Rhinoplasty Dissection Manual - part 2 potx

Rhinoplasty Dissection Manual - part 2 potx

Rhinoplasty Dissection Manual - part 2 potx

... Rhinion . \ I ' AA f I Supratip ( ~-+ }) '\ - -I-f -\ - -TiP - - - - - - F- - - - I Subnasale )~\= _- _/__ -, I - Labrale superius / - ~ /-~ __ _ I A Glabella 1 Nasion /L ... men- ton-to-cervical point line (Fig. 21 ) Legan facial-convexity angle: Angle defined by glabella-to-subnasale line intersecting with...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 18:21

19 203 0
Rhinoplasty Dissection Manual - part 5 potx

Rhinoplasty Dissection Manual - part 5 potx

... needle of adequate size (such as a PS -2 ) facilitates engaging all structures (upper lateral carti- lage-to-spreader graft-to-septum-to-spreader graft-to-upper lateral cartilage) in a single ... (and commonly), simply engage all structures (upper lateral cartilage-to-spreader graft-to- septum-to-spreader graft-to-upper lateral cartilage) with a single mattress suture (Fig. 6). An additi...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 18:21

19 175 0
Rhinoplasty Dissection Manual - part 10 potx

Rhinoplasty Dissection Manual - part 10 potx

... (sandwich) grafts, 122 , 123 f septal replacement, 122 , 123 f-1 29 f partial, 122 , 123 f-1 27 f total, l2 8 f- 129 f Septoplasty, 6, 3 1-3 4 anesthesia injection technique, 25 , 27 harvesting of cartilage, ... 19 92; 8 :20 9 -2 1 9. Rohrich RJ, Hollier LH. Rhinoplasty with advancing age: characteristics and management. Clin Plast Surg 1996; 23 : 28 1- 29 6. - -...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 18:21

14 264 0
Rhinoplasty Dissection Manual - part 1 docx

Rhinoplasty Dissection Manual - part 1 docx

... AddresseslPhone Numbers . . 171 1 72 Appendix N: Selected Recommended Literature . 174 Index 177 - - ,- . . - - , - - t" - ;z 2 RHINOPLASTY DISSECTION MANUAL 4 Figure 1. Surface ... un- - , - L ' -: H - \ xi • Rhinoplasty • Dissection Manual DEAN M. TORIUMI • DANIEL G. BECKER . e;t ~ L1PPINCOT...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 18:21

19 387 1
Rhinoplasty Dissection Manual - part 6 ppt

Rhinoplasty Dissection Manual - part 6 ppt

... -~ c ~ \ ~ - = -~ ' ~ Figure 19. A-D: Buttress or cap graft. 104 RHINOPLASTY DISSECTION MANUAL J K L Figure 19, continued. 100 RHINOPLASTY DISSECTION MANUAL D E . ... external rhinoplasty approach, secure the graft with a suture applied medially from the graft to adjacent soft tissue or lateral crus. ,"" , 1 02 RHINOPLASTY DISSECTI...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 18:21

19 195 0
Rhinoplasty Dissection Manual - part 8 docx

Rhinoplasty Dissection Manual - part 8 docx

... 1995; 121 :643 -6 48 . . -ii • , ~ = . - 1 42 RHINOPLASTY DISSECTION MANUAL M o Q s N p R T 134 RHINOPLASTY DISSECTION MANUAL Q s R T Figure 6, continued. 1 32 RHINOPLASTY DISSECTION ... 1985;95: 52 3- 5 32. 2. Metzinger SE, Boyce RG, Rigby PL, Joseph JJ, Anderson JR. Ethmoid bone sandwich grafting for caudal sep- tal defects. Arch Otol He a...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 18:21

19 180 0
Rhinoplasty Dissection Manual - part 9 ppt

Rhinoplasty Dissection Manual - part 9 ppt

... Cleft-lip nasal deform ity. Typical anatomic findings characteristic of unilateral cleft-lip nasal deformities. - - ., • - -Tn, - __ l~ -, =: :lr~ r ~ - , - II 1 62 RHINOPLASTY DISSECTION ... 1998;98 :20 2- 20 8. 4. Byrd HS, Hobar Pc. Rhinoplasty: a practical guide for surgical planning. Plast Rec onstr Surg 1993;91: 64 2- 6 54. RHINOPLASTY DI...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 18:21

19 252 0
An Introduction to Database Systems 8Ed - C J Date - Solutions Manual Episode 1 Part 2 potx

An Introduction to Database Systems 8Ed - C J Date - Solutions Manual Episode 1 Part 2 potx

... c. │ BIN# │ WINE │ YEAR │ ├══════┼────────────┼──────┤ │ 6 │ Chardonnay │ 20 02 │ │ 22 │ Fumé Blanc │ 20 00 │ │ 52 │ Pinot Noir │ 1999 │ └──────┴────────────┴──────┘ ┌────────────────┬──────┬──────┐ ... 55, 'Merlot', 'Gary Farrell', 20 00, 12, 20 05 ) ; 1.9 No answer provided. Copyright (c) 20 03 C. J. Date page 2. 2 • Basic client/server...

Ngày tải lên: 06/08/2014, 01:21

20 588 4
 SEIMENS Win CC V4 Manual part 2/3

SEIMENS Win CC V4 Manual part 2/3

... Manual C79000-G 827 6-C10 7-0 1 2. 11 Object Properties 2- 3 9 2. 11.1 Display Object Properties 2- 3 9 2. 11 .2 Pin 2- 3 9 2. 11.3 Pipettes for Transferring Object Properties 2- 4 0 2. 11.4 Object List 2- 4 0 2. 11.5 ... 3 -2 3 .2. 1.1 Setting Dynamics Using the Dynamics Dialog 3-3 3 .2. 1 .2 Adding Dynamics with the Dynamic-Wizard 3-1 5 3 .2. 1 .2. 1 System Functions...

Ngày tải lên: 02/11/2013, 14:31

414 334 0