HAZARDOUS AIR POLLUTANT HANDBOOK: Measurements, Properties, and Fate in Ambient Air - Part 1 pps
... N,N-Dimethylformamide 5 7 -1 4-7 1, 1-Dimethylhydrazine 13 1- 1 1- 3 Dimethyl phthalate 7 7-7 8 -1 Dimethyl sulfate N/A 4,6-Dinitro-o-cresol (including salts) 5 1- 2 8-5 2,4-Dinitrophenol 12 1- 1 4-2 2,4-Dinitrotoluene 12 3-9 1- 1 1, 4-Dioxane ... acid 10 7 -1 3 -1 Acrylonitrile 10 7-0 5 -1 Allyl chloride 9 2-6 7 -1 4-Aminobiphenyl 6 2-5 3-3 Aniline 9 0-0...
Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 09:21
... C 14 H 15 N 3 6 0 -1 1- 7 225.3 Chemical ind. Nitro Org NVOC 7.0 × 10 –8 407 2.3 × 10 –4 N,N-Dimethylaniline; C 8 H 11 N 12 1- 6 9-7 12 1.2 Chemical ind. Nitro Org VOC 0.8 19 4 1. 5 3,3′-Dimethylbenzidine; ... C 10 H 8 9 1- 2 0-3 12 8.2 SVOC 0.26 218 0.03 e.g., Coronene; C 24 H 12 19 1- 0 7 -1 300.4 NVOC 3.3 × 10 11 525 1. 4 × 10 –7 Cyanide Compounds e.g....
Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 09:21
... TO -1 4 A TO -1 5 R-3 NIOSH 5 517 TO -1 4 A: 0 .1 ppbv [5 517 ]: 0.0 01 µg/mL in hexane 1, 1,2-Trichloroethane 7 9-0 0-5 VOC TO -1 4 A TO -1 5 TO -1 7 R-3 OSHA 11 NIOSH 10 03 TO -1 4 A: 0 .1 ppbv TO -1 7 : ≤ 0.5 ppb [10 03]: ... acrylate Methyl tert-butyl ether 16 3 4-0 4-4 VOC TO -1 5 TO -1 7 R -1 R-3 NIOSH 16 15 R-64 R -1 : 1 ppbv TO -1 7 : ≤ 0.5 ppb...
Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 09:21
HAZARDOUS AIR POLLUTANT HANDBOOK: Measurements, Properties, and Fate in Ambient Air - Part 4 pot
... Boston, MA Houston, TX Minneapolis, MN and Salt Lake City, UT 19 8 1- 8 2 19 8 1- 8 3 19 8 1- 8 3 19 8 1- 8 3 19 8 4-8 8 19 89 19 91 19 91 199 0-9 1 199 0-9 1 198 8-8 9 24 15 6 15 6 15 6 33 29 16 16 24 22 22 6.4 ng/m 3 ... SC 19 7 9-8 0 19 7 6-7 9 19 82 19 82 19 81 197 8-7 9 3 ? ? 8 15 15 14 >30 1. 8 ng/m 3 13 .1 0.6 98 7....
Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 09:21
HAZARDOUS AIR POLLUTANT HANDBOOK: Measurements, Properties, and Fate in Ambient Air - Part 5 (end) docx
... 2,4-Dinitrophenol 5 1- 2 8-5 Photolysis, deposition >5 No information found 21, 166 * 2,4-Dinitrotoluene 12 1- 1 4-2 Photolysis 1 to 5 No information found 21 * 1, 4-Dioxane 12 3-9 1- 1 OH 1 to ... acid 17 , 21, 52,54,55, 71, 81, 103 ,14 4, 15 3 ,15 8 ,15 9 Styrene oxide 9 6-0 9-3 OH 1 to 5 No information found 21 * 2,3,7,8-Tetrachloro- dibenzo-p-dioxin...
Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 09:21
ROBOTICS Handbook of Computer Vision Algorithms in Image Algebra Part 1 ppsx
... = {0, 1, , n - 1} . The set = {1, 2, , n}. The set = {-n +1, , -1 , 0, 1, , n - 1} . The set of real numbers, positive real numbers, negative real numbers, and positive real numbers including 0. The ... Preface Acknowledgments Chapter 1 Image Algebra 1. 1. Introduction 1. 2. Point Sets 1. 3. Value Sets 1. 4. Images 1. 5. Templates 1. 6. Recursive Templates 1. 7. Neigh...
Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 02:21
Conductive Polymers and Plastics in Industrial Applications Part 1 pps
... of the intrinsically conducting polymer systems now range from that typical of insulators (< ;10 -1 0 S/cm [10 -1 0 ( Ω -1 -cm) -1 ]) to that typical of semiconductors such as silicon ( ~10 -5 S/cm) ... packings (perpendicular to the chain axis) for crystalline PANI films and powders according to ref.2 in (a) EB-II, (b) ES-I, (c) ES-II, Pc2a and (d) ES-II, P2 1 22...
Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 11:22
Properties and Applications of Silicon Carbide Part 1 pdf
... X C -3 : 0.543 12 x 13 C +8 x 29 Si ID 1- 3 : 12 x 13 C E15( )-3 : 5 -1 1 x 13 C + 3 x 29 Si ( 6-6 ' ) 13 . 71 9.52 X h -1 : 0.062 1 x 29 Si ID 2 -1 : 1 x 29 Si E1 6 -1 : 1 x 29 Si ( 3-3 ' ) ... ID 1- 3 : 12 x 13 C E15( )-3 : 5 -1 1 x 13 C + 3 x 29 Si ( 6-6 ' ) 13 . 71 9.52 X h -1 : 0.062 1 x 2...
Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 04:20
Handbook of Reliability, Availability, Maintainability and Safety in Engineering Design - Part 1 docx
... Professor Centre for Infrastructure and Engineering Management Griffith University Gold Coast Campus Queensland Australia ISBN 97 8 -1 -8 480 0 -1 7 4-9 DOI 10 .10 07/97 8 -1 -8 480 0 -1 7 5-6 e-ISBN 97 8 -1 -8 480 0 -1 7 5-6 British ... Contents Part I Engineering Design Integrity Overview 1 Design Integrity Methodology 3 1. 1 DesigningforIntegrity 4 1. 1 .1 Develo...
Ngày tải lên: 02/07/2014, 10:20
Handbook of Reliability, Availability, Maintainability and Safety in Engineering Design - Part 3 ppsx
... artificial intelligence (AI) in engineering d esign and gives an overview of arti- ficial intelligence-based (AIB) modelling in designing for reliability, availability, maintainability and safety ... is: What does integrity of engineering design actually imply? Engineering Integrity In determining the complexity and consequent frequent failure of the critical com- bination and com...
Ngày tải lên: 02/07/2014, 10:20