Mechanical Engineers Handbook Episode 11 ppsx

Mechanical Engineers Handbook Episode 11 ppsx

Mechanical Engineers Handbook Episode 11 ppsx

... water level measured by a ¯oat that controls, by a mechanical system, the valve that, in turn, controls the water ¯ow out of the tank. The plant is represented ... represents a disturbance of the system. If the water level increases, the ¯oat moves up and, by a mechanical system representing the controller, initiates the opening of the valve. If the water ... 2 and the block, which provid...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 16:21

60 237 0
Mechanical Engineers Handbook Episode 1 pot

Mechanical Engineers Handbook Episode 1 pot

... 36849 Mircea Ivanescu, ( 611) Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Craiova, Craiova 110 0, Romania Dan B. Marghitu, (1, 51, 119 , 189, 243, 339) Department of Mechanical Engineering, ... of mechanical systems. This handbook& apos;s special features include authoritative contributions, chapters on mechanical design, useful formulas, charts, tables, and illustra- tions....

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 16:21

60 160 0
Mechanical Engineers Handbook Episode 2 pptx

Mechanical Engineers Handbook Episode 2 pptx

... becomes a unit vector, t, tangent to the path at the position of P (Fig. 2.6): v  vt  ds dt tX 2X11 The tangent direction is de®ned by the unit tangent vector t, which is a path variable parameter dr dt  ds dt t or t ... whose direction is tangent to the path. To determine the acceleration of P , the time derivative of Eq. (2 .11) is taken: a  dv dt  dv dt t  v dt dt X 2X13 If the p...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 16:21

60 187 0
Mechanical Engineers Handbook Episode 3 potx

Mechanical Engineers Handbook Episode 3 potx

... the acceleration of the center of mass of the rigid body. Figure 5.1 5. Dynamics of a Rigid Body 111 Dynamics Observing that the force acting on an element of area dA is sdA and integrating this ... De¯ection and Stiffness A rigid is a mechanical element that does not bend, de¯ect, or twist when an external action is exerted on it. Conversely, a ¯exible is a mechanical element Figure 1....

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 16:21

60 226 0
Mechanical Engineers Handbook Episode 4 pptx

Mechanical Engineers Handbook Episode 4 pptx

... Simple kinematic chains are shown in Fig. 1 .11. A contour or loop is a con®guration described by a polygon (Fig. 1.11a). The presence of loops in a mechanical structure can be used to de®ne the ... and torsion loading of a bar, for example, can be expressed as k b  d 0X3  À0X1133 inY 0X11 d 2in d 7X62  À0X1133 mmY 2X79 d 51 mmY V b b b ` b b b X 3X4 where d is the diameter of the t...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 16:21

60 165 0
Mechanical Engineers Handbook Episode 5 pot

Mechanical Engineers Handbook Episode 5 pot

... between 0 and 3, is replaced with unknown reaction force (Fig. 4 .11) F 03  F 03x  F 03y X If the path I is followed (Fig. 4.11a), a moment equation can be written for the pin kinematic pair ...   r 2 ap À r 2 bp q À  r 2 ag À ru 2 bg q  c sin f p b X 2X11 Gears are commonly speci®ed according to AGMA Class Number, a code that denotes important qu...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 16:21

60 177 0
Mechanical Engineers Handbook Episode 6 docx

Mechanical Engineers Handbook Episode 6 docx

... 0.0256 0. 0111 39,980 19,990 0.0500 0.6283 0.0270 0.0093 52,980 31,790 0.0670 0.3499 0.0288 0.0075 77,450 54,220 0.0900 0.1939 0.0288 0.0068 110 ,540 88,430 0 .110 0 0.1298 0.0275 0.0062 140,400 117 ,940 0.1300 ... 8.20 11. 0 9.30 13.1 40 4.50 9.40 12.6 4.95 9.90 13.2 7.20 11. 1 16.5 45 5.80 9.10 14.8 6.30 10.4 16.4 7.40 12.2 20.9 50 6.10 9.70 15.8 6.60 11. 0 19.2 12.5 24.5 55 8.20 12.0...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 16:21

60 182 0
Mechanical Engineers Handbook Episode 7 potx

Mechanical Engineers Handbook Episode 7 potx

... result is a 11 L 2 3L 2 3EI 4L  3L 3 4EI Y a 22  4L 3 3EI Y a 33  a 11  11L 3 12EI Y a 21  a 12 Y a 13  a 31  7L 3 12EI a 23  a 32  a 12  a 21 X Table 3.2 Mechanical model a 11  a 3 3EI a 22  l 3 3EI a 12  a 2 2EI 1 ...  a 3  a 11  a 2 1  a 2 3EIl a 22  b 2 l  b 2 3EIl a 12  ab 6EIl l 2  a 2  b 2  a 11  a 2 3EI 1 I 1 l I 2  a  a 22  b 2 l  b...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 16:21

60 151 0
Mechanical Engineers Handbook Episode 8 potx

Mechanical Engineers Handbook Episode 8 potx

... eliminating the rotor J 3 . A new mechanical model is obtained (Fig. 4 .11) . The mathematical model corre- sponding to the new mechanical model, shown in Fig. 4 .11, is J 1  Q 1 Àk 1 Q 1 À Q 2 Àc 1   Q 1 À  Q 2  J H 2  Q 2 Àk 1 Q 2 À ... 3.21 Mechanical model for Example 3.16. 3. Linear Systems with Finite Numbers of Degrees of Freedom 411 Vibration The equations of motion...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 16:21

60 175 0
Mechanical Engineers Handbook Episode 9 docx

Mechanical Engineers Handbook Episode 9 docx

... since both the heat transfer coef®cient h  k x Re 1a2 x y H 03X110 and the local Nusselt number Nu x  hx k Re 1a2 x y H 03X 111 depend on it (are functions of it). Instead of an explicit ... yields d dZ y HH y H  À Pr 2 f H Y 3X113 which is exactly integrated by yZerf Z 2  Pr p  X 3X114 Consequently, y H 0 Pr p  1a2 Y Nu  Pr30 hx k  0X564Pr 1a2 Re 1a2 x Y 3X...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 16:21

60 262 0