Mcgraw Hill, Dictionary Of Engineering (2003) Episode 2 pps

Mcgraw Hill, Dictionary Of Engineering (2003) Episode 2 pps

Mcgraw Hill, Dictionary Of Engineering (2003) Episode 2 pps

... receiver carried air change [ ENG ] A measure of the movement by an aircraft to warn of the danger of possible of a given volume of air in or out of a building collision. { erbo ˙ rn kəlizhиən ... length of the longer side is 2 Ϫ(2N Ϫ 1)/4 artificial voice [ ENG ACOUS ] 1. Small loud- meters, while the length of the shorter side is speaker mounted in a shaped baffle which...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 09:21

40 325 0
Mcgraw Hill, Dictionary Of Engineering (2003) Episode 1 ppsx

Mcgraw Hill, Dictionary Of Engineering (2003) Episode 1 ppsx

... 4.450490 5.96 820 6 1.181705 8 .20 628 3 1.58 122 5 ϫ 10 Ϫ33 ϫ 10 Ϫ19 ϫ 10 20 ϫ 10 20 ϫ 10 22 ϫ 10 26 ϫ 10 26 ϫ 10 Ϫ19 ϫ 10 22 ϫ 10 21 1 cal ϭ 4.655 328 4.184 2. 611448 1 0.99933 12 3.965667 1.1 622 222 1.5585 62 ... 5. 423 2 72 7 .27 2 727 144. 1 1. 926 847 in. 2 ϫ 10 Ϫ 12 ϫ 10 21 ϫ 10 Ϫ5 ϫ 10 Ϫ5 1 liter-atm ϭ 1. 127 393 101. 325 6. 324 210 24 .21 726 24 .20 106 0....

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 09:21

40 300 0
Mcgraw Hill, Dictionary Of Engineering (2003) Episode 5 pps

Mcgraw Hill, Dictionary Of Engineering (2003) Episode 5 pps

... period of time and of the longer side is 2 3/8ϪN /2 meters, while the which often has a sliding V-shaped mask for com- paring the plot with allowable limits. Alsolength of the shorter side is 2 1/8ϪN /2 meters, ... device. vər} 2. See cutoff frequency. [ ENG ] 1. A misfire in cut point [ CHEM ENG ] The boiling-temperature a round of shots because of severance of fuse divis...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 09:21

40 327 0
Mcgraw Hill, Dictionary Of Engineering (2003) Episode 7 pps

Mcgraw Hill, Dictionary Of Engineering (2003) Episode 7 pps

... liquid pint, or 23 1/ 128 cubic inches, or velocity. Also known as deflected jet fluidic 2. 9573 529 5 625 ϫ 10 Ϫ5 cubic meter. 2. A unit flowmeter. { flu ¨ ¦idиik flo ¯ senиsər} of volume used in ... that urement of liquid substances, and occasionally measures the frequency with which a fluid enter- of solid substances, equal to 1 /20 pint or ing the meter attaches to one of tw...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 09:21

40 377 0
Mcgraw Hill, Dictionary Of Engineering (2003) Episode 10 ppsx

Mcgraw Hill, Dictionary Of Engineering (2003) Episode 10 ppsx

... of the rium and is not subjected to body forces; the three principal stresses. { me ¯ n ¦no ˙ rmиəl elements of the stress tensor are given by stres } ␴ 11 ϭѨ 2 ␾ 2 /Ѩx 3 2 ϩѨ 2 ␾ 3 /Ѩx 2 2 , ... time to repair [ ENG ] A measure of relia- ing operation in which mixtures of particles of bility of a piece of repairable equipment, giving mixed sizes, and often of diff...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 09:21

40 322 0
Mcgraw Hill, Dictionary Of Engineering (2003) Episode 17 potx

Mcgraw Hill, Dictionary Of Engineering (2003) Episode 17 potx

... ENG ] 1. The milling of ma- rection of travel from front to rear wheels of a terials in water or other liquid. 2. The practice vehicle, measured between centers of ground of applying a coolant ... measuring the diameter of wire or thickness of sheet metal.which offers the greater resistance to the motion of air moves to the downwind position; the direc- 2. A standard serie...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 09:21

16 399 0
Mcgraw Hill, Dictionary Of Engineering (2003) Episode 3 doc

Mcgraw Hill, Dictionary Of Engineering (2003) Episode 3 doc

... } 35 .23 9 liters. 2. A unit of volume (liquid and buttock lines [ ENG ] The lines of intersection of dry measure) used in Britain, equal to 22 19.36 the surface of an aircraft or its float, or of ... length of the shorter side is 2 ϪN /2 meters, { bəkиət drej } and the length of the longer side is 2 (1ϪN) /2 me- bucket elevator [ MECH ENG ] A bucket conveyor ters, wi...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 09:21

40 274 0
Mcgraw Hill, Dictionary Of Engineering (2003) Episode 4 ppt

Mcgraw Hill, Dictionary Of Engineering (2003) Episode 4 ppt

... nor- cam profile [ DES ENG ] The shape of the con- toured cam surface by means of which motionmally determined are heat of combustion, heat of explosion, heat of formation, and heat of reac- is ... a roof so that the a circuit, stores electrical energy, blocks the flow roofing will not bend sharply. 2. A strip placed of direct current, and permits the flow of alternat- under...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 09:21

40 445 0
Mcgraw Hill, Dictionary Of Engineering (2003) Episode 6 doc

Mcgraw Hill, Dictionary Of Engineering (2003) Episode 6 doc

... of a given system of forces acting For a surface, the temperature of a blackbody on a rigid body and whose torque cancels the which emits the same amount of radiation per sum of the torques of ... position of an object moved distance [ MECH ] The spatial separation of two points, measured by the length of a hypotheticalfrom one place to another, regardless of the length o...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 09:21

40 291 0
Mcgraw Hill, Dictionary Of Engineering (2003) Episode 8 docx

Mcgraw Hill, Dictionary Of Engineering (2003) Episode 8 docx

... temperature heat of adsorption [ THERMO ] The increase in enthalpy when 1 mole of a substance is adsorbedof a substance in a region where no heat source exists: Ѩt/Ѩ␶ ϭ (k/␳c)(Ѩ 2 t/Ѩx 2 ϩѨ 2 t/Ѩy 2 ϩѨt 2 /Ѩz 2 ), ... volume, of- freedom gyro wherein the alignment of the and P is the pressure. 2. Any of the similar spin axis with an axis of freedom deprives the equati...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 09:21

40 319 0