Robotic Subsurface Mapping Using gpr Part 8 pot

Robotic Subsurface Mapping Using Ground Penetrating Radar potx

Robotic Subsurface Mapping Using Ground Penetrating Radar potx

... the 20 1.5.1. Subsurface Mapping Mapping of subsurface utility structures For this application, the robotic mapper builds the map of subsurface structures such as gas pipes. The subsurface ... features in the GPR data. .Detection and mapping of unexploded ordnance and mines A robotic subsurface mapper would be very useful in detecting and locating landm...

Ngày tải lên: 27/06/2014, 18:20

143 151 0
Robotic Subsurface Mapping Using Ground Penetrating Radar doc

Robotic Subsurface Mapping Using Ground Penetrating Radar doc

... Contents 1. Robotic Subsurface Mapper 9 1.1. Introduction to Buried Object Mapping Problem 9 1.2. Research Objective 12 1.3. Technical Approach 13 1.4. Rationales 18 1.5. Applications of the Robotic Subsurface ... sen- sor placement. 2. Scan the subsurface using a subsurface sensor. 3. Detect, locate and measure buried object from the subsurface sensor data. 4. Display the...

Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 11:20

143 206 0
Maladies syndromes edition tsunami - part 8 pot

Maladies syndromes edition tsunami - part 8 pot

... Orphanet Grand Public Maladies Rares Info Services 0 81 0 63 19 20 | Juin 20 08 18 CE DOCUMENT A ÉTÉ RÉALISÉ PAR : AVEC LA COLLABORATION ... 0 81 0 63 19 20 | Juin 20 08 Le syndrome de Churg et Strauss Encyclopédie Orphanet Grand Public Maladies Rares Info Services 0...

Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 10:05

59 461 0


... 302 251 Scarlatine 1 08 96 86 23 20 21 78 28 58 4 Shigellose 131 151 139 1 78 137 2 68 136 97 151 144 SIDA 302 446 303 6 18 600 264 1 58 146 141 87 Syphilis 124 68 58 56 41 28 25 19 22 42 Toxi-infection ... 29 59 73 56 25 32 17 Tuberculose 200 181 209 207 188 188 157 169 200 154 Tularémie 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL 7 284 7 186 6437 6650 6423 6723 7761 788 2 85 67 82 81 MALADIES...

Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 10:05

27 365 0
Techniques de manipulations en radiologie medicale - part 8 potx

Techniques de manipulations en radiologie medicale - part 8 potx

... être visible - - Le grand trochanter est sur le col et déborde de part et d’autre - - Le petit trochanter est visible à la partie inféro-interne du col - - Les branches ilio et ischio-pubiennes ... fémorale 6 – Col fémoral 7 – Grand trochanter 8 – Petit trochanter 9 – Epine sciatique 10 – Branches ilio et ischio-pubiennes 11 - Ischion - - La partie supérieure du fémur est masquée si l...

Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 10:44

28 659 4
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