... 1313700 29 19.8 race:black,other race:white 36303000 326 9.0 lwt<156.5 lwt>156.5 18197000 3037.0 lwt<138 lwt>138 15438000 29 54.0 age< ;26 .5 age> ;26 .5 120 17000 3059.8 lwt< 127 .5 lwt> 127 .5 99 624 00 29 91.1 age< ;20 .5 age> ;20 .5 4706700 3 127 .4 lwt<117 lwt>117 1631300 323 5.7 150310 31 12. 8 13 425 00 3338 .2 27 88300 29 94.9 3 824 600...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 15:20

26 156 0
Class Notes in Statistics and Econometrics Part 2 pptx

Class Notes in Statistics and Econometrics Part 2 pptx

... + t 2 x 2 2! + t 3 x 3 3! + ···(3.10 .20 ) m x (t) = E[e tx ] = 1 + t E[x] + t 2 2! E[x 2 ] + t 3 3! E[x 3 ] + ···(3.10 .21 ) d dt m x (t) = E[x] + t E[x 2 ] + t 2 2! E[x 3 ] + ···(3.10 .22 ) d 2 dt 2 m x (t) ... of the die are 3, 2, 3, 3, 2, 3, therefore the average is 4 6 · 3 + 2 6 · 2 = 2 2 3 . Also optimal: (1) is it bigger than 2? (2) is it odd? (3) is it bi gger...

Ngày tải lên: 04/07/2014, 15:20

75 303 0
Applied Radiological Anatomy for Medical Students Applied - part 2 pptx

Applied Radiological Anatomy for Medical Students Applied - part 2 pptx

... usually 25 6 ϫ 25 6 or 5 12 ϫ 5 12 pixels. Each of these displays a gray scale inten- sity value representing the X-ray attenuation of the corresponding block of tissue, known as a voxel (a three-dimensional ... T1W or T2W, although the T2W images are actually T2* (“T2 star”), which is a less “pure” form of T2 weighting than in spin echo. Artifacts tend to be more prominent in gradient te...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 07:20

18 286 0
Tài liệu Adobe After Effects 5.0_ Effects, part 2 pptx

Tài liệu Adobe After Effects 5.0_ Effects, part 2 pptx

... number between -3 0,000 and 30,000, or by dragging the Pressure Variation slider. 22 ADOBE AFTER EFFECTS 5.0 Effects, part 2 • Skin Opacity. Sets the percentage of opacity for onion-skin strokes. Drawing ... 5.0 Effects, part 2 8 If you need to further adjust transparency values, repeat steps 5 and 6 for one or both of the partial mattes. Click the Partial Matte B button or...

Ngày tải lên: 09/12/2013, 17:15

31 645 2
Tài liệu Insight into IELTS part 2 pptx

Tài liệu Insight into IELTS part 2 pptx

... and then drops as you come to the end of the whole number. 5849 3714 *6 12 9983 4 721 *0 122 3 46 027 8 *33 76 49 52 98 *04 12 6136 12 Speakers normally use an upward intonation if they have more to add ... for, - Underline in pencil the important words in the multiple-choice questions before you listen. This will help to focus your listening, - Answer the questions as you listen....

Ngày tải lên: 13/12/2013, 21:15

15 667 7