Advances in Service Robotics Part 3 ppt

Advances in Service Robotics Part 3 ppt

Advances in Service Robotics Part 3 ppt

... features are included in most sign languages used in human to human communication. 7 .3 Pointing interfaces Pointing is an important part of human communication. The purpose is to relate certain special ... Barnard S.T. (19 83) . Interpreting Perspective Images. Artificial Intelligence, 21: 435 -462. Bolmsjo, G., Neveryd H. & Eftring H. (1995). Robotics in Rehabilitation....

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 22:24

25 410 0
Advances in Service Robotics Part 5 ppt

Advances in Service Robotics Part 5 ppt

... plasma that occurs on the sun or stars. Fusion using magnetic confinement consists in trapping and maintaining the plasma in a magnetic container with torus shape (Tokamak), under Ultra High ... rehearsal in TORE SUPRA under atmospheric conditions Service Robots 100 Stein, M. R. Stein, (2000), Interactive Internet Artistry, IEEE Robotics and Automation Magazine, 7(1) (2000)...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 22:24

25 198 0
Advances in PID Control Part 3 ppt

Advances in PID Control Part 3 ppt

... 24. Control Input: 120 → 130 → 120 degree with 85 % RH 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 x 10 4 2 2.1 2.2 θ p 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 x 10 4 0 1 2 x 10 3 θ i 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 ... takes long time to reach the set point stably. The requirement from the user is to attain a faster rising time and to maintain the steady state quickly. 34 Advances in PID Control Adap...

Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 12:20

20 350 0
Advances in Sound Localization Part 3 ppt

Advances in Sound Localization Part 3 ppt

... of the instable version, retaining all direction-dependent information. One method is to use outer-inner factorization, converting an unstable inverse into an anti-causal and bounded inverse ... #3 Interior Exterior : d 2 = 3. 3m Interior : d 1 = 1.1m Fig. 1. Experimental set-up Chromosomes are then selected according to a linearly spaced pointer spanning .....

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 00:20

40 467 0
Advances in Analog Circuits Part 3 ppt

Advances in Analog Circuits Part 3 ppt

... 2.50e- 03 2.50e- 03 V BE3 0.589 -0.014 0.575 V CE3 9.40 0.51 9.91 I B3 8.80e-07 -3. 27e-07 5.53e-07 Q 3 I C3 8.80e-05 -3. 69e-05 5.11e-05 V BE4 -0.728 0 .37 7 -0 .35 1 V CE4 9.58 0 .32 9.90 ... be included in ,,inrms V or ,,inrms I . ,, ,. in S inrms onrms in RR VV AR + = (6) ,, ,. in S inrms onrms in S RR IV AR R + = (7) AC V Out V in I in A R M R...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 06:20

30 288 0
Advances in Robot Manipulators Part 3 pptx

Advances in Robot Manipulators Part 3 pptx

...                          xyxyy xzxyzxzxyzyz xzxyzxzxyzyz xyz zzz yyy xxx coscossincossin sincoscossinsincoscossinsinsincossin sinsincossincoscossinsinsincoscoscos ),x(Rot),y(Rot),z(Rot aon aon aon , (2) where ... and robot points online with the real robot system are introduced. Programming techniques for maintaining the accuracy...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 06:20

40 390 0
Advances in Robot Navigation Part 3 ppt

Advances in Robot Navigation Part 3 ppt

... 0.8 0.80 x y 0.8 0.80 x y y=22.667x-6.715 y=2.867x-0.578 y=1.290x-0.168 y=9.000x +3. 098 y=2.455x+1.070 y=0.409x+0.180 (x-0 .31 )+(y-0 .31 )=(0.066) 2 22 y=0. 633 x+0.504 y=0.450x+0.168 0.8 0.80 x y 0.8 0.80 x y y=22.667x-6.715 y=2.867x-0.578 y=1.290x-0.168 y=9.000x +3. 098 y=2.455x+1.070 y=0.409x+0.180 (x-0 .31 )+(y-0 .31 )=(0.066) 2 22 (x-0 .31 )+(y-0 .31 )=(0.066) 2 22 y=0. 633 x+0.504 y=...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 21:22

20 237 0
Advances in Service Robotics Part 1 pps

Advances in Service Robotics Part 1 pps

... costs a lot for developing, it is more favourable method because of low costs of maintaining, re-using, and revising. Especially in the case of developing intelligent service robots, this method ... by recognizing voice using STT(Speech To Text), TTS(Text To Speech) and reacts using conversation engine. When users ask something, it finds the suitable information by surfing the interne...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 22:24

25 277 0
Advances in Service Robotics Part 2 pot

Advances in Service Robotics Part 2 pot

... environment. This vanishing point will always be finite and lie within the image plane. In this approach, the vanishing points of the vertical line segments (infinite vanishing points) do not need ... and dialogue planning in conversational service robots, In Proceedings of the 2005 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2005), pp. 33 29 -33 35....

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 22:24

25 241 0