Nonprofit internet strategies phần 4 pps

Nonprofit internet strategies phần 4 pps

Nonprofit internet strategies phần 4 pps

... politicized campaigns. Nonprofit organizations across issues from health research to animal welfare, and both large and small, can benefit from new Internet tools and strategies. Online advocacy ... human- ity, and passion. More and more nonprofits are engaging online consultants and In- ternet marketing firms to assist them in developing Internet strategies and tactics that will co...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 18:22

36 253 0
Nonprofit internet strategies phần 6 pps

Nonprofit internet strategies phần 6 pps

... the non- profit community. He is the author of The Fund Raiser’s Guide to the Internet and The Nonprofit Guide to the Internet, and the editor of Direct Response Fund Raising, all published by John ... has been able to analyze the implications of the Internet for thousands of people in the nonprofit sector. Michael Johnston is committed to the nonprofit sector and dedicated to help...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 18:22

36 250 0
Nonprofit internet strategies phần 10 pps

Nonprofit internet strategies phần 10 pps

... fishbone analysis, 41 , 42 job descriptions and titles, 42 , 43 outsourcing, 44 , 45 planning, importance of, 39 41 , 46 , 47 technology jobs, 43 , 44 training, 45 , 46 Start-up, 43 , 44 State laws Charleston ... 117 Sponsorships, 199–205, 2 14, 215. See also Special events Staff, 39, 40 contractors versus employees, 45 and departmental structure, 40 , 41 hiring,...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 18:23

36 261 0
Nonprofit internet strategies phần 1 ppsx

Nonprofit internet strategies phần 1 ppsx

... cm. Includes index. ISBN 0 -47 1-69188-7 (cloth) 1. Internet marketing—Computer network resources. 2. Nonprofit organizations— Computer network resources. 3. Internet. 4. Telecommunication. 5. Fund ... Hart, Ted, 19 64 II. Greenfield, James M., 1936– III. Johnston, Michael W., 1963– HF 541 5.1265.N65 2005 658′.0 546 78—dc22 20 040 25805 Printed in the United States of America 109876 543...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 18:23

36 233 0
Nonprofit internet strategies phần 6 ppsx

Nonprofit internet strategies phần 6 ppsx

... even better than the first appeal: 1 ,47 8 committed monthly donors giving 14 euros a month for a yearly total of approximately $250,000. Online Acquisition Strategies 193 service provider breaks ... the following section. Online Donation Tools 169 977 single gift donors giving 44 euros for a total of approximately $45 ,000. Not every organization can expect these kinds of acquisition res...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 19:20

36 140 0
Nonprofit internet strategies phần 8 ppsx

Nonprofit internet strategies phần 8 ppsx

... contributed $176 ,49 3 to federal candidates in the 20 04 election cycle: 73 percent to Republicans and 27 percent to Democrats. It contributed $46 3,000 in the 2002 election cycle, with 45 percent going ... volunteering with 1 ,40 0 employees in 26 states participating in 45 different projects, and providing volunteer opportunities by funding Habitat for Humanity building projects in 44...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 19:20

36 235 0
Nonprofit internet strategies phần 1 pot

Nonprofit internet strategies phần 1 pot

... authors of Nonprofit Internet Strategies: Best Practices for Marketing, Communications, and Fundraising Success provide nonprofit organizations with an excellent guide to using the Internet in ... cm. Includes index. ISBN 0 -47 1-69188-7 (cloth) 1. Internet marketing—Computer network resources. 2. Nonprofit organizations— Computer network resources. 3. Internet. 4. Telecommunic...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 18:22

36 334 0
Nonprofit internet strategies phần 2 pot

Nonprofit internet strategies phần 2 pot

... Chronicle of Philanthropy (January 21, 2003). 4. NonProfit Times study, February 17, 20 04. Available online at enews/Feb 04/ news/news-02 04_ 3.html. 5. 6. Nicole ... Money Online Registration EXHIBIT 4. 1 Ishikawa Fishbone 48 Jeff Gignac, CFRE, ePMT JMG Solutions, Inc. Pamela Gignac JMG Solutions, Inc. A nonprofit must analyze their database...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 18:22

36 282 0
Nonprofit internet strategies phần 3 doc

Nonprofit internet strategies phần 3 doc

... 041 403 040 . Greenfield, James M. The Nonprofit Handbook of Fundraising. 3rd ed. The AFP/Wiley Fund Development Series, 2002 Supplement. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2002. ISBN: 047 141 9397. Johnston, ... Inc., 2000. ISBN: 047 1380 245 . Johnston, Michael. The Non-Profit Guide to the Internet. The NSFRE/Wiley Fund De- velopment Series. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 200...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 18:22

36 261 0
Nonprofit internet strategies phần 5 pptx

Nonprofit internet strategies phần 5 pptx

... CONCLUSION The Internet has already transformed online advocacy for many nonprofit organiza- tions. New advancements in online technology are only pushing the potential further. Nonprofit professionals ... Change United States 131,052,267 132,151,758 . 84% 1,099 ,49 1 Source: Nielson//NetRatings Increasing Prevalence of Web Forms versus Acceptance of E-mail Submissions Nonp...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 18:22

36 390 0
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