The financial numbers game detecting creative accounting practices phần 7 doc
... occasions, companies that play the financial numbers game will overstate the value of assets received for the issue of stock. While bypassing the income statement, the net effect is still an increase ... dollars) Sept. ’98 Jan. ’99 Mar. ’99 June ’99 Net sales $3,190 ,75 5 $4,264,2 07 $3,203,524 $3, 478 ,0 17 Gross profit on sales 841, 275 1,156,000 872 ,659 930, 979 Net ear...
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 12:21
... at the expense of shareholders. Further, if the earnings management activities are abusive, then there may be a material misstatement of financial perfor- mance. Others who rely on the firm’s financial ... five account- ing practices to control their reported financial results and position. The first three of these accounting practices, big bath charges, creative acquisit...
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 12:21
... gas sales $35,624 $ 37, 140 $56,310 Interest and other 2,094 1,853 1 ,76 7 ———– ———– ———– Total revenues 37, 718 38,993 58, 077 Costs and expenses: Lease operating expenses 7, 8 17 7,536 9,339 Depreciation, ... net income, the financial numbers game can involve the creative movement of items between income statement classifications. As the focus of users has moved away from...
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 12:21
The financial numbers game detecting creative accounting practices phần 9 doc
... management is running the shop. 4 The previous chapter laid out the GAAP requirements surrounding the income statement and also outlined how the financial numbers game could be played by creative classifi- cations ... computation of these pro-forma measures is considered along with their motivation, characterization, and disclosure. Their role in the financial numbers...
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 12:21
The financial numbers game detecting creative accounting practices phần 1 pps
... Flow to Detect Creative Accounting Practices 370 Checklist for Using Operating Cash Flow to Detect Creative Accounting Practices 373 Summary 373 Glossary 375 Notes 377 Subject Index 379 Company ... those who seek to play this financial numbers game. The Financial Numbers Game: Detecting Creative Accounting Practices was written, first and foremost, to hel...
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 12:21
The financial numbers game detecting creative accounting practices phần 2 pps
... million. Creative Classifications within the Financial Statements In some instances, the financial numbers game is played in the manner in which amounts are presented in financial statements themselves ... up after the financial numbers game. As seen in the exhibit, the appropriate adjustment depends on whether a change in accounting estimate or principle is nee...
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 12:21
The financial numbers game detecting creative accounting practices phần 4 ppt
... p. A4. 69. The Nasdaq Stock Market, Marketplace Rules (New York: The Nasdaq Stock Market, 19 97) , p. 9. 70 . Levitt, The Numbers Game. ” 71 . Ibid. T HE F INANCIAL N UMBERS G AME 143 Financial Professionals ... summarized in the exhibit. The findings are consistent with some of the thoughts expressed by Mr. Levitt in his speech The Numbers Game and reported earlier in t...
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 12:21
The financial numbers game detecting creative accounting practices phần 5 pptx
... receive on the loans above the amounts funded on the loans over (2) the present value of the interest they had agreed to pay the buyers of the loan-backed securities. When properly executed, there ... made in the chapter, based on the survey, include the fol- lowing: • Financial professionals are generally in agreement on when earnings management crosses the line betwe...
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 12:21
The financial numbers game detecting creative accounting practices phần 6 ppsx
... 23,412 Charges to the reserve and assets written off (10,2 17) — (1,321) (2,1 97) (13 ,73 5) Balance at June 28, 1998 — 3,200 3,852 2,625 9, 677 Charges to the reserve — (9 27) (5,039) (2,111) (8, 077 ) Reserve ... acquisition costs equal to the difference between the fair value of the Company’s common stock on the date the warrants are issued and the exercise price of the...
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 12:21
The financial numbers game detecting creative accounting practices phần 10 ppsx
... 62, 63 3Com Corp., 77 3Net systems, Inc., 184 Timken Company, The, 294 TitermaxR, 355 Towers Financial Corp., 1 17 Toys “R” Us, Inc., 77 , 335 TRW, Inc., 77 Tubescope, Inc., 2 97, 298 Twenty First ... 351 preparing, 3 47 52 sustainable, 345, 346 Cash-flow reporting, problems with detecting creative accounting practices adjusted cash flow-to-income ratio, 370 72 checklist, 37...
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 12:21