Building Spring 2 Enterprise Applications phần 4 pps

Building Spring 2 Enterprise Applications phần 4 pps

Building Spring 2 Enterprise Applications phần 4 pps

... the entire application and * is much less typing? CHAPTER 4 ■ SPRING AOP 2. 0 122 9187ch 04. qxd 8/1/07 4: 41 PM Page 122 Listing 4 -22 . Creating an AOP Configuration Unit in XML with the aop:config ... printWarningIOExceptionMayBeThrown() { CHAPTER 4 ■ SPRING AOP 2. 0 123 9187ch 04. qxd 8/1/07 4: 41 PM Page 123 Listing 4- 4. DefaultTournamentMatchManager Class package c...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 09:21

35 310 0
Building Spring 2 Enterprise Applications phần 6 ppsx

Building Spring 2 Enterprise Applications phần 6 ppsx

... 163 9187ch05CMP2.qxd 7 /26 /07 12: 19 PM Page 163 /spring- beans.xsd /spring- jndi.xsd"> <jndi:lookup ... INTRODUCTION TO DATA ACCESS 165 9187ch05CMP2.qxd 7 /26 /07 12: 19 PM Page 165 Introducing New Spring 2. 0 Features The release of Spring 2. 0...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 09:21

35 306 0
Building Spring 2 Enterprise Applications phần 3 ppt

Building Spring 2 Enterprise Applications phần 3 ppt

... AbstractDependencyInjectionsSpringContextTests, as shown in Listing 2- 49 . Listing 2- 49 . Implementing an Integration Test Using AbstractDependencyInjectionSpringContextTests package com.apress.springbook.chapter 02; import ... constr uction. Listing 2- 43 shows the integration test for this factory object configuration. Listing 2- 43 . Obtaining the Sockets Created Using the Facto...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 09:21

35 393 0
Building Spring 2 Enterprise Applications phần 5 docx

Building Spring 2 Enterprise Applications phần 5 docx

... MoreBusinessOperations class, as shown in Listing 4- 65. CHAPTER 4 ■ SPRING AOP 2. 0 137 9187ch 04. qxd 8/1/07 4: 41 PM Page 137 The pointcut in Listing 4- 58 tells Spring AOP to bind the first argument value ... match with identifier " + matchId + "!"); } } CHAPTER 4 ■ SPRING AOP 2. 01 32 9187ch 04. qxd 8/1/07 4: 41 PM Page 1 32 three-class approach prevent d...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 09:21

35 362 0
Building Spring 2 Enterprise Applications phần 7 ppt

Building Spring 2 Enterprise Applications phần 7 ppt

... 8 ■ SPRING MVC 222 9187ch08.qxd 8 /2/ 07 10:10 AM Page 22 2 Spring MVC Welcome to Chapter 8, where you will apply what you’ve learned about the Spring Framework to building high-quality web applications ... value="false"/> </bean> CHAPTER 7 ■ TRANSACTION MANAGEMENT2 02 9187ch07CMP2.qxd 7 /26 /07 12: 46 PM Page 20 2 • If you use CGLIB proxy objects, Spring w...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 09:21

35 190 0
Building Spring 2 Enterprise Applications phần 9 ppt

Building Spring 2 Enterprise Applications phần 9 ppt

... VIEW TECHNOLOGIES2 72 9187ch09CMP2.qxd 7 /26 /07 1:10 PM Page 27 2 Testing with Transactions A nother convenient test base class is o rg.springframework.test.AbstractTransactionalSpring ContextTests , ... com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfWriter; import org.springframework.web.servlet.view.document.AbstractPdfView; import com.apress.springbook.chapter09.Member; CHAPTER 9 ■ VIEW TECHNOLOGIES2 74 918...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 09:21

35 355 0
Building Spring 2 Enterprise Applications

Building Spring 2 Enterprise Applications

... the Spring Framework API here! */ } } CHAPTER 1 ■ A GENTLE INTRODUCTION TO THE SPRING FRAMEWORK 15 9187ch01.qxd 8 /2/ 07 10:05 AM Page 15 Building Spring 2 Enterprise Applications Copyright © 20 07 ... worldwide by Springer-Verlag New York, Inc., 23 3 Spring Street, 6th Floor, New York, NY 10013. Phone 1-800-SPRINGER, fax 20 1- 348 -45 05, e-mail orders-ny@springer-sbm.c...

Ngày tải lên: 20/08/2012, 11:55

343 613 2
Building Spring 2 Enterprise Applications - Introduction

Building Spring 2 Enterprise Applications - Introduction

... applica- tions. You will learn not only what features the Spring Framework offers, but also when to use them and how to use them correctly. xi 9187FM.qxd 8 /2/ 07 4: 18 PM Page xi For Chapter 8, you are expected ... instead of its semantics. The Spring Framework excels at bringing consistency to the Java plat- form. We’re going to show you how to leverage this consistency to make your a...

Ngày tải lên: 05/10/2013, 05:20

3 296 0
Building Oracle XML Applications phần 4 ppsx

Building Oracle XML Applications phần 4 ppsx

... TICKER PRICE DAY IBM 111.875 04/ 17/00 17 :47 INTC 123 04/ 17/00 17 :47 MSFT 75.875 04/ 17/00 17 :47 ORCL 74. 8 12 04/ 17/00 17 :47 import oracle.xml.parser.v2.*; import XMLQueue; import XMLQueueEmptyException; ... out.println("<error>Error processing selectNodes</error>"); } } } WBVN 4. 531 04/ 17/00 17 :47 WEBM 61.75 04/ 17/00 17 :47 Finally, we&apo...

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 18:21

89 305 0