VHDL Programming by Example phần 6 doc

VHDL Programming by Example phần 6 doc

VHDL Programming by Example phần 6 doc

... synthesize a VHDL description, the designer reads the verified VHDL description into the VHDL synthesis tool in the same way that the designer read the design into the VHDL simulator. The VHDL synthesis tool ... used by entity shifter to de- clare ports din and dout. Ports clk, load, and left_right are std_logic signals used to control the functions of the shifter. 265 VHDL Sy...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 00:21

50 227 0
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Programming by Example phần 6 doc

Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Programming by Example phần 6 doc

... ProductID TotalPrice 10 266 12 3 46. 560 0 10439 12 4 56. 0000 105 36 12 427.5000 10543 12 969 .0000 1 063 3 12 1 162 .8000 Chapter 9. Implementing Complex Processing Logic: Programming Triggers 359 ... SET @output = @output + CASE WHEN @c > 65 535 - @l THEN NCHAR(@c + @l - 65 5 36) ELSE NCHAR(@c + @l) END Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Programming by Example 388 1...

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 22:20

71 438 0
VHDL Programming by Example phần 8 docx

VHDL Programming by Example phần 8 docx

... 15-5 Select Input Files. Chapter Sixteen 3 76 Figure 16- 9 EDA Tool Settings Dialog Box Figure 16- 10 Specify Target Device. This page intentionally left blank. CHAPTER 16 Place and Route This chapter discusses ... signal interconnections. By enabling the proper sets of pass transistor gates, signal interconnections between logic gates can be formed as shown in the example in Figure 16...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 00:21

50 236 0
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Programming by Example phần 3 docx

Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Programming by Example phần 3 docx

... is demonstrated in Listing 4. 36. Listing 4. 36 Inserting a Value in an IDENTITY Column USE Northwind Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Programming by Example 164 FROM Products P JOIN Suppliers ... Europe 6 Meat/Poultry 5 Europe 7 Produce 5 Europe 8 Seafood 6 Latin America 1 Beverages 6 Latin America 2 Condiments 6 Latin America 3 Confections 6 Latin America 4 Dairy P...

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 22:20

71 350 0
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Programming by Example phần 9 doc

Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Programming by Example phần 9 doc

... 55 6 0 0 DB S GRANT 56 10 0 0 DB S GRANT 57 6 0 0 DB S GRANT 58 6 0 0 DB S GRANT 61 6 0 0 DB S GRANT 61 6 117575457 0 TAB IS GRANT 61 6 117575457 1 KEY (310027bf2c 96) S GRANT 61 6 117575457 ... RangeS-S GRANT 61 6 117575457 1 KEY (1b007df0a359) S GRANT 61 6 117575457 1 KEY (14002be0c001) S GRANT 61 6 117575457 1 PAG 1:2 76 IS GRANT 61 6 117575457 2 PAG 1:...

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 22:20

71 426 0
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Programming by Example phần 10 docx

Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Programming by Example phần 10 docx

... mode using the Editor Options. Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Programming by Example 65 0 In the next window, the network libraries used by this instance of SQL Server are configured. The only ... SQLBEInst2.Northwind.dbo.categories WHERE CategoryID = 3 GO Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Programming by Example 63 6 SELECT COUNT(*) AS CountTotal FROM SalesInfo GO CountN...

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 22:20

65 464 0
Microsoft Visual C++ Windows Applications by Example phần 6 docx

Microsoft Visual C++ Windows Applications by Example phần 6 docx

... CreateFigure(iId); } } The Document Class CDrawDoc is the document class. Its task is to accept mouse and keyboard input from the CDrawView view objects, to manage the document's data, to ... handle scroll movements. Its only eld m_pDrawDoc is a pointer to the document class object. It is initialized by OnCreate. DrawView.h class CDrawDoc; class CDrawView: public CScrollView { pri...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 21:20

43 358 0
Linux Socket Programming by Example PHẦN 5 docx

Linux Socket Programming by Example PHẦN 5 docx

... int 2 56: rpn_genprime(void) { 257: mpz_t *opr1; 258: mpz_t *opr2; 259: mpz_t *res; 260 : 261 : if ( sp < 2 ) 262 : return -1; 263 : 264 : rpn_pop(&opr1); 265 : rpn_pop(&opr2); 266 : 267 : for ... /* 56: * Push an mpz_t value onto the stack: 57: */ 58: static int 59: rpn_push(mpz_t *value) { 60 : if ( sp >= MAX_STACK ) 61 : return -1; 62 : stack[sp] = value; 63 : r...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 21:20

51 204 1
Linux Socket Programming by Example PHẦN 6 pot

Linux Socket Programming by Example PHẦN 6 pot

... character is '^]'. #:9709 764 53 0: #: 263 6 364 1: dump 1: 263 6 364 0:9709 764 53 E:end of stack dump Linux Socket Programming by Example - Warren W. Gay 263 The most basic functions are listed ... between Linux Socket Programming by Example - Warren W. Gay 295 #:9999999999999999999999999999999 1: genprime 0: dump 0:73 169 466 69 968 331 260 251308920347 E:end of...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 21:20

51 294 1
Linux Socket Programming by Example PHẦN 8 docx

Linux Socket Programming by Example PHẦN 8 docx

... adr_srvr); 63 : adr_srvr.sin_family = AF_INET; 64 : adr_srvr.sin_port = htons(9090); 65 : adr_srvr.sin_addr.s_addr = 66 : inet_addr(srvr_addr); 67 : 68 : if ( adr_srvr.sin_addr.s_addr == INADDR_NONE ) 69 : ... links: /etc/rc.d/rc3.d/S50inet Linux Socket Programming by Example - Warren W. Gay 369 Table 16. 1. Security Methods and Weaknesses Security Method Weakness by chance,...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 21:20

51 343 1