TPM Route to World Class Performance Part 7 ppsx

TPM Route to World Class Performance Part 7 ppsx

TPM Route to World Class Performance Part 7 ppsx

... 118 TPM- A Route to World- Class Performance - 5031 @2D Side angle @I= 5042 Pointed Figure 6.2 Department 50 products Part 5020 5031 5042 <[D Forecast Operations Total ... Technology: organization 110 TPM- A Route to World- Class Performance -A On B- A Figure 5.30 shows the three steps towards a cumulative reduction of 75 per cent to 95 p...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 18:20

20 259 0
TPM Route to World Class Performance Part 13 ppsx

TPM Route to World Class Performance Part 13 ppsx

... 222 TPM- A Route to World- Class Performance 3 Start new teams and integrate team leaders into the existing TPM teams. 4 Use TPM to support the maintenance strategy. 5 Promote interdepartmental ... people. It is they who have made TPM work and it is TPM which has allowed their potential and enthusiasm to be tapped.’ 234 TPM- A Route to World- Class Perf...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 18:21

20 316 0
TPM Route to World Class Performance Part 2 pps

TPM Route to World Class Performance Part 2 pps

... 12 TPM- A Route to World- Class Performance Experience shows that for every breakdown there are many contributory factors. These factors are common to more than one breakdown. ... opportunity to: 14 TPM- A Route to World- Class Performance 1 .7 Implementing TPM principles The successful implementation of the five CAN DO steps provides a powerful organizationa...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 18:20

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TPM Route to World Class Performance Part 3 pptx

TPM Route to World Class Performance Part 3 pptx

... will continuously strive to improve that world- class performance. pillar and cornerstone to achieve the above goals, beliefs and values since: 38 TPM- A Route to World- Class Peformance Inject ... Spread out the general lessons :klist - Figure 3 .7 The TPM improvement zone partnership 32 TPM- A Route to World- Class Performance Today, some eight years...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 18:20

20 354 0
TPM Route to World Class Performance Part 4 docx

TPM Route to World Class Performance Part 4 docx

... 3.1 6 TPM Pevformance measure 44 TPM- A Route to World- Class Performance Table 3.2 TPM vision of the future Feature Result Machines run close to name- plate capacity Ideas to improve ... easily said, but is potentially difficult to implement unless TPM is tailored to the specific 54 TPM- A Route to World- Class Performance best part about it...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 18:20

20 352 0
TPM Route to World Class Performance Part 5 potx

TPM Route to World Class Performance Part 5 potx

... cycle from 64 TPM- A Route to World- Class Performance Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) combines the conventional practice of preventive maintenance with the concept of total employee ... activities 80 TPM- A Route to World- Class Performance Date/Sh$t 28.9.99 D/S Total Productive Maintenance Programme R/H Front Door Line COz MIG Welding Cell 1 I1 Tota...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 18:20

20 302 0
TPM Route to World Class Performance Part 6 pps

TPM Route to World Class Performance Part 6 pps

... 9 44.6 = 65.0 X 70 .0 X 98.0 2 43.8 = 58.0 X 77 .0 X 98.0 3 36 .7 = 47. 0 X 80.0 X 97. 5 4 31.9 = 44 .7 X 72 .5 X 98.5 Average 39.4 = 53 .7 X 74 .9 X 98.0 Best of ... control referred to under each of the six losses in Figures 5 .7- 5.12. However, in order to give an early indication a definition is as follows: 94 TPM- A Route to...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 18:20

20 331 0
TPM Route to World Class Performance Part 8 pps

TPM Route to World Class Performance Part 8 pps

... 71 .0 75 .3 45 .7 82.6 68.3 55.2 79 .6 79 .6 45.9 70 .1 78 .6 77 .7 75 .3 56.6 83.6* loo* 100 100 89.5 92.6 21.9 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 74 .9 67. 8 Average 87. 6% 69.9% *Best ... Place part in tray I 4 When full, pass tray to next operation Figure 6.10 Nlilleu M201 machine/operator cycle Any problems F Call setter i 140 TPM- A...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 18:21

20 186 0
TPM Route to World Class Performance Part 9 potx

TPM Route to World Class Performance Part 9 potx

... 45 tonnes B 20 tonnes C 10 tonnes 75 tonnes Figure 7. 20 Scrap analysis 156 TPM- A Route to World- Class Performance A further key part of the scoping study (see Step 3 of Figure 7. 2) ... Operators + - Newlyounger people Fitters Electricians Old hands 3 rn Supervision I +/- Figure 7. 7 How they see TPM 160 TPM- A Route to World- Class Per...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 18:21

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