Fundamentals of engineering electromagnetics
... volume, derived from the Handbook of Engineering Electromagnetics (2004), is intended as a desk reference for the fundamentals of engineering electromagnetics. Because electromagnetics provides the ... area of applied electromagnetics at the University of Connecticut, where he is currently a professor of electrical engineering. His technical contributions include the...
Ngày tải lên: 08/05/2014, 15:39
... Control 45. 0 a 32.7 a 95. 5 a 1 15 a FO 35. 5 ab 35. 5 a 80 .5 a 1 15 a MO 21.8 bc 13.6 b 61.4 b 101 ab Lime 15. 5 c 5. 45 b 20 .5 c 99.6 ab Phosphate 34.1 ab 13.6 b 84.6 a 108 ab Compost 34.1 ab 8.20 b 56 .0 ... soil) (%) Chungfu A 5. 0 4.3 23 .5 113 481 406 12.4 3.82 31 B 5. 5 4 .5 15. 2 102 52 4 374 9.9 3.77 38 Tatan C 5. 5 4.7 12.1 726 57 217 4 .5 3.23 72 D 5. 4 4.8 12...
Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 19:20
Fundamentals of Engineering Electromagnetics docx
... volume, derived from the Handbook of Engineering Electromagnetics (2004), is intended as a desk reference for the fundamentals of engineering electromagnetics. Because electromagnetics provides the ... phenomenon of creation and net alignment of electric dipoles, formed by the displacements of the centroids of the electron clouds of the nuclei of the atoms within t...
Ngày tải lên: 27/06/2014, 14:20
Fundamentals of Engineering Electromagnetics pot
... Standard Book Number-10: 0-8 49 3-7 36 0-3 (Hardcover) International Standard Book Number-13: 97 8-0 -8 49 3-7 36 0-2 (Hardcover) Library of Congress Card Number 20 050 58201 This book contains information ... infringe. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Bansal, Rajeev. Fundamentals of engineering electromagnetics / Rajeev Bansal. p. cm. Includes bib...
Ngày tải lên: 29/06/2014, 11:20
... SCOPE5 SCOPE4 SCOPE1 SCOPE3 B_S + - i p c u c i p L u L i u c u L u s i p s u s i u c u L 10 ground -9 89.810u -1 58 1.294n 159 7 .57 3u -9 89.810u -9 896 .52 3u 9.998 -9 89.810u 159 7 .57 3u 9.998 10.000 -9 89.810u -9 898.102u 10.000 -9 89.810u 159 7 .57 3u 9.998 0 [Volt] Figure 5. 16. Caspoc ... (5. 39), (5. 40) leads to P R = i (i) ∗ R (5. 45) Q...
Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 06:22
Fundamentals of Electrical Drivess - Chapter 8 potx
... 0.30 0.6 25 -3 0.00 196. 35 150 .79 0.36 0. 750 -3 6.87 2 35. 62 176.71 0.43 0.8 75 -4 4.43 274.89 210.43 0 .51 1.00 -5 3.13 314.16 255 . 25 0.60 1.1 25 -6 4.16 353 .43 319.43 0.70 1. 250 -8 9.29 392.67 4 85. 98 0.92 Build ... i F ⊂ [0 .5, , 2. 25] A i F (A) I s (A) Q s (VA) ρ m ◦ 0 .5 0.60 373.06 -5 3.13 0. 75 0.42 241.73 -3 2.23 1.0 0.30 130.96 -2 3 .58 1....
Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 06:22
Fundamentals of Electrical Drivess - Chapter 9 potx
... Machines 255 0 50 0 1000 150 0 2000 250 0 3000 0 10 20 torque (Nm) 0 50 0 1000 150 0 2000 250 0 3000 0 10 20 RMS stat. cur. (A) 0 50 0 1000 150 0 2000 250 0 3000 0 50 00 10000 Real power (W) 0 50 0 1000 150 0 ... DRIVES 150 0 2000 250 0 3000 0 10 20 30 torque (Nm) 150 0 2000 250 0 3000 0 5 10 15 RMS stat. cur. (A) 150 0 2000 250 0 3000 0 50 00 10000 Real power (W) shaft speed (r...
Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 06:22
Handbook of plant based biofuels - Chapter 5 potx
... 57 5. 1 Introduction 58 5. 2 Current Status 59 5. 2.1 Generic Conversion Scheme 59 5. 2.2 Sucrose-to-Ethanol 60 5. 2.3 Starch-to-Ethanol 61 5. 2.4 Lignocellulosics-to-Ethanol 62 5. 3 Outlook for Bioethanol ... Development 65 5.3.1 Drivers for Fuel Ethanol Development 65 Security of the Energy Supply 65 Economic Drivers 66 5. 3.1.3 Environmental Drivers 67 5....
Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 00:20
Handbook of Reliability, Availability, Maintainability and Safety in Engineering Design - Part 5 potx
... large volumes of specific items of information, organised in particular ways. The domain of engineering design is an excellent example of knowledge-intensiveproblem solv- ing for which the application of ... process; • Integration of a diverse set of tools, with expertise applied to the problem of engineering design project planning and control; • Integration of the vario...
Ngày tải lên: 02/07/2014, 10:20
Ecotoxicological Testing of Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems: Emerging Techniques, Trends, and Strategies - Chapter 5 potx
... amperometric, or con- ductometric) type such as pH-sensitive and ion-selective electrodes. Other types of transducers are light-, heat-, or vibration-sensitive. Because of the generic nature of the signals ... polychlori- nated biphenyls: a case-control study of infertile women. Hum. Reprod. 16, 2 05 0-2 055 . Rawash, I.A., Gaaboub, I.A., El-Gayar, E.M., El-Shazli, A.Y., 19 75. Sta...
Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 17:20