Perioperative Critical Care Cardiology - part 8 docx

Perioperative Critical Care Cardiology - part 8 docx

Perioperative Critical Care Cardiology - part 8 docx

... randomized, control- led trial of 150-J biphasic shocks compared with 20 0- to 360-J monophasic shocks in the resuscitation of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest victims. Circulation 102:1 780 –1 787 64. Tang ... defibrillation in patients with out-of-hospital ventricular fibrillation. JAMA 281 :1 182 –1 188 44. Wik L, Hansen TB, Fylling F et al (2003) Delaying defibrillation to give basic c...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 07:20

29 277 0
Perioperative Critical Care Cardiology - part 6 docx

Perioperative Critical Care Cardiology - part 6 docx

... different patient profiles (warm- wet, warm-dry, cold-wet, cold-dry) has been demonstrated to predict out- come and guide therapy [4]. Basic Monitoring Twelve-lead electrocardiography as well ... (COMPANION) trial terminated early; combi- ned biventricular pacemaker-defibrillators reduce all-cause mortality and hospita- lization. Int J Cardiol 87 :119–120 157 Electrocardiography of Heart ......

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 07:20

29 280 0
Perioperative Critical Care Cardiology - part 9 docx

Perioperative Critical Care Cardiology - part 9 docx

... having non-cardiac surgery or being treated for hypertension in an ICU setting. The initial dose is 5 µg min -1 , and the maxi- mum dose is 200 µg min -1 . NTG is contraindicated with angle-closure ... µgkg –1 min –1 , maximum dose 8 10 µgkg –1 min –1 . Beware with a cumulative dose of 500 µgkg –1 , over a pro- longed time. At continued infusion rates of ≥ 2 µg kg -1 min -1 c...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 07:20

29 262 0
Critical care medicine - part 8 docx

Critical care medicine - part 8 docx

... Serum toxicity levels 2 0-4 0 mg/dL - mild 4 0-7 0 mg/dL - moderate >70 mg/dL - life threatening C. Toxicity in chronic users occurs at lower serum levels than with short-term users. Seizures ... with sorbitol 50 gm via nasogastric tube q 4-6 h around-the-clock until the serum level decreases to therapeutic range. Maintain the head-of-bed at a 3 0-4 5 degree angl...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 14:22

15 178 0
Perioperative Critical Care Cardiology - part 1 ppsx

Perioperative Critical Care Cardiology - part 1 ppsx

... Control Number: 2006937626 ISBN-10 8 8- 4 7 0-0 55 7-4 Springer Milan Berlin Heidelberg New York ISBN-13 97 8- 8 8- 4 7 0-0 55 7-0 Springer Milan Berlin Heidelberg New York Springer is a part of Springer Science+Business ... stratification; 2) periprocedural care; 3) post-procedural care (post-anesthetic care unit) and 4) any needed critical care (intensive care unit...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 07:20

29 209 0
Perioperative Critical Care Cardiology - part 2 ppsx

Perioperative Critical Care Cardiology - part 2 ppsx

... J Med 351:2 481 –2 488 88 . Wilber DJ, Zareba W, Hall J et al (2004) Time dependence of mortality risk and defibrillator benefit after myocardial infarction. Circulation 109:1 082 –1 084 89 . Di Lenarda ... Crit Care Med 1 983 ;11:323 8 46. Fixler DE, Archie JP, Jr., Ullyot DJ, Hoffman JI. Regional coronary flow with increa- sed right ventricular output in anesthetized dogs. Am Heart J 1...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 07:20

29 295 0
Perioperative Critical Care Cardiology - part 3 ppt

Perioperative Critical Care Cardiology - part 3 ppt

... Med 127:313–3 28 43. Roizen MF (1 988 ) Should we all have a sympathectomy at birth? Or at least preope- ratively? Anesthesiology 68: 482 – 484 44. Auerbach AD, Goldman L (2002) beta-blockers and reduction ... Circulation 107: 184 8– 185 1 64. Lindenauer PK, Pekow P,Wang K et al (2004) Lipid-lowering therapy and in-hospi- tal mortality following major noncardiac surgery. JAMA 291:2092–2099...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 07:20

29 327 0
Perioperative Critical Care Cardiology - part 4 ppt

Perioperative Critical Care Cardiology - part 4 ppt

... Circulation 84 :16 98 17 08 44. Nakayama M, Chen CH, Nevo E et al (19 98) Optimal pre-load adjustment of maxi- mal ventricular power index varies with cardiac chamber size. Am Heart J 136: 281 – 288 45. Amà ... Res Cardiol 88 :75–90 48. Sunagawa K, Sagawa K, Maughan WL (1 984 ) Ventricular interaction with the loa- ding system.Ann Biomed Eng 12:163– 189 49. Sunagawa K, Maughan WL, Sagaw...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 07:20

29 238 0
Perioperative Critical Care Cardiology - part 5 potx

Perioperative Critical Care Cardiology - part 5 potx

... group were: low-risk group (EuroSCORE 1–2): 0 .8% , medium-risk group (EuroSCORE 3–5): 3%, and high-risk group (EuroSCORE 6 plus): 11.2% [40]. This is a simple, objec- tive, and up-to-date system ... variables. It ranks patients as low-, intermediate-, or high-risk for cardiac events, and uses noninvasive 117 Perioperative Cardiac Risk Stratification Table 4. Low-risk variables (Detsky Clas...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 07:20

29 225 0
Perioperative Critical Care Cardiology - part 7 pdf

Perioperative Critical Care Cardiology - part 7 pdf

... potassium-channel-activating drugs (cromakalim, pinacidil) may be useful in C-LQTS and A-LQTS with symptomatic VT or a history of resusci- tated sudden death. 185 Pacemaker and Internal Cardioverter-Defibrillator ... failure treat- ment studies. Scand Cardiovasc J 38: 80 84 25. Follath F, Cleland JG, Just H et al (2002) Efficacy and safety of intravenous levosi- mendan compared with dobuta...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 07:20

29 330 0