21st Century Manufacturing Episode 1 pdf
... 10 9 3 .12 Management of Technology 11 3 3 .13 Glossary 11 7 3 .14 References 11 9 3 .15 Bibliography 12 1 3 .16 URLs of Interest: Commercial CAD/CAM Systems and Design Advisers 12 2 3 .17 Case Study 12 2 3 .18 ... of Manufacturing: The 19 80s to the Present 8 1. 5 The Business of Manufacturing 13 1. 6 Summary 15 1. 7 References 17 1. 8 Bibliography 18 1. 9 Case Study: &qu...
Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 04:23
... mentioned (Ashley, 19 91, 1998;Heller, 19 91; Kruth, 19 91; Woo, 19 92, 19 93;Au and Wright, 19 93; Kochan, 19 93;Kai,I994; UCLA, 19 94;Weiss 3 .12 Management of Technology 11 5 3 .12 .4 Current Trends in CAD The ... orchestration of 13 2 Solid Freeform Fabrication (SFF) and Rapid Prototyping Chap. 4 and Prinz, 19 95;Cohen et al., 19 95;Dutta, 19 95;Jacobs, 19 92, 19 96; Beama...
Ngày tải lên: 21/07/2014, 17:20
... capabilities 55I MSI LSI VLSI ULSI 210 50 5 010 5,000 5,00 010 100,000 10 0,000 to 1, 000,000 > ;1, 000,000 > ;1, 000,000,000 5.5 Transistors 18 1 power-consumption efficencies (see review on P: 4 of Rabaey, 19 96). The precise. high-speed ... micron particles per cubic meter Class 10 ,000 Class 1, 000 Class 10 0 crass tu O ~1 10,000 1. 000 10 0 10 1 350,000 35,000 3,500 350...
Ngày tải lên: 21/07/2014, 17:20
21st Century Manufacturing Episode 1 Part 9 potx
... Patterson and 1. L Hennessy'. Comp.uur OrganktUion und 1JeBisn.'n.e HfIIllwaNISo/ttwu'e l 111 erftlu, Morpn Kaufmann PubIiIhe:n, 19 94, 24). 4.6 Management of Technology 16 1 Freeform ... broken apart and destroyed. The original positive master that is 4 .11 Interactive Further Work , 4 .11 INTERACTIVE FURTHER WORK 4 .11 .1 Internet-Based CAD/CAM The CyberCut WebCAD desig...
Ngày tải lên: 21/07/2014, 17:20
21st Century Manufacturing Episode 1 Part 8 ppt
... Inc. Hellsys.Inc Cubiral America, Inc. DTMCorp DTMCorp. rox io« 10 13 .8 X 13 .8 x 15 .7 20 X 20x 23 to x lOX 10 32 X 22x 20 20X 14 X 20 12 x 15 15 X 13 x 16 .7 TABLE 4.7 Rapid Prototyping Process, Speed and ... Modeler LOM-I0IS Solider 5600 SinteTSlalioo2000 7:25 7:03 12 :39 11 :02 11 : 21 4:55 $13 3.94 18 7.95 344.94 10 9.40 88.70'" 19 9,23 "Assumes 35part...
Ngày tải lên: 21/07/2014, 17:20
21st Century Manufacturing Episode 1 Part 6 pptx
... environment Late 19 S0sto early 19 60s (e.g Sutheriand ,19 63) 19 605 (e.g., Roberts, 19 63) 19 705 Mid -19 70s to early 19 805 (e.g.,Orayer ,19 76·, Woo ,19 82) Mid to late 19 80s(e.g., Pratt and Wilson, 19 87) Late 19 80sandl990s Drafting ... , , , , , , ____ L __ , ~~r~ 1 I I 1 1 I I I I I 1 1 __ L __ l __ ' __ L __ .l I I I I I I 1 I I I i i T- r t- ttr FIpre 3.29...
Ngày tải lên: 21/07/2014, 17:20
21st Century Manufacturing Episode 1 Part 5 ppsx
... at 10 .000mm +0.500/-0.000. 1 10.042 11 10 .022 2 10 .029 12 10 .030 3 10 .0 31 13 10 . 012 4 10 .029 14 10 .048 5 10 . 011 15 10 .099 6 10 .054 16 10 . 015 7 10 .025 17 10 .023 8 10 .0 31 18 10 .034 9 10 .047 19 10 .042 10 10 . 016 20 10 .053 •What ... understand 10 9 19 1 Easy to carry/handle 6 7 13 5 Good aesthetics 4 8 12 5 Content relevant to cou...
Ngày tải lên: 21/07/2014, 17:20
21st Century Manufacturing Episode 1 Part 4 pptx
... Chapter 4 (Weiss et al., 19 90;Ashley, 19 91; Au and Wright, 19 93;DTM, 19 93; Jacobs, 19 92;Weiss and Prinz, 19 95;Weiss et al., 19 97; Jacobs, 19 97;Sachs et al., 19 98;Weiss and Prinz, 19 98). It is also useful ... 31, no. 6: 14 41- 1452. Kalpakjian, S. 19 97. Manufacturing processes for engineering materials. Menlo Park, CA: Addison Wesley. (See in particular Chapter 15 )....
Ngày tải lên: 21/07/2014, 17:20
21st Century Manufacturing Episode 1 Part 3 ppt
... Marketing (13 %nelsales) [=O .13 CJ $856,700 $2 ,14 1,750 $2,648 ,10 0 $3,089,450 $2,206,750 $1, 765,400 $1, 324,050 K Other(8%ofnetsales) [=0,08CJ $52&apos ;1, 200 $1, 318 ,000 $1, 629,600 $1, 9 01, 200 $1, 358,000 $1, 086,400 ... $6,800,000 $5 ,17 5,000 G Gross margin ($) [=C-F] $3 ,19 0,000 $8 ,10 0,000 $10 ,470,000 $12 , 215 ,000 $8,600,000 $6,780,000 ~, 010 ,00J H %grossmargin[=IOO...
Ngày tải lên: 21/07/2014, 17:20
21st Century Manufacturing Episode 1 Part 2 docx
... Boston.MA. 0 211 4 -19 27. The Red Herring, <www~m>, Redwood OtY,CA,FJipside Communications, Scientific American, <http://www.sdam.com>. 415 Madison Ave., New York, NY, 10 017 -11 11. Wired <www.wIred.com>.5203rdSt ... Flcor.San Franoisco.Cg., 9 410 7 -18 15. 1. 7 References 17 1. 7 REFERENCES Anderson, D. M. 19 97. Agile product development for mass customil.ation. Ch...
Ngày tải lên: 21/07/2014, 17:20