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Use of DDGS in Swine Diets

Use of DDGS in Swine Diets

... kg in body weight. Including these high levels immediately post-weaning, however, may negatively influence feed intake, resulting in poorer initial growth performance. More recently, Gaines ... protein source in diets for gestating swine. J. Anim. Sci. 46:674-677. Wahlstrom, R.C., C.S. German, and G.W. Libal. 1970. Corn distillers dried grains with solubles in growing- finishing sw...

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2012, 10:03

15 843 1
Check Your English Vocabulary for Living in the UK.pdf

Check Your English Vocabulary for Living in the UK.pdf

... are. …they earn. in front of other people. at a bus stop, in a shop, etc. …walking along the street. …for an informal party. …when they have invited you for drinks, dinner, etc. …without asking them ... Searle. She's in maternity. Nurse: tigisinV ruhos are from nine in the morning until six in the evening, but if you can't make those times, we can arrange something for yo...

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2012, 17:32

81 2,9K 24
Quản lý in ấn trong mạng nội bộ

Quản lý in ấn trong mạng nội bộ

... > Đặt tên máy in trong khung Printer name 4/20/2010 4 Cài đặt máy in  Tại Printer Sharing ta chọn Share name là tên mặc định mà Windows gán cho từng máy in Cài đặt máy in  Màn hình Location ... chọn Finish để hoàn thành 4/20/2010 3 Cài đặt máy in  Tại mục Install Printer Software ta chọn Driver tương ứng cho mỗi máy hoặc chèn đĩa CD Driver vào Cài đặt máy in  Màn hình...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2012, 09:44

8 1,2K 3
Pointer in C

Pointer in C

... containing the pointer pointing to the string is disposed of before the string block is disposed of, as shown below: Linking Finally, it is possible to create structures that are able to point ... move without affecting the program using p. Pointers to pointers are also frequently used in C to handle pointer parameters in functions. Pointers to Structures Containing Pointers It...

Ngày tải lên: 16/08/2012, 11:09

31 617 0
Morgan Haupmann TCP IP Socket in C++

Morgan Haupmann TCP IP Socket in C++

... set;} An array of IPAddress instances. public string[] Aliases {get; set;} An array of strings containing DNS alias host names. public string HostName {get; set;} A string containing the primary canonical ... ArgumentOutOfRangeException if the port is not within the valid range. 3. Create an IPEndPoint instance: lines 24–26 The IPEndPoint class specifies an address and port combination. This I...

Ngày tải lên: 17/08/2012, 08:39

188 654 2