Volume 12 - Fractography Part 2 ppsx

Volume 12 - Fractography Part 2 ppsx

Volume 12 - Fractography Part 2 ppsx

... generally increases with temperature (Ref 20 9, 21 2, 21 3). The dimples on transgranular fractures and those on intergranular facets in a 0.3C-1Cr-1 .25 Mo-0 .25 V-0.7Mn-0.04P steel that was heat treated ... compositions and strength levels is to increase the fatigue crack growth rate (Ref 21 6, 21 7, 21 8, 21 9, 22 0, 22 1, 22 2). When compared to dry air or an inert gas atmospher...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 12:22

60 259 0
Volume 12 - Fractography Part 6 ppsx

Volume 12 - Fractography Part 6 ppsx

... 12A, July 1981, p 122 3 -1 23 3 26 6. J.H. Westbrook and D.L. Wood, A Source of Grain Boundary Embrittlement in Intermetallics, J. Inst. Met., Vol 91, 196 2- 1 963, p 17 4-1 82 26 7. E. Voce and ... J. Inst. Met., Vol 81, 195 2- 1 953 p 121 -1 23 27 3. R. Carlsson, Hot Embrittlement of Copper and Brass Alloys, Scand. J. Metall., Vol 9 (No. 1), 1980, p 2 5 -2 9...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 12:22

60 1.3K 0
Volume 12 - Fractography Part 9 ppsx

Volume 12 - Fractography Part 9 ppsx

... 22 1. Fig. 22 5: Case-core transition zone. SEM, 50×. Fig. 22 6 (Core structure at transition zone (see Fig. 22 5) showing primarily cleavage fracture. SEM, 1000×. Fig. 22 7: Same as Fig. 22 6, but ... of drive shaft in Fig. 24 9, 25 0, 25 1, and 25 2. All etched in 2% nital. Fig. 25 3 and 25 4: Structure at surface of shaft (radial orientation). 100× and 400×. Fig. 25 5 and...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 13:20

60 328 0
Volume 12 - Fractography Part 11 ppsx

Volume 12 - Fractography Part 11 ppsx

... composition (in vol%): 30% H 2 O, 12. 6% H 2 , 0.43% Ar + O 2 , 35 .2% N 2 , 8.4% CO, 11.7% CO 2 , 1.0% CH 4 , and 0.105% H 2 S. Particulate matter in contact with the tube contained 32 to 34 wt% C. Carburization ... At the low 22 -MPa m (20 -ksi in ) level (Fig. 5 82) , fatigue damage is by striation formation in the interinclusion material of an inclusion formation. A...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 13:20

60 276 0
Volume 12 - Fractography Part 13 ppsx

Volume 12 - Fractography Part 13 ppsx

... aluminum alloy 20 14-T6 aircraft main-landing-gear wheel half, which broke in fatigue. A tensile specimen machined from the hub had tensile strength of 499 .2 MPa ( 72. 4 ksi), 12. 1% elongation, ... Fig. 1098 Fig. 1097 Corrosion-fatigue crack initiation and propagation in a solution-treated and peak-aged Al-4.2Mg -2 . 1Li P/M alloy tested in deaerated high-purity water. Fig. 1097...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 13:20

60 253 0
Volume 12 - Fractography Part 15 ppsx

Volume 12 - Fractography Part 15 ppsx

... X, χ • • , ψ • • Ω, ω • μ • tcp • • TD • • TEM • • TME • • TTS • • TW-C • • TW-T • • TW-TC • • UNS • • UTS • • V • • vol • • vol% • • W • • W • • W a • • ... OD • • oz • • p • • P • • • • Pa • • p-c • • PDF • • > • • • • • • • • • • • • < • • • • • • ± • • - • • × • • · • • • • / • • % • • + • .....

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 13:20

17 209 0
Volume 12 - Fractography Part 1 pdf

Volume 12 - Fractography Part 1 pdf

... (194 0-1 9 42) (Member, 193 7-1 9 42) • L.B. Case (193 1-1 933) (Member, 1 92 7-1 933) • T.D. Cooper (198 4-1 986) (Member, 198 1-1 986) • E.O. Dixon (195 2- 1 954) (Member, 194 7-1 955) • R.L. Dowdell (193 8-1 939) ... 197 4-1 980) • J.L. McCall (19 82) (Member, 197 7-1 9 82) • W.J. Merten (1 92 7-1 930) (Member, 1 92 3-1 933) • N.E. Promisel (195 5-1 961...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 12:22

60 447 0
Volume 12 - Fractography Part 3 doc

Volume 12 - Fractography Part 3 doc

... J. Fract. Mech., Vol 6, 1970, p 32 1-3 22 21 . P. Neumann, Acta Metall., Vol 22 , 1974, p 115 5-1 178 22 . R.M.N. Pelloux, in Fracture, Chapman and Hall, 1969, p 731 23 . R. Koterazawa, M. Mori, T. ... Pineridge Press, 1981, p 32 9-3 44 61. T. Watanabe, Metall. Trans. A, Vol 14A (No. 4), 1983, p 53 1-5 45 62. I-Wei Chen, Metall. Trans. A, Vol 14A (No. 11), 1983, p 22 8 9 -2...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 12:22

60 323 0
Volume 12 - Fractography Part 4 doc

Volume 12 - Fractography Part 4 doc

... tensile specimens is provided by tests of 25 -mm (1-in.) diam, 114-mm (4 1 2 in.) long ASTM A490 high-strength bolts (Fig. 26 and 27 ). Bolt 1 was a full-size bolt with a portion of the shank turned ... and (c) 120 ×. (b) and (d) 24 0× Figure 4 shows similar bright-field and dark-field light fractographs of cleavage facets in the Fe -2 . 5Si alloy as well as secondary electron and...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 12:22

60 295 0
Volume 12 - Fractography Part 7 pps

Volume 12 - Fractography Part 7 pps

... values Ref Al-4Cu 1.48 0 -2 .390 18, 69 X7091 aluminum alloy 1 .1 2- 1.31 81 Ti -2 4 V 1.064 82 Ti -2 8 V 1.06 0-1 .147 16 4340 steels 1.44 7-1 .908 24 , 69 Al 2 O 3 + 3% glass 1 .2 3-1 . 62 14 Prototype ... 19 April 1984, p 72 1-7 22 23 . E.E. Underwood, Quantitative Fractography, chapter 8, in Applied Metallography, G.F. Vander Voort, Ed., Van Nostrand...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 12:22

60 293 0