iPhone Cool Projects phần 2 doc

iPhone Cool Projects phần 2 doc

iPhone Cool Projects phần 2 doc

... in the source code (see List- ing 1 -2) . Listing 1 -2. The Game Variables int mCenter [2] ; // the color and shape of the center piece int mCircle[GAME_CIRCLES] [2] ; // the colors and shapes of the ... http://frenzic.com to download it and see about it for yourself. The version for the iPhone will cost you $2. 99, but a version for the Mac that you can download and try for free is also...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 18:20

23 172 0
iPhone Cool Projects phần 4 doc

iPhone Cool Projects phần 4 doc

... applications. In 20 02, I moved to Mac OS X. Then in 20 08, I heard that the iPhone was going to have Mac OS X as its operating system, and once again, I couldn’t sign up fast enough. The iPhone was ... CHAPTER 2: Mike Ash’s Deep Dive Into Peer-to-Peer Networking50 // accounting for differences in endianness int 32_ t x = CFSwapInt32BigToHost(packet->x); int 32_ t y = CFSwapIn...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 18:20

23 138 0
iPhone Cool Projects phần 7 doc

iPhone Cool Projects phần 7 doc

... size].width /2 * -1, [image size].height /2 * -1), cpv([image size].width /2 * -1, [image size].height /2) , cpv([image size].width /2, [image size].height /2) , cpv([image size].width /2, [image size].height /2 ... Sprites, and Animation with the cocos2d -iPhone Framework 124 y :24 0 type:kColl_Ball]; obstacle2 = [self addSpriteNamed:@"obstacle.png" x:160 y :24 0 type:...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 18:20

23 165 0
iPhone Cool Projects phần 8 docx

iPhone Cool Projects phần 8 docx

... due to dropped connections. request #1 request #2 request #3 offset: 328 ,587 bytes: 8 72, 974 offset: 1 ,20 1,561 bytes: 438 ,27 5 offset: 0 bytes: 328 ,587 file length: 1,639,836 Figure 6-6. Splitting ... estimates: <station> <name>12th St. Oakland City Center</name> <abbr>12TH</abbr> <date> 02/ 10 /20 09</date> <time>10 :29 :00 PM PST<...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 18:20

23 201 0
iPhone Cool Projects phần 10 doc

iPhone Cool Projects phần 10 doc

... 7, 22 , 121 , 1 42 applicationWillResignActive: method, 20 applicationWillTerminate: method, 22 Arcade Hockey 3D lighting simulation, 118–119 collision detection, 114–118 finger tracking, 1 12 114 overview, ... constant, 129 L launchThreadX methods, 73 Layer class, 119 Layer subclass, 122 layers, 109 Leblon, 1 libChipmunk framework, 120 libcocos2d framework, 120 libsqlite3.dylib dyn...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 18:20

26 192 0
ASP.NET at Work: Building 10 Enterprise Projects PHẦN 2 doc

ASP.NET at Work: Building 10 Enterprise Projects PHẦN 2 doc

... IsDBNull(dr.Item(“Title”)) Then If dr(“Address”).Length > 24 0 Then AddError(“Address must be less than 24 0 characters long.”) Listing 2. 6 Person.vb Class (continued) 52 Project 2 TEAMFLY ... Listing 2. 27. Imports System Imports System.Data Imports System.Data.SqlClient Imports System.Web.UI Imports System.Web.UI.WebControls Namespace Proj02Web Public...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 08:23

64 263 0
more iphone 3 development phần 2 docx

more iphone 3 development phần 2 docx

... Integer 32 2, 147,483,648 2, 147,483,647 Integer 64 9 ,22 3,3 72, 036,854,775,808 9 ,22 3,3 72, 036,854,775,807 CHAPTER 3: A Super Start: Adding, Displaying, and Deleting Data 72 if ([currentKeyValue ... Integer 32 or Integer 64. The minimum and maximum values that these three datatypes are capable of storing is as follows: Datatype Minimum Maximum Integer 16  32, 768 32, 767...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 21:20

57 470 0
Programming the iPhone User Experience phần 2 doc

Programming the iPhone User Experience phần 2 doc

... separate human interface guidelines document for Cocoa Touch. Mobile HIG Concepts The mobile human interface guidelines are described in a large, detailed, useful docu- ment called iPhone Human Interface ... shows a table view indexed by month name. Figure 3-3. An index ribbon for a large alphabetical list 22 | Chapter 3: Types of Cocoa Touch Applications Download at Boykma.Com Simpo PDF M...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 08:20

19 254 0
iPhone Cool Projects phần 1 potx

iPhone Cool Projects phần 1 potx

... Controller 18 Coding the Background View 21 Adding iPhone- Specific Functionality 22 Summary 25 MIKE ASH CHAPTER 2 Mike Ash’s Deep Dive Into Peer-to-Peer Networking 29 Planning a Simple Collaborative ... with the cocos2d -iPhone Framework 107 Getting Started with Game Programming 108 Introducing OpenGL ES 109 Introducing cocos2d and Chipmunk 109 iPhone Cool Projects Copyr...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 18:20

24 145 0
iPhone Cool Projects phần 3 pps

iPhone Cool Projects phần 3 pps

... uint 32_ t identifier; uint 32_ t datatype; } PacketHeader; Figure 2- 3 shows how this structure will look on the network. 0 0 123 4567890 123 4567890 123 45678901 123 identifier datatype Figure 2- 3. The ... 2- 4 shows the original packet structure without the #pragma, and Figure 2- 5 shows the corrected version. 0 0 123 4567890 123 4567890 123 45678901 123 identifier datatype x y...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 18:20

23 137 0
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