Urological Emergencies in Clinical Practice - part 1 docx

Urological Emergencies in Clinical Practice - part 1 docx

Urological Emergencies in Clinical Practice - part 1 docx

... 1- 8 523 3-8 1 1- 3 Springer-Verlag London Berlin Heidelberg Springer-Verlag is part of Springer Science+Business Media, Inc. springeronline.com © Springer-Verlag London Limited 2005 Printed in the United ... Cataloguing in Publication Data Hashim, Hashim Urological emergencies in clinical practice 1. Urology 2. Emergency medicine I. Title II. Reynard, John III. Cowan,...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 11:20

20 365 0
Urological Emergencies in Clinical Practice - part 4 docx

Urological Emergencies in Clinical Practice - part 4 docx

... a possible infecting organ- ism, prescribe a 1 0- to 14 -day course of tetracycline 500 mg four times a day or doxycycline 10 0 mg twice daily. If gonorrhoea is confirmed on a Gram stain of the urethral ... Non-infectious epididymitis associated with amiodarone therapy. Lancet 19 84;2 :12 11 12 12. Krieger JN, Nyberg LJ, Nickel JC. NIH consensus definition and classi - cation of pros...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 11:20

20 342 0
Urological Emergencies in Clinical Practice - part 2 potx

Urological Emergencies in Clinical Practice - part 2 potx

... fatal anaphylaxis following the administration of low-osmolality con- trast media for IVU is on the order of 1 in 10 0,000 (Caro et al. 19 91) . 3. CTU is faster, taking just a few minutes to image the kidneys ... in urinary retention, but who are not aware of it. This is so-called high-pressure chronic retention. Mitchell (19 84) defined high-pressure chronic reten- tion of urine as m...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 11:20

20 384 0
Urological Emergencies in Clinical Practice - part 3 pot

Urological Emergencies in Clinical Practice - part 3 pot

... RENAL EMERGENCIES 37 FIGURE 3 .11 . Continued b c Chapter 4 Other Infective Urological Emergencies Hashim Hashim and John Reynard URINARY SEPTICAEMIA Sepsis as a result of a urinary tract infection ... no clinical response to the above include a combination of piperacillin and tazo- bactam. This combination is active against enterobacteria, enterococci, and Pseudomonas. ᭿ Gentamicin i...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 11:20

20 347 0
Urological Emergencies in Clinical Practice - part 5 potx

Urological Emergencies in Clinical Practice - part 5 potx

... perineal or scrotal bruising. Approxi- mately 40% to 50% of patients with a pelvic fracture and ure- thral injury have blood at the external meatus (Cass 19 84, Lowe et al. 19 88). In the remaining ... stitches between bladder and psoas minor Ureter reimplanted into bladder The incision is lengthened at right angles to the line of incision Oblique incision in bladder The incision is clo...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 11:20

20 353 0
Urological Emergencies in Clinical Practice - part 6 pptx

Urological Emergencies in Clinical Practice - part 6 pptx

... the penis. 5. TRAUMATIC UROLOGICAL EMERGENCIES 10 3 FIGURE 5. 21. Continued b 5. TRAUMATIC UROLOGICAL EMERGENCIES 10 1 FIGURE 5.20. Continued Trainees are sometimes uncertain whether a perforation ... will miss a substan- tial number of ureteric injuries (Presti and Carroll 19 96). Indeed, in a series of 50 patients undergoing single-shot intraoperative IVU, the renal collecting...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 11:20

20 449 0
Urological Emergencies in Clinical Practice - part 7 pot

Urological Emergencies in Clinical Practice - part 7 pot

... 2003; 17 0 :12 13 12 16. Gomez RG, Castanheira AC, McAninch JW. Gunshot wounds to the male external genitalia. J Urol 19 93 ;15 0 :11 47 11 49. Haas CA, Brown SL, Spirnak JP. Limitations of routine spiral ... result of injury or man- agement? J Urol 19 96 ;15 5 :16 00 16 03. Kratzik CH, Hainz A, Kuber W, et al. Has scrotal ultrasound in uenced the therapy of blunt scrotal trauma. J Urol...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 11:20

20 315 0
Urological Emergencies in Clinical Practice - part 8 pps

Urological Emergencies in Clinical Practice - part 8 pps

... normal saline into the drip. Use a colloid, e.g., gelofusin if the BP has dropped. ᭿ Administer 0.5 mL of 1 : 10 00 epinephrine i.m. or 3 to 5 mL of 1 : 10 ,000 epinephrine i.m. Repeat every 10 minutes ... of ciprofloxacin by mouth. Apply a ring block to the base of the penis using a 26-gauge needle. Use 10 mL of 1% plain lignocaine or 10 to 20 mL of 0.5% plain bupivacaine (Marcaine)...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 11:20

20 564 0
Urological Emergencies in Clinical Practice - part 9 pptx

Urological Emergencies in Clinical Practice - part 9 pptx

... Urology. Guidelines on urolithiasis. ISDN 9 0- 80 617 9-3 -8 , March 20 01: 10. Hellawell GO, Cowan NC, Holt SJ, Mutch SJ. A radiation perspective for treating loin pain in pregnancy by double-pigtail stents. ... on Obstetric Practice. Guidelines for diagnostic imaging during preg- nancy. ACOG Committee Opinion No. 15 8. Washington DC: ACOG, 19 95. Burke BJ, Washowich TL. Ureteral...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 11:20

20 322 0
Urological Emergencies in Clinical Practice - part 10 doc

Urological Emergencies in Clinical Practice - part 10 doc

... 15 8 JJ stents in, 15 6 15 8 presentation of stones in, 15 2 15 5 radiation levels in, 15 2 15 3 ureteric colic in, 15 1 15 9 Pregnancy test, 18 Priapism, 6, 13 2 13 4 causes, 13 2 13 3 treatment, 13 3, 13 4 Prostate high-riding, ... amputation, 11 7 Penile fracture, 11 8 12 1 Penile injuries, 11 7 11 8 Penile reimplantation, 11 7 Penile zipper injuries, 12 1 Penis fascial...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 11:20

17 398 0