation 23 0 23 1 Operating mode 22 0 22 1 PHY layer support 23 0 QoS extension 22...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 14:20

33 341 0