Surgical Atlas of pediatric otolaryngology - part 6 ppt

Surgical Atlas of pediatric otolaryngology - part 6 ppt

Surgical Atlas of pediatric otolaryngology - part 6 ppt

... for 4-5 days, followed by oral antibi- otics for 1-2 weeks. • The drains are advanced over 4-5 days. 458 Surgical Atlas of Pediatric Otolaryngology • Intimate knowledge of the fascial layers of ... easily. 448 Surgical Atlas of Pediatric Otolaryngology CERVICAL LYMPH NODE BIOPSY In adults, open surgical excisional or incisional biopsy is typically con- traindic...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 11:22

60 290 0
Surgical Atlas of pediatric otolaryngology - part 2 pptx

Surgical Atlas of pediatric otolaryngology - part 2 pptx

... explorato- ry tympanotomy. Figure 6 2 Three types of stapes malformations are frequently encountered as described above.

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 11:22

69 302 1
Surgical Atlas of pediatric otolaryngology - part 8 ppt

Surgical Atlas of pediatric otolaryngology - part 8 ppt

... with 5-0 polyglactin 910. Laryngotracheal Laser Surgery 66 7 Figure 28–13 F, Scar tissue is excised, and serial procedures are repeated at 6- to 8-week intervals. F 63 8 Surgical Atlas of Pediatric ... Am 19 96; 1005–10. Weisberger EC, Emhardt JD. Apneic anesthesia with intermittent ventilation for microsurgery of the upper airway. Laryngoscope 19 96; 1 06: 1099–102. 62 6 S...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 11:22

55 217 0
Surgical Atlas of pediatric otolaryngology - part 10 ppt

Surgical Atlas of pediatric otolaryngology - part 10 ppt

... 598, 60 2, 60 4, 60 6, 60 8, 61 2, 61 6, 62 0, 62 4, 62 6 in laser surgery, 63 6 63 9, 64 2, 64 4, 64 6, 64 8, 65 0, 65 2, 65 4, 65 8, 66 0, 66 3, 66 5 in myringoplasty, 41, 42, 43 in neck drainage procedures, 468 , ... 579 laryngoscopy, 564 – 569 anesthetic considerations, 563 indications, 563 instrumentation, 563 , 563 – 564 procedure, 564 – 569 diagnostic laryn...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 11:22

61 244 0
Surgical Atlas of pediatric otolaryngology - part 1 docx

Surgical Atlas of pediatric otolaryngology - part 1 docx

... hemangiomas 66 3 k. Subglottic stenosis 66 5 l. Tracheal stenosis 66 8 PLASTIC AND RECONSTRUCTIVE SURGERY 29. Soft Tissue Surgery 67 1 a. Lip repair 67 8 b. Auricular repair 68 2 c. Nasal repair 68 6 d. Periorbital ... cholesteatoma. Surgical Atlas of PEDIATRIC OTOLARYNGOLOGY 32 Surgical Atlas of Pediatric Otolaryngology POSTAURICULAR APPROACH The postauricular appr...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 11:22

85 328 2
Surgical Atlas of pediatric otolaryngology - part 3 pps

Surgical Atlas of pediatric otolaryngology - part 3 pps

... 1991.) 180 Surgical Atlas of Pediatric Otolaryngology • An appropriate number of 9-0 or 1 0-0 monofilament nylon sutures is used to approximate the perineurium of the graft to the epineuri- um of the ... Recovery of facial function should begin within 4 to 6 months postop- eratively and may be expected to continue for at least 12 months post- operatively. 182 Surgical...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 11:22

57 207 1
Surgical Atlas of pediatric otolaryngology - part 4 doc

Surgical Atlas of pediatric otolaryngology - part 4 doc

... distance determined by the surgical calipers is transferred to the paper template. 310 Surgical Atlas of Pediatric Otolaryngology • Bone and abnormal soft tissue should be removed to the roof of the nasal ... Endoscopic ligation of the sphenopalatine artery for refrac- tory posterior epistaxis. Am J Rhinol 2000;14: 261 –4. 284 Surgical Atlas of Pediatric Otolaryngolog...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 11:22

60 208 0
Surgical Atlas of pediatric otolaryngology - part 5 pps

Surgical Atlas of pediatric otolaryngology - part 5 pps

... struc- tures, particularly the torus tubarius and lateral nasopharynx. 398 Surgical Atlas of Pediatric Otolaryngology • The carotid sheath is exposed by dissection between the sternocleido- mastoid ... topical decongestion. 362 Surgical Atlas of Pediatric Otolaryngology • Lateral extension of the sphenoidotomy 1. Lateral exposure is achieved by performing limited poste...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 11:22

62 265 0
Surgical Atlas of pediatric otolaryngology - part 7 pdf

Surgical Atlas of pediatric otolaryngology - part 7 pdf

... bradycardia associated with airway instru- mentation. Routine use of an anticholinergic often is not necessary. If 540 Surgical Atlas of Pediatric Otolaryngology • Fine-needle aspiration (FNA) biopsy ... out- side of the parotid gland proper (see Figure 23–4). 578 Surgical Atlas of Pediatric Otolaryngology ESOPHAGOSCOPY Indications • Diagnostic esophagoscopy is used to...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 11:22

55 216 0
Surgical Atlas of pediatric otolaryngology - part 9 potx

Surgical Atlas of pediatric otolaryngology - part 9 potx

... occur. 7 26 Surgical Atlas of Pediatric Otolaryngology REFERENCES 1. Becker OJ. Surgical correction of the abnormally protruding ear. Arch Otolaryngol 1949;50:541 60 . 2. Becker OJ. Correction of the ... playing softball, but had an excellent long-term result after the hematoma was evacuated. ♦ No child required revision surgery. 68 6 Surgical Atlas of Pediatric Oto...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 11:22

59 228 0