Semantic Web Technologies phần 6 pps

Semantic Web Technologies phần 6 pps

Semantic Web Technologies phần 6 pps

... important. The evolving Semantic Web (Berners-Lee et al., 2001) Semantic Web Technologies: Trends and Research in Ontology-based Systems John Davies, Rudi Studer, Paul Warren # 20 06 John Wiley & ... SPARQL 10 syntax. 9 10 164 SEMANTIC INFORMATION ACCESS 8.4.2. Device Independence Architectures and Technolo...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 06:22

33 259 1
Professional LAMP Linux Apache, MySQL and PHP5 Web Development phần 6 ppsx

Professional LAMP Linux Apache, MySQL and PHP5 Web Development phần 6 ppsx

... 1073741824<<1=–214748 364 8 and –214748 364 8<<1=0), while multiplication will return a double if such is necessary to contain the result (1073741824*2=214748 364 8 and 214748 364 8*2=4294 967 2 96) . Plus, you ... For interpolation, the times over 10 runs ranged from 6. 57 to 6. 86 seconds with an average of 6. 77, and for concatenation, the range was 1 .65 to 1.71 with an a...

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hackapps book hack proofing your web applications phần 6 ppsx

hackapps book hack proofing your web applications phần 6 ppsx

... another ■ That is mandatory 137_hackapps_08 6/ 19/01 3:40 PM Page 3 36 Securing XML Solutions in this chapter: ■ Defining XML ■ Creating Web Applications Using XML ■ The Risks Associated ... see that 20 bytes is also 160 bits (20 bytes times 8 bits/byte). Each bit has 2 states, on or off. So the total number of unique fingerprints is 2 160 or 1, 461 ,501 ,60 0,000,000,...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 04:21

63 291 0
Semantic Web Technologies phần 1 docx

Semantic Web Technologies phần 1 docx

... Anywhere 1 56 8.4.1. Issues in Device Independence 157 8.4.2. Device Independence Architectures and Technologies 160 8.4.3. DIWAF 162 8.5. SEKTAgent 164 8 .6. Concluding Remarks 166 References 167 9. ... 92 References 92 6. Ontology Mediation, Merging, and Aligning 95 6. 1. Introduction 95 6. 2. Approaches in Ontology Mediation 96 6.2.1. Ontology Mismatches 97 6. 2.2. Ontology Ma...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 06:22

33 275 0
Semantic Web Technologies phần 2 pdf

Semantic Web Technologies phần 2 pdf

... hierarchy of web documents. Journal of Decision support systems 35:45–87. Mladenic D, Grobelnik M. 2004. Mapping documents onto web page ontology. In Web Mining: From Web to Semantic Web, (Berendt ... IST Programme of the European Community under SEKT Semantically Enabled Knowledge Technologies (IST-1-5 068 26- IP) and PASCAL Net- work of Excellence (IST-2002-5 067 78). This publ...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 06:22

33 292 0
Semantic Web Technologies phần 3 doc

Semantic Web Technologies phần 3 doc

... PION. 5.1. INTRODUCTION The Semantic Web is characterized by scalab ility, distribution, and joint author-ship. All these characteristics may introduce inconsistencies. Semantic Web Technologies: Trends ... applications. SIGMOD Record, 31(4):18–23. Sure Y, Studer R. 2005. Semantic web technologies for digital libraries. Library Management 26( 4/5):190–195. Tempich C, Pinto HS,...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 06:22

33 281 0
Semantic Web Technologies phần 4 docx

Semantic Web Technologies phần 4 docx

... specification language for the semantic web, Technical Report DERI-2004- 06- 30, DERI. URL: 2004- 06- 30.pdf Dean M, Schreiber G. 2004. OWL web ontology ... Proceedings of the Third International SemanticWeb Conference (ISWC2004), van Harmelen F, McIlraith S, Plexousakis D (eds). LNCS, Springer: Hiroshima, Japan, pp 68 3 69 6....

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 06:22

33 398 1
Semantic Web Technologies phần 5 potx

Semantic Web Technologies phần 5 potx

... chapters have described the core technologies which underpin the Semantic Web. This chapter describes how these semantic web technologies can provide an improved user experience, through enhanced ... three of these technologies. 8.2. KNOWLEDGE ACCESS AND THE SEMANTIC WEB We begin this section by discussing the shortcomings of current search technology, before looking at how...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 06:22

33 279 0
Semantic Web Technologies phần 7 pdf

Semantic Web Technologies phần 7 pdf

... Semantic Web (Berners-Lee et al., 2001) are gaining momentum also, in particular, in the context of Web services usage. Here, semantic markup shall be exploited to automate the Semantic Web Technologies: ... effects; and Web service interfaces which specify how the service behaves in order to achieve its functionality. A service 1 96 SEMANTIC WEB SERVICES – APPROACHES AND...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 06:22

33 200 1
Semantic Web Technologies phần 8 pptx

Semantic Web Technologies phần 8 pptx

... Interaction Patterns in Web Services. In Proceedings of 4th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2005), 6 10 November, Galway, Ireland. 16 234 SEMANTIC WEB SERVICES – APPROACHES ... Springer-Verlag: New York. McIlraith S, Son TC, Zeng H. 2001. Semantic Web Services. In IEEE Intelligent Systems. Special Issue on the Semantic Web 16( 2): 46 53. Mot...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 06:22

33 250 1