Báo cáo sinh học: " Quantitative genetics of taura syndrome resistance in pacific white shrimp (penaeus vannamei): a cure model approach" pot
... B, Klemetsdal G: Evaluation of statistical models for genetic analysis of challenge-test data on ISA resistance in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar): Prediction of progeny survival. Aquaculture 2007, ... M-C, Lin S-Y: Taura syndrome in Pacific white shrimp Penaeus vannamei cultured in Taiwan. Dis Aquat Organ 1999, 38:159-161. 17. Argue BJ, Arce SM, Lotz JM, Moss SM: Select...
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 13:21
... estimates may be somewhat low. Heritabilities from animal models may be somewhat biased upwards because of dominance but take all available re- lationships into account, and ... ratio aj la e was calculated where af is the standard deviation of the random factor and o- e is the residual standard deviation. This ratio asseses the amount of e...
Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 18:22
... facilitate assessing transcriptional variation and variation in trait phenotypes in the same large QTL mapping populations. Co-localization of QTLs with main effects jointly affecting variation in ... SAS procedures for all statistical analyses [50]. Additional data files The following additional data files are available with the online version of this article. Additional data file...
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 14:21
Báo cáo sinh học: " Quantitative assessment of the effect of uracil-DNA glycosylase on amplicon DNA degradation and RNA amplification in reverse transcription-PCR" pdf
... mixture in place of dTTP and in the case of some manufacturers to include UNG as a standard reagent in kits. The success of this approach for elimination of con- taminating amplicon DNA depends ... effect of UNG on quantitative assay sensitivity for RNA detection has not been investigated to date. Nor has a quantitative assessment of the concentrations of contamina...
Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 08:20
Báo cáo sinh học : "The genetics of gender and life span" pdf
... [8]. AAggiinngg mmeecchhaanniissmmss aanndd ttrraaddee ooffffss Finding mechanisms that explain the difference in life span between males and females is hindered by our lack of understanding of ... signaling and dietary restriction tend to increase life span more in females than males in Drosophila and mammals, whereas mild stress tends to increase life span more in males than in...
Ngày tải lên: 06/08/2014, 19:20
Báo cáo sinh học: "Quantitative estimation of genetic risk for atypical scrapie in French sheep and potential consequences of the current breeding programme for resistance to scrapie on the risk of atypical scrapie" pptx
... to have at least one AS case detected according to the number of animals tested. Plain line: median of probability, dashed lines: 95% credibility interval of probabilty Fediaevsky et al. Genetics ... exposure, increasing frequency of the ALRR allele in the general population should not result in an increase of the global AS prevalence in the sheep population. Despite the l...
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 13:21
Báo cáo khoa học: Quantitative assessment of the glyoxalase pathway in Leishmania infantum as a therapeutic target by modelling and computer simulation pot
... evaluating the relevance of the glyoxalase pathway as a potential therapeutic target by revealing the importance of critical parameters of this pathway in Leishma- nia infantum. A sensitivity analysis ... FEBS Quantitative assessment of the glyoxalase pathway in Leishmania infantum as a therapeutic target by modelling and computer simulation Marta Sousa Silva 1 , Anto ´ ni...
Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 13:20
báo cáo sinh học:" Improving quality of reproductive health care in Senegal through formative supervision: results from four districts" ppt
... Organization, and USAID and several of its cooperating agencies. Local nongovernmental organi- zations such as Santé Familiale (Family Health, or SAN- FAM) and l'Association Sénégalaise pour ... limited. In addition, under the classic supervision system, the data available is often difficult to analyse. For example, family planning and maternal health data is often expressed in ter...
Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 17:20
báo cáo sinh học:" Information needs of health care workers in developing countries: a literature review with a focus on Africa" doc
... multicentre (both including countries in Africa), and others were from Egypt (2), India, Pakistan and Saudi Arabia. A study in Kenya identified inadequate national guide- lines as a cause of insufficient ... place and clinical caseload. Needs vary also according to availability of diag- nostic, treatment and referral facilities. And they may also be influenced by social and cultur...
Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 17:20
báo cáo sinh học:" Systematic inclusion of mandatory interprofessional education in health professions curricula at Gunma University: a report of student self-assessment in a nine-year implementation" ppt
... Yasuyoshi Asakawa - yasakawa@health.gunma-u.ac.jp; Kiyotaka Iwasaki - kiwasaki@health.gunma-u.ac.jp; Tamiko Matsuda - mtamiko@health.gunma-u.ac.jp; Yumiko Abe - yabe@health.gunma-u.ac.jp; Fusae Tozato ... 5 Department of Internal Medicine, Seirei Hamamatsu General Hospital, Shizuoka, Japan Email: Hatsue Ogawara - ogawara@health.gunma-u.ac.jp; Tomoko Hayashi - tomokoha@health.gunma-u.ac....
Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 17:20