The Tourniquet Manual: Principles and Practice - part 5 potx
... Cooper, T. Hypothermia and tourniquet ischaemia (1962). Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery 29: 53 1 53 8. 15 Irving, G, Noakes, TD (19 85) . The protective role of local hypothermia in tourniquet induced ... minimised by limit- ing the initial period of tourniquet time to 1 .5 hours. 13 Release of the tourniquet for five minutes permitted a further period of 1 .5 hours....
Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 17:20
... The Tourniquet Manual: Principles and Practice Leslie Klenerman Springer Why write a book on the tourniquet? The tourniquet is used routinely in oper- ating ... Derek Eastwood, John Kirkup and Durai Nayagam for their useful comments and correc- tions; to Alun Jones and Andrew Biggs in the Photographic Department at the Robert...
Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 17:20
... apparatus for the bloodless operation. during the Crimean War, the British army reverted to using the simpler strap -and- buckle tourniquet. 5 1.2 Listerian Methods Joseph Lister (Figure 1 .5) , in the 1860s, ... excision of the wrist joint in tuberculosis to save the hand from amputation and to overcome the profuse bleeding associated with the procedure 7 : And I f...
Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 17:20
The Tourniquet Manual: Principles and Practice - part 3 ppsx
... erosion at the Z- and I-band levels, and the sarcolemma was broken and fragmented. One day after release of the tourniquet, the Z-disc was totally eroded from all the fibres examined. The thin ... examined two days after the release of the tourniquet, approximately 50 % of the fibres showed significant changes. The I- and Z-bands were lost, and the remainin...
Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 17:20
The Tourniquet Manual: Principles and Practice - part 4 docx
... to the duration of the application of a tourniquet. 55 However, there is no difference in the incidence of deep vein thrombosis in surgery on the lower limbs with and without a tourniquet. 56 The ... implications. Anaesthesia 56 : 53 4 54 5. 17 Bruner, JW (1 951 ). Safety factors in the use of the pneumatic tourniquet for haemostasis in surgery of the hand. Journal...
Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 17:20
The Tourniquet Manual: Principles and Practice - part 6 pdf
... (1996). Are tourniquets in total knee replacement and arthroscopy necessary? The Knee 3: 1 15 119. 14 Burchell, G, Stack, G (1993). Exsanguination of the arm and hand. The Hand 5: 124–126. 15 Klenerman, ... apparatus did not require eleva- tion of the limb and thus could be used single-handedly. The apparatus consisted of a plastic cover applied to the limb distal to the...
Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 17:20
The Tourniquet Manual: Principles and Practice - part 7 doc
... of two hours and 35 minutes. When the hand was dressed at the end of the oper- ation, the forearm flexor compartment was noted to be tense and rigid. The area of arm beneath the tourniquet was ... occasions during the course of the operation, which took 12 .5 hours. There were four breathing periods of 15 minutes, and the total tourniquet time was 655 minutes....
Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 17:20
The Tourniquet Manual: Principles and Practice - part 8 pot
... With the tourni- quet inflated, the vascular compartment is a closed space, and relative collapse of the compartment is necessary to be able to accommodate the injection of the solu- tion. The ... cocaine into the forearm prolonged and intensified the anaesthesia. 1 If the injection was carried out after exsanguination and compression, there was little diffusion of th...
Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 17:20
Colonoscopy Principles and Practice - part 5 pot
... from the plastic sheath. Partial clos- ure of the handle will allow the prongs of the clip to fully open. The clip is then applied firmly to the target and with complete closure of the handle the ... to the hook by a joint plate and the base of the clip is then juxtaposed against the end of the metal coil sheath. The articulated clip and metal coil sheath com-...
Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 14:22