Microsoft Visual C++ Windows Applications by Example phần 3 pdf

Microsoft Visual C++ Windows Applications by Example phần 3 pdf

Microsoft Visual C++ Windows Applications by Example phần 3 pdf

... stack. Chapter 3 [ 97 ] LONG tmOverhang; LONG tmDigitizedAspectX; LONG tmDigitizedAspectY; TCHAR tmFirstChar; TCHAR tmLastChar; TCHAR tmDefaultChar; TCHAR tmBreakChar; BYTE tmItalic; BYTE ... tmDefaultChar; TCHAR tmBreakChar; BYTE tmItalic; BYTE tmUnderlined; BYTE tmStruckOut; BYTE tmPitchAndFamily; BYTE tmCharSet; } TEXTMETRIC, *PTEXTMETRIC; BOOL GetTextMetri...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 21:20

43 781 0
Microsoft Visual C++ Windows Applications by Example phần 2 doc

Microsoft Visual C++ Windows Applications by Example phần 2 doc

... endl; Car car3; car3.IncreaseSpeed(200); car3.TurnRight(270); cout << "Car3: " << car3.GetSpeed() // 200 << " degrees, " << car3.GetDirection() ... "Cell.h" void main() { Link pCell3 = new Cell (3, NULL); Link pCell2 = new Cell(2, pCell3); Link pCell1 = new Cell(1, pCell2); } Chapter 1 [ 35 ] A global variable is dened outside .....

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 21:20

43 327 0
Microsoft Visual C++ Windows Applications by Example phần 4 pptx

Microsoft Visual C++ Windows Applications by Example phần 4 pptx

... by several applications, we must destroy it. When we gain focus, we have to create a new caret. void Caret::OnKillFocus() { m_pFocusView = NULL; ::DestroyCaret(); } Ring: A Demonstration Example [ ... rectangle are given by the methods Width and Height. The four corners of the rectangle can be accessed by the public elds left, top, right, and bottom. int xLeft = 100, xRight =...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 21:20

43 381 0
Microsoft Visual C++ Windows Applications by Example phần 5 pot

Microsoft Visual C++ Windows Applications by Example phần 5 pot

... crossed one are given by the integer pairs in the directions arrays. First of all, we need do dene the color of each gure. We do so by using the COLORREF type. Chapter 6 [ 1 63 ] class Figure { ... File type long name. This implies that we can start the application in Windows Explorer by choosing the application, or by choosing one of the documents (a le with the extension...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 21:20

43 309 0
Microsoft Visual C++ Windows Applications by Example phần 6 docx

Microsoft Visual C++ Windows Applications by Example phần 6 docx

... m_pEditText->GetCaretArea (m_eKeyboardState); m_caret.SetAndShowCaret(rcCaret); m_eApplicationState = EDIT_TEXT; } Chapter 7 [ 233 ] As all possible cases have been covered above, this point of the code ... The elds are set by the user and are used when a new gure is added to the drawing. Similar to m_iApplicationState, the values of m_nextColor and m_bNextFill are accessed by...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 21:20

43 357 0
Microsoft Visual C++ Windows Applications by Example phần 7 pptx

Microsoft Visual C++ Windows Applications by Example phần 7 pptx

... clearer. a2 a2 c2 c2 b1 b3 b1 b3 source source source source (a2) = {} (b1) = {} (b3) = {a2} (c2) = {a2, b1} target target target target (a2) = {b3, c2} (b1) = {c2} (b3) = {} (c2) = {} When the ... but there are a few problems. Let us test if the string "1 * 2 + 3& quot; is accepted by the grammar. We can test that by doing a derivation, where we start with the start symbol (Formu...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 21:20

43 295 0
Microsoft Visual C++ Windows Applications by Example phần 8 ppsx

Microsoft Visual C++ Windows Applications by Example phần 8 ppsx

... CellMatrix m_cellMatrix, m_copyMatrix; TSetMatrix m_tSetMatrix; }; Chapter 8 [ 32 3 ] The method MakeCellVisible is called by the document class on several occasions. Its task is to make the given ... cells one by one. We start by dening a test cell matrix and a test target set matrix, which are copies of the document elds m_cellMatrix and m_tSetMatrix. Then we paste the cells on...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 21:20

43 349 0
Microsoft Visual C++ Windows Applications by Example phần 9 doc

Microsoft Visual C++ Windows Applications by Example phần 9 doc

... from the view class CWordView, to which it also sends notication of repainting. Chapter 9 [ 33 3 ] Line needs a default constructor because its objects are stored in a m_lineArray —the paragraph ... m_psLastMark = m_psEdit; } } Chapter 9 [ 34 7 ] If the text is empty, we just return index 0. Otherwise, we traverse the lines of the paragraph one by one in order to nd the correct line...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 21:20

43 360 0
Microsoft Visual C++ Windows Applications by Example phần 10 ppt

Microsoft Visual C++ Windows Applications by Example phần 10 ppt

... 100 visual studio 88 while statement 30 , 31 word, MFC application wizard about 32 9, 33 1 document class 36 1 -39 1 line class 33 2, 33 3 page class 36 0, 36 1 paragraph class 33 5 -36 0 position class 33 3 -33 5 resource ... class CRect class 128 registry 98 RingDoc.cpp 1 23 release mode 88 resource, word application line class 33 2, 33 3 paragraph class 33 5 -36 0 positio...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 21:20

47 325 0