Process Engineering Equipment Handbook 2009 Part 14 potx
... 176 121 12 13 0.073 120 13.0–25.0 225 120 150 209 205 145 12 16 0.095 130 17.0–33.0 215 130 160 218 214 156 12 17 0.110 140 20.0–40.0 200 140 170 228 225 165 13 20 0.150 150 23.0–46.0 185 150 ... 90 148 130 82 8 5.7 0.015 80 3.9–7.8 350 80 100 157 146 98 8 6.6 0.020 90 5.0–10.0 325 90 110 168 158 110 8 7.6 0.028 100 7.5–15.0 275 100 125 183 180 120 12 12 0.052 110 10.0–20.0 250 110 140...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 02:20
... on the specific process requirements, such as higher overload capacity, a certain pressure rise to surge, maximum efficiency at design point or rather at a certain part load, the process design ... reduce the starting torque and for part- load operation. In cases where part- load occurs frequently and power is highly evaluated, inlet guide vanes achieve higher part- load efficiencies an...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 02:20
... type MS- 14 synchronous clutch coupling in a compressor installation where excessive process gases are available. These gases, instead of being released by a valve, are now used P- 114 Power Transmission FIG. ... Gears Conventional New Design D (mm) 170 150 B/D 1.0 1.4 p (N/mm 2 ) 3.0 2.8 v (m/s) 139 (167) 122 (146 ) T max (°C) 132 (141 ) 121 (130) Values in parentheses refer to overspee...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 02:20
Process Engineering Equipment Handbook 2009 Part 20 ppt
... speed coupling in, P -147 to P -149 Type SVL variable speed coupling in, P -145 to P -147 Type SVNL variable speed coupling in, P -142 to P -145 variable speed couplings in, P-138 to P -147 , P-155 to P-164 vibration ... transmission, P-138 to P -147 , P-155 to P-164 Type RK variable speed coupling in, P -147 to P -149 Type SVL variable speed coupling in, P -145 to P -147 Type SVNL,...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 01:21
Process Engineering Equipment Handbook 2009 Part 1 ppsx
... Cataloging-in-Publication Data Soares, Claire. Process engineering equipment handbook / Claire Soares. p. cm. Includes index. ISBN 0-07-059 614- X (acid-free paper) 1. Chemical plants Equipment and supplies. I. Title. TP157.S658 ... 1985. In May 2001 she was appointed to Fellow grade by ASME. Process Engineering Equipment Handbook is her fourth book. The first, Process Plant...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 02:20
Process Engineering Equipment Handbook 2009 Part 2 pdf
... Filsorption II process) is used for separation of submicron particles, heavy metals, and toxic hydrocarbons by a combination of filtering, “sorption,” and chemical reaction. The Wetpac ® process is ... (sodium chloride) is the main offender. In the cold parts of the engine it is the sodium chloride that does the damage, whereas in the hot parts of the engine it is sodium sulfate (or sulfidiz...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 02:20
Process Engineering Equipment Handbook 2009 Part 3 doc
... a CO 2 removal process based on physical absorption, like the Selexol process, is most suitable for this application. The Carbon Dioxide (CO 2 ); CO 2 Disposal C-15 FIG. C -14 Process scheme for ... also been estimated. The process configurations, CO conversion rates, CO 2 removal efficiencies and other process parameters are the same as in IEA studies. Almost all process steps are...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 02:20
Process Engineering Equipment Handbook 2009 Part 4 pdf
... between cylinder and crankcase is essential and where process gas is permitted in the open distance piece (e.g., for O 2 , N 2 , CO 2 , process air, etc., generally in the industrial gas industry). (Source: ... of a very small number of parts Is made of solid metal without any plastic material Avoids permanent mechanical friction Avoids contamination or fouling of the process gas...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 02:20
Process Engineering Equipment Handbook 2009 Part 6 pps
... very expensive retrofit engineering or reengineering, especially if major failures or production-loss events have occurred, without any warning provided by the existing system. Process engineers frequently ... value in terms of Ø Amplitude 1 1.571 1. 414 0.500 Average 0.637 1 0.900 0.318 value Root-mean- 0.707 1.111 1 0.354 square (rms) value Peak-to-peak 2.000 3 .142 2.828 1 value Ø as...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 02:20
Process Engineering Equipment Handbook 2009 Part 7 pdf
... Elements of Machinery, Process and Personnel,” TMC, 1992. 12. Soares, C. M., “Latest Techniques in Repair Technology,” TMC, 1990. 13. Boyce, turbomachinery course notes, 1979. 14. Soares, C. M., ... Buscarello, R., vibration course notes, 1980. 19. Handbook on vibration, McGraw-Hill, New York. 20. Bloch, H., and Soares, C. M., Turboexpanders and Process Application, Gulf Professional P...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 02:20