Virtual Art From Illusion to Immersion phần 1 pdf

Virtual Art From Illusion to Immersion phần 1 pdf

Virtual Art From Illusion to Immersion phần 1 pdf

... (19 90); Bredekamp (19 95, 19 97a,b); Crary (19 96, 19 99); Jay (19 93); Manovich (20 01) ; Stafford (19 91, 19 98); and Stoichita (19 98). 15 . Jay (19 93); Mitchell (19 95b); Bredekamp (19 97a). See also the ... media. 17 . Kamper (19 95). 18 . One example among many from the media theorist Youngblood (19 89), p. 84; see also Walser (19 90). 19 . Bryson (19 83). 20. Crary (19 92,...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 00:22

44 204 0
Virtual Art From Illusion to Immersion phần 7 pdf

Virtual Art From Illusion to Immersion phần 7 pdf

... withdrawal from some things in order to deal effectively with others.’’ Cited in Preece et al. (19 94), p. 10 0. 11 1. See Kusahara (19 98), p. 11 4. 11 2. See Schelhowe (19 97), p. 18 2. 11 3. See Esposito (19 95). 11 4. ... image. 15 . Agrippa (15 29), vol. I, chap. 6 and vol. II, chap. 1. 16 . Goldberg (19 85), p. 7. 17 . Baltrusaitis (19 96 [19 78]), p. 328. 18 . See Bo ¨...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 01:20

44 293 0
Virtual Art From Illusion to Immersion phần 2 pptx

Virtual Art From Illusion to Immersion phần 2 pptx

... running from both sides toward the divine pair. See Pappalardo (19 82), p. 19 . 12 . See Simon (19 61) , p. 16 2, Brendel (19 66), p. 214 ; Grieco (19 79); and Wesenberg (19 91) , p. 72. 13 . Simon (19 61) sees ... Merkelbach (19 88). 5. This interpretation was given by both Bieber and Toynbee in the late 19 20s: See Bieber (19 28); Toynbee (19 29). See also the interpretations of Sim...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 00:22

44 293 0
Virtual Art From Illusion to Immersion phần 3 pps

Virtual Art From Illusion to Immersion phần 3 pps

... (19 70), p. 62. 11 8. Bo ¨ rsch-Supan (19 81) , p. 16 4. 11 9. First used on June 11 , 17 91 in the Morning Chronicle, London. 12 0. ‘‘Pecuniary assistance’’ is the term used by Corner (18 57, p. 5). From 17 77, ... 6); October 10 , 18 17 (letter 28, p. 276, 4); December 2, 18 17 (letter 28, p. 319 , 1) , December 14 , 18 17 (letter 28, p. 330, 6). See also Goethe (19 04), IV,...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 00:22

44 207 0
Virtual Art From Illusion to Immersion phần 4 pptx

Virtual Art From Illusion to Immersion phần 4 pptx

... 12 3. 10 3. Oettermann (19 80), p. 208. 10 4. Bohrdt (18 91) , p. 12 2. 10 5. Hausmann (18 90), p. 262. 10 6. Bohrdt (18 91) , p. 12 2. 10 7. Kemp (19 91) , p. 89. 10 8. From 18 50 on, this function was fulfilled by so-called ... (see Sternberger 19 74 [19 38], p. 17 ). 11 4. See GStA, I. HA, Rep. 92, 5, p. 12 1. 11 5. Theilmann (19 73), p. 11 7. The Panorama of the Battle of...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 00:22

44 199 0
Virtual Art From Illusion to Immersion phần 5 docx

Virtual Art From Illusion to Immersion phần 5 docx

... Robinson (19 93); for a more recent view, see Klaus Bartels, ‘‘Proto-Kinematographische Effekte der Laterna Magica,’’ in Sege- berg (19 96), vol. 1, pp. 11 3 14 7. 40. See Hayes (19 89), p. 5. 41. Ibid., ... Heilig (19 92). 57. Ibid., p. 283. 58. Ibid., pp. 284ff. 59. See also Comeau et al. (19 61) . 60. See Halbach (19 94a), pp. 231ff.; (19 94b), pp. 19 0ff.; and the detailed account in...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 00:22

44 291 0
Virtual Art From Illusion to Immersion phần 6 ppsx

Virtual Art From Illusion to Immersion phần 6 ppsx

... Harrison (19 96); Lunenfeld (19 96); Borsook (19 96); Carlisle (19 97); Grau (19 97); Kac (19 98); Davies (19 98a); Heim (19 98), pp. 16 2– 16 8, 17 1; exhibition catalog, Arte Virtual Realidad Plural, Museo ... contrary to what we’re used to, gentle and peaceful. . . .’’ 11 . See hhttp:// 12 . Quoted in Robertson (19 94), p. 19 . 13 . Davi...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 01:20

44 206 0
Virtual Art From Illusion to Immersion phần 8 ppsx

Virtual Art From Illusion to Immersion phần 8 ppsx

... Fuchs (19 96), p. 212 . 16 . See Sommerer and Mignonneau (19 96), p. 3 51; and Mignonneau and Sommerer (2000a,b,c). 17 . Stewart (19 98), p. 97. 18 . See Scho ¨ neburg (19 94); Goldberg (19 89). 19 . Huizinga ... and tone and four for texture. 12 . Rheinberger (19 99). See also Derrida (19 74) on the history of writing. 13 . Sommerer and Mignonneau (19 97), p. 16 . 14 . Sommerer and M...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 01:20

44 189 0
Virtual Art From Illusion to Immersion phần 9 doc

Virtual Art From Illusion to Immersion phần 9 doc

... et al. 19 92. Profile analysis of simulator sickness symptoms: Application to virtual environment systems. Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments 1, no. 3: 295–3 01. Kern, Hermann. 19 82. ... W. Strauss. 19 93a. ART+ COM, Mente Global. In Artificial Life: Art Futura 19 93. Barcelona: Instituto de la Cinematografia y los Artes Audiovisuales. Fleischmann, M. and W. Strauss...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 01:20

44 266 0
Virtual Art From Illusion to Immersion phần 10 ppt

Virtual Art From Illusion to Immersion phần 10 ppt

... 16 8 Werner, Anton von, 92, 10 4 10 5, 11 2 11 3, 11 8, 12 1, 12 2, 12 5, 13 0n25, 13 7n 113 . See also Battle of Sedan, The; Sedan panorama rotunda as artist and power player, 99 10 1 conception of art, 10 0 photograph, ... 14 3 Impressionism, 13 0n24 Institut de France, 64, 65, 14 1 ‘‘Integration’’ of observer, 29 Intention generator, 310 Interaction (between observer and med...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 01:20

35 177 0