Short selling strategies risks and rewards phần 2 pptx
... AM SECTION Two Theory and Evidence on Short Selling Sect2 Page 59 Thursday, August 5, 20 04 10:48 AM 62 THEORY AND EVIDENCE ON SHORT SELLING 7. The effects of obstacles to short selling are stronger ... Risk 0.00 21 .00 Impact (round trip) 28 .90 21 .59 Total 44.80 71.73 26 .93 4-Gastineau-SellingETFs Page 40 Thursday, August 5, 20 04 11:09 AM Shorting Using Futures a...
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 09:21
... 11,751 16 ,27 7 21 ,388 19,566 28 ,334 Short Interest Percentage 27 .4% 39.4% 20 .2% 24 .6% 34.5% 31.0% 44.4% S&P 400 MidCap SPDR MDY Shares Outstanding 75 ,20 5 63 ,25 8 63 ,25 8 56,334 55,836 56,7 62 60,913 Short ... 4,9 82 1,518 2, 077 4,681 3,335 2, 7 82 Short Interest Percentage 1.4% 12. 0% 2. 9% 3.6% 7.3% 5 .2% 3.9% DJIA DIAMONDS DIA Shares Outstanding 40,453...
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 05:20
... Buy 11-Abate/Grant-Econ Profit Page 29 4 Thursday, August 5, 20 04 11:16 AM 29 0 SHORT SELLING STRATEGIES capital ranged from lows of 2. 23% and 2. 95% in 1994 and 1997, respec- tively, to a high of only 9 .21 % in 1995. ... 1999), pp. 23 – 32. IR LS+ IR LO 2 1 ρ LS+ + = 12- Jacobs/Levy-Long-ShortEquity Page 310 Thursday, August 5, 20 04 11:17 AM 28 6 SHORT SELLING...
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 05:20
Short Selling Strategies, Risks, and Rewards phần 1 pps
... Goetzmann, and Ning Zhu Short Sales Restrictions Around the World 325 Foreign Listing and Short Selling 331 Short Selling Constraints and International Capital Flows 339 Conclusion 3 42 CHAPTER 14 Short ... Interna- tional Securities Lending, Q3, 20 03. 2- Cohen/Haushalter/Reed Page 13 Thursday, August 5, 20 04 11:07 AM 4 SHORT SELLING: STRATEGIES, RISKS, AND RE...
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 05:20
Short Selling Strategies, Risks, and Rewards phần 3 pps
... Thursday, August 5, 20 04 11:10 AM 86 THEORY AND EVIDENCE ON SHORT SELLING Brazil, Chile, Finland, India, Israel, New Zealand, the Philippines, Poland, Spain, and Turkey. In China the short sales restrictions ... charter and strategy restrictions from short selling. 25 Fewer than 10% of those eligible actually make short sales. Admittedly, options could be used to create...
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 05:20
Short Selling Strategies, Risks, and Rewards phần 4 doc
... (October 20 02) , pp. 22 63 22 87. 25 Averil Brent, Dale Morese, and E. Kay Stice, Short Interest: Explanation and Tests,” Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis (June 1990), pp. 27 3 28 9. 26 Figlewski, ... Page 129 Thursday, August 5, 20 04 11:11 AM Implications of Short Selling and Divergence of Opinion for Investment Strategy 141 result in short selling as...
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 05:20
Short Selling Strategies, Risks, and Rewards phần 5 ppsx
... (October 20 02) , pp. 21 13 21 41. 10 Jones and Lamont, Short Sale Constraints and Stock Returns.” 7-Lamont -Short Constraints Page 188 Thursday, August 5, 20 04 11: 12 AM Implications of Short Selling and ... ban short selling. 3 3 J. Edward Meeker, Short Selling (New York: Harper & Brothers Publishers, 19 32) . 7-Lamont -Short Constraints Page 1 82 Thursday, Au...
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 05:20
Short Selling Strategies, Risks, and Rewards phần 6 pdf
... –8 August 55 9 .25 10.75 17 .25 19 .25 43.57 21 47.07 –15 November 55 10 11.5 21 . 625 23 . 625 39. 12 29 42. 62 23 7-Lamont -Short Constraints Page 198 Thursday, August 5, 20 04 11: 12 AM The Information ... High. 7-Lamont -Short Constraints Page 20 1 Thursday, August 5, 20 04 11: 12 AM 22 6 THEORY AND EVIDENCE ON SHORT SELLING escrowed proceeds and margin requirement as...
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 05:20
Short Selling Strategies, Risks, and Rewards phần 7 pot
... Balachandran, “An Investigation of the Informational Role of Short Interest in the NASDAQ Market,” Journal of Finance (October 20 02) , pp. 2, 263 2, 287. 20 Joseph A. Farinella, J. Edward Graham, and ... “Does High Short Interest Lead Underperformance?” Journal of Investing (Summer 20 01), pp. 45– 52. 9-Jones/Larsen-InfoContent Page 24 5 Thursday, August 5, 20 04 11:14 AM 28 0...
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 05:20
Short Selling Strategies, Risks, and Rewards phần 9 pdf
... $98,4 92, 806 $10 ,26 3,097 90.56% 1997 $190 ,28 7, 927 $14,968, 125 92. 71% $1 92, 744,804 $ 12, 511 ,24 8 93.90% $108,143 ,22 4 $ 12, 511 ,24 8 89.63% 1998 $22 8,150,7 82 $14 ,20 1,6 62 94.14% $23 1,067 ,23 8 $11 ,28 5 ,20 6 ... 96.14% $180,748 ,29 6 $14,083,469 92. 77% 20 01 $28 6,069, 825 $17,845,533 94.13% $29 2,645,485 $11 ,26 9,873 96 .29 % $145,440,441 $11 ,26 9,873 92. 81% 20 0...
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 05:20