Operating-System concept 7th edition phần 10 pot

Operating-System concept 7th edition phần 10 pot

Operating-System concept 7th edition phần 10 pot

... bits, so a page still contains only 1,024 (10 bits' worth) of PDEs or PTEs. Therefore, with 10 bits of top-level PDEs, 10 bits of second-level, 10 bits of page table, and 13 bits of page ... ,,\ page- table entry : 102 3 4K page direGibiiy: :: y,| |.||. : ; f . p^ge- : directory ;: entry: •: \ page- table entry : 0 4K page page; : table 102 3 page- table entry 102 3 • 4K...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 22:21

94 308 0
matlab primer 7th edition phần 10 pot

matlab primer 7th edition phần 10 pot

... 195 expand, 102 , 193 eye, 21, 79, 87, 150 ezcontour, 105 , 161, 170, 197 ezcontourf, 105 , 161, 170, 197 ezmesh, 105 , 161, 170, 197 ezmeshc, 105 , 161, 170, 197 ezplot, 103 , 108 , 119, 124, ... 124, 132, 161, 169, 197 ezplot3, 107 , 161, 170, 197 ezpolar, 105 , 161, 169, 197 ezsurf, 106 , 161, 170, 197 ezsurfc, 106 , 161, 170, 197 factor, 102 , 103 , 10...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 21:21

23 216 0
Brealey−Meyers: Principles of Corporate Finance, 7th Edition - Chapter 10 potx

Brealey−Meyers: Principles of Corporate Finance, 7th Edition - Chapter 10 potx

... ϩ .63.81 4102 ϩ .2118024 ϩ .43.412202ϩ .6 1100 24 11 .102 2 NPV ϭϪ250 ϩ .6 1100 2ϩ .41502 1 .10 ϭϪ550 ϩ 102 1 .10 ϩ 670 11 .102 2 ϭϩ96, or $96,000 ϩ .63.819602ϩ .2122024 ϩ .43.419302ϩ .6114024 11 .102 2 ... 30 Construction 20 30 10 Operations: Rentals 12 12 12 Share of retail sales 24 24 24 Operating and maintenance costs 2 4 4 10 10 10 Real estate taxes 2 2 3 4 4 4 TABLE 10....

Ngày tải lên: 06/07/2014, 08:20

31 1,1K 0
learning express VOCABULARY & SPELLING SUCCESS IN 20 MINUTES A DAY4th Edition phần 10 potx

learning express VOCABULARY & SPELLING SUCCESS IN 20 MINUTES A DAY4th Edition phần 10 potx

... vivacious. Vivacious means full of spirit and lively, the opposite of the words listed. 46. nepotism. Nepotism is the hiring and promoting of friends or family members, the opposite of the words ... Location, Location Find a quiet spot, use a good reading light, and turn the radio off. Find Quiet Places For many adult test takers, it’s difficult to find a quiet spot in their busy lives. Many ad...

Ngày tải lên: 23/07/2014, 12:20

27 578 0
the book of javascript 2nd edition phần 10 pot

the book of javascript 2nd edition phần 10 pot

... natural logarithms (2.718282) LN2 Natural log of 2 (0.693147) LN10 Natural log of 10 (2.302585) LOG2E Base 2 log of e (1.442695) LOG10E Base 10 log of e (0.434294) PI Pi (3.141593) SQRT2 Square root ... = setTimeout("alert('Stop procrastinating!');", 100 00); creates a time-out that calls up an alert box in 10 seconds. String Strings are sets of characters between q...

Ngày tải lên: 06/08/2014, 09:20

65 537 0


... 106 forms adding and removing elements, 248 for Ajax, 316 basics, 101 106 buttons, 103 , 104 checkboxes, 103 radio buttons, 103 , 104 text fields, 102 Chapter 15’s Italian Translation Script and Chapter ... 116–117 id attribute for, 119 names for, 107 number on page, 131 parseInt() function with, 152–153 reading and setting, 109 –116 select element, 104 105 textarea element...

Ngày tải lên: 06/08/2014, 16:23

56 345 0
Dust Explosions in the Process Industries Second Edition phần 10 pot

Dust Explosions in the Process Industries Second Edition phần 10 pot

... P.O. Box 9102 , Norwood. Mass. 02062, USA Ural, E. A. (1993) A Simplified Method for Predicting the Effect of Ducts Connected to Explosion Vents. J. Loss Prev. Proc. Ind. 6 pp. 3 -10 Verein ... UK, organized by IBC Technical Services Ltd., London. in association with BMHB and IELG 9 pp. 105 -118 Tyldesley, A. (1993a) Private letter to R. K. Eckhoff (November 16) Ural. E. A. (1...

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 13:20

66 620 0
Learning SQL Second Edition phần 10 pot

Learning SQL Second Edition phần 10 pot

... SQL, 9 intermediate result sets, 90 intersect all operator, 106 intersect operator, 106 precedence of, 111 intersection operation (sets), 100 intervals adding to dates, 137 common interval types, ... + + + 26 rows in set (0.01 sec) 10- 2 Reformulate your query from Exercise 10- 1 to use the other outer join type (e.g., if you used a left outer join in Exercise 10- 1, use a right oute...

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 18:22

32 428 0
Building the Data Warehouse Third Edition phần 10 potx

Building the Data Warehouse Third Edition phần 10 potx

... 181 multidimensional, 182–188 types, 179–180 deliberate introduction of redundant data, 105 delta lists, 289 denormalization, 104 106 departmental data level, 17 derived data, 15 design models, 87 design reviews, ... portion of the processor is being used at 100 per- cent capacity. When the computer is CPU-bound, typically the memory and storage processing units are less than 100 percen...

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 22:20

41 369 0