reversing secrets of reverse engineering phần 3 pot
... string list. Reversing Tools 1 13 08_574817 ch04.qxd 3/ 16/05 8 :36 PM Page 1 13 09_574817 pt02.qxd 3/ 16/05 8:45 PM Page 140 DWORD SizeOfInitializedData; DWORD SizeOfUninitializedData; DWORD AddressOfEntryPoint; DWORD ... and start mon- itoring the flow of data. The device being monitored can represent any kind of Windows Fundamentals 1 03 07_574817 ch 03. qxd 3/ 16/05 8 :35 PM P...
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 11:21
... child. Figure 5 .3 Binary tree after second splaying step. The new item has been moved up by another level. 1 13 58 130 31 82 119 146 124 13 35 9071 4 74 Root Node Item We’ve Just Added 1 13 58 130 31 82 ... creation of programs that can accept and produce compatible data is another branch of reverse engineering that is often referred to as data reverse engineering. This ch...
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 11:21
... at runtime. 004 034 3B 8B57 CC MOV EDX,[EDI -34 ] 004 034 3E 8B02 MOV EAX,[EDX] 004 034 40 33 47 D8 XOR EAX,[EDI-28] 004 034 43 8B5F CC MOV EBX,[EDI -34 ] 004 034 46 89 03 MOV [EBX],EAX 004 034 48 8B77 D4 MOV ... an example: 004 034 3B 8B45 CC MOV EAX,[EBP -34 ] 004 034 3E 8B00 MOV EAX,[EAX] 004 034 40 33 45 D8 XOR EAX,[EBP-28] 004 034 43 8B4D CC MOV ECX,[EBP -34 ] 004 034 46 8901 MOV [E...
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 11:21
reversing secrets of reverse engineering phần 8 pot
... 0x225 933 07, 0x10 133 778, 0x22594B07, 0x1E 134 B78, 0xC50 937 27, 0xB016083D, 0x8A4C8DAC, 0x1BB759E3, 0x550A5611, 0x140D1DF4, 0xE8CE15C5, 0x4 732 6D27, 0xF3F1AD7D, 0x42FB 734 C, 0xF34DF691, 0xAB0 736 8B, 0xE5B2080F, 0xCDC6C492, ... { 0x5AA37BEB, 0xD 732 1D42, 0x2618DDF9, 0x2F1794E3, 0x1DE51172, 0x8BDBD150, 0xBB2954C1, 0x678CB4E3, 0x5DD701F9, 0xE11679A6, 0x501CD9A0, 0x685251B9, 0xD6F355EE, 0...
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 11:21
reversing secrets of reverse engineering phần 10 potx
... code, 32 9, 33 1 33 6 benefits, 32 7 32 8 control flow transformations, 34 6 decompilers, 34 8 disassemblers, 33 6 34 3 encryption, 33 0 24_574817 bindex.qxd 3/ 23/ 05 5:26 PM Page 561 22_574817 appb.qxd 3/ 16/05 ... checksums, 33 5 33 6 defined, 15–16, 116 detecting, 33 4 33 6 features, 117 hardware breakpoints, 33 1 33 2 int 3 instruction, 33 1 Interactive Disassembler (IDA),...
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 11:21
reversing secrets of reverse engineering phần 1 pps
... 131 Hex Workshop 131 Miscellaneous Reversing Tools 133 Executable-Dumping Tools 133 DUMPBIN 133 PEView 137 PEBrowse Professional 137 Conclusion 138 xvi Contents 02_574817 ftoc.qxd 3/ 16/05 8 :35 ... 30 User-Defined Data Structures 30 Lists 31 Control Flow 32 High-Level Languages 33 C 34 C++ 35 Java 36 C# 36 Low-Level Perspectives 37 Low-Level Data Management 37...
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 11:21
reversing secrets of reverse engineering phần 2 ppsx
... reach a close Low-Level Software 33 06_574817 ch02.qxd 3/ 16/05 8 :35 PM Page 33 So, a low-level representation of our little Multiply function would usu- ally have to take care of the following tasks: 1. ... time Low-Level Software 67 06_574817 ch02.qxd 3/ 16/05 8 :35 PM Page 67 Figure 2 .3 General-purpose registers in IA -32 . Flags IA -32 processors have a special register calle...
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 11:21
reversing secrets of reverse engineering phần 5 doc
... (004010d9) 00401 031 pop ecx 00401 032 xor ecx,ecx 00401 034 cmp eax,ecx 00401 036 jnz Chapter7!allocate_object+0x1b (0040103c) 00401 038 xor eax,eax 0040103a jmp Chapter7!allocate_object+0x 43 (00401064) 0040103c ... SHORT cryptex.00401D34 00401D2E FADD DWORD PTR DS:[403BA0] 00401D34 FDIVR QWORD PTR DS:[403B98] 00401D3A MOV EAX,SS:[ESP+24] 236 Chapter 6 11_574817 ch06.qxd 3/ 16/05 8: 43...
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 11:21
reversing secrets of reverse engineering phần 7 ppsx
... it. loc_4 033 D1: .h3mf85n:004 033 D1 push ebp .h3mf85n:004 033 D2 mov ebp, esp .h3mf85n:004 033 D4 sub esp, 22Ch .h3mf85n:004 033 DA push ebx .h3mf85n:004 033 DB push esi .h3mf85n:004 033 DC push edi .h3mf85n:004 033 DD ... edi .h3mf85n:004 033 DD push offset dword_4 034 DD .h3mf85n:004 033 E2 pop eax .h3mf85n:004 033 E3 mov [ebp-20h], eax .h3mf85n:004 033 E6 push offset loc_4041FD .h3mf85n...
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 11:21
reversing secrets of reverse engineering phần 9 pdf
... hard-coded offset relative to the starting address of the array, which makes the sequence look identical to a struct access sequence. Decompilation 4 73 20_574817 ch 13. qxd 3/ 16/05 8:47 PM Page 4 73 initialized ... offsets, simply assuming that a pointer calculated using such offsets represents a data structure would probably work for 99 percent of the code out there. 474 Chapter 13...
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 11:21