Mastering Algorithms with Perl phần 9 pptx
... "; } print "\n"; } This prints: 11.0000000 296 0 59 -2 16 266666668.176214 0.25 11 .99 999 98667732 -8 -6 12.00000004440 89 As you would expect, not all the numbers are exact. Remember, ... we get 54 .99 5 296 3760 691 + 2.01701164212454x. That is, our best estimate of the relation between sales and hits is that sales = 2.01701164212454 × the number of hits + 54. 99 5 296...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 21:20
... Trees 73 Heaps 91 Binary Heaps 92 Janus Heap 99 Page vi The Heaps Module 99 Future CPAN Modules 101 4. Sorting 102 An Introduction to Sorting 102 All Sorts of Sorts 1 19 Sorting Algorithms Summary 151 5. ... & Associates, Inc. 101 Morris Street Sebastopol, CA 95 472 800 -99 8 -99 38 (in the U.S. or Canada) 707-8 29- 0515 (international/local) 707-8 29- 0104 (FAX) You can also...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 21:20
... sorting is, how to do it efficiently using Perl& apos;s own sort function, what comparing actually means, and how you can code your own sort algorithms with Perl. An Introduction to Sorting Sorting ... flag in the bit. We are notcontinue Page 79 going to play such games in Perl; the bit-twiddling that such an approach requires is too expensive to do with an interpreter. The oldest...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 21:20
Mastering Algorithms with Perl phần 3 pdf
... exhaustive search had to generate 5 49, 946 different game positions. More than half, 294 ,778, were partial positions (the game was not yet complete). Less than half, 2 09, 088, were wins for one player or ... follows:break @scores = qw(40 53 77 49 78 20 89 35 68 55 52 71); print percentile(\@scores, 90 ), "\n"; Page 145 This will be: 77 Beating O (N log N) All the sort algorit...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 21:20
Mastering Algorithms with Perl phần 4 ppt
... can be done using Perl closures: a function definition that maintains some state. ** This might change in future versions of Perl. *** Hint: 2 raised to the 32nd is 4, 294 ,96 7, 296 , and how much ... $vector->bit_test( 123 ); # Now we'll fill the bits 3000 6 199 of $vector with ASCII hexadecimal. # First, create set with the right size . . . $fill = Bit::Vector->new( 80...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 21:20
Mastering Algorithms with Perl phần 5 doc
... O ( | E | !) possibilities, which grows extremely quickly. In many algorithms one can pick any edge to follow, but in some algorithms it does matter in which order the adjacent vertices are traversed. ... while (($u, $v) = splice(@e, 0, 2)) { $G->delete_edge($u, $v); } } } return $G; } Page 299 # delete_vertex # # $G = $G->delete_vertex($v) # # Deletes the vertex $v and all it...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 21:20
Mastering Algorithms with Perl phần 6 ppsx
... (256**4 % 835 596 7) + 66 * (256**3 % 835 596 7) + 67 * (256**2 % 835 596 7) + 68 * 256 + 69 == 65 * 16712 192 + 66 * 65282 + 67 * 65536 + 68 * 256 + 69 == == 377804 We may check the final ... for using 2, 147, 483, 647, 2 31 - 1, instead of 4, 294 ,96 7, 295 , 2 32 - 1, will be explained shortly. The prime we are looking for is 8,355 ,96 7. (For more information about finding pr...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 21:20
Mastering Algorithms with Perl phần 7 ppsx
... "\n"; # prints 9. 5 If you want to turn integer on only for a particular block, you can place the pragma inside the block:break #!/usr/bin /perl -w use constant pi => 3.141 592 6535 897 9; Page 471 # ... 3.141 592 6535 897 9; # A regular, slow, mutable scalar. $pi = 4 * atan2(1,1); # Another scalar. Use the first method if you're sure that your script won't be invoked...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 21:20
Mastering Algorithms with Perl phần 8 pot
... return them. Here's a sample run:break print " ;99 2 is ", joint (' + ', goldbach (99 2)), "\n"; 99 2 is 91 9 + 73 Page 526 13— Cryptography Quis custodiet ipsos custodes? —Juvenal ... ability to filter Perl source code before it is parsed by the Perl interpreter. This filtering can be used for many purposes: • macro expansion with cpp, m4, etc. • dec...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 21:20
Mastering Algorithms with Perl phần 10 pot
... 291 - 293 attributes, 299 classes, 2 79- 281, 316-320 deleting, 297 - 299 direction, 277-2 79 graph density, 285, 296 walking (see traversing graphs) weight/cost, 286, 334 (see also graphs) editing algorithms, ... :Base class, 290 , 299 Graph: :BFS class, 310 Graph: :DFS class, 3 09 Graph: :Directed class, 278, 293 , 299 Graph: :Kruskal class, 231, 352 Graph: :Undirected class, 278,...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 21:20