Atlas of Neuromuscular Diseases - part 3 pptx

Atlas of Neuromuscular Diseases - part 3 pptx

Atlas of Neuromuscular Diseases - part 3 pptx

... Epidemiology of cervical radicul- opathy. A population based study of Rochester, Minnesota, 1976 through 1990. Brain 117: 32 5 33 5 Prognosis References 1 13 Lesions of the plexus are often associated ... C8 93 Fig. 4. Neurofibromatosis and the brachial plexus. A MRI of the nerve roots and brachial plexus. Note tumorous enlarge- ment of nerve roots and C bra- chial plexus. B Not...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 16:21

46 328 0
Atlas of Neuromuscular Diseases - part 1 pptx

Atlas of Neuromuscular Diseases - part 1 pptx

... ryanodin receptor. In various types of myositis, antibodies like anti-Jo 1, anti-PL 7, anti-PL 12, anti-OJ, anti-EJ, anti-KS, and several others have been described. Some of them may help to predict ... part of investigations of neuromuscular diseases. Abnormal liver or renal function, endocrine function, blood glu- cose, and electrolyte abnormalities may be important clues for d...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 16:21

46 296 0
Atlas of Neuromuscular Diseases - part 2 ppt

Atlas of Neuromuscular Diseases - part 2 ppt

... Otorhino- laryng 33 : 233 –242 Luxon LM (19 93) Diseases of the eighth cranial nerve. In: Dyck PJ, Thomas PK, Griffin JP, Low PA, Podusl JF (eds) Peripheral neuropathies. Saunders, Philadelphia, pp 836 –868 Scherer ... VI nerve palsies. In: Newman NJ (ed) Neuro-ophthalmology. American Academy of Neurology, Boston, pp 14 5 -3 3 14 5-5 0 Gurinsky JS, Quencer RM, Post MJ (19 83) Sixth...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 16:21

46 340 0
Atlas of Neuromuscular Diseases - part 4 potx

Atlas of Neuromuscular Diseases - part 4 potx

... of palm. Also, loss of dexterity and loss of control of the small finger. Sensory distribution of the ulnar nerve: ulnar aspect of the palm, volar surface of the fifth digit, and ulnar half of ... epicondyle. 3 Aponeurosis. 4 Flexor carpi ul- naris Fig. 17. 1 Ulnar nerve. 2 Deep terminal branch. 3 Thenar mus- cles 148 Symptoms Anatomy Fibers originate from roots of C...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 16:21

46 292 0
Atlas of Neuromuscular Diseases - part 5 ppt

Atlas of Neuromuscular Diseases - part 5 ppt

... 205 Fig. 36 . Pudendal nerve anato- my. a 1 Dorsal nerve of penis. 2 Pudendal nerve. 3 Perineal nerves. b 1 Perineal branch of cutaneous femoral posterior nerve. 2 Pudendal nerve. 3 Rec- tal ... 414–420 References 199 Ilioinguinal nerve Fig. 31 . llioinguinal nerve anat- omy. a A-female. 1 llioinguinal nerve. b B-male. 1 lliohypogas- tric nerve. 2 llioinguinal nerve Fig....

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 16:21

46 331 0
Atlas of Neuromuscular Diseases - part 6 docx

Atlas of Neuromuscular Diseases - part 6 docx

... A Infil- tration of the peripheral nerve by collections of B cells, with disruption of normal sural nerve architecture. B Disruption of myelin, with myelin splaying, and partial loss of axons 275 Vasculitic ... nerve amyloi- dosis. The biopsy shows a con- go red stained section with evi- dence of apple green birefrin- gence in amyloid deposits with- in endoneurial vessels 261 Ther...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 16:21

46 352 0
Atlas of Neuromuscular Diseases - part 7 pdf

Atlas of Neuromuscular Diseases - part 7 pdf

... with HMSNIII (De- jerine-Sottas disease). The biop- sy shows evidence of severe de- myelination with thinly myeli- nated fibers and formation of multiple onion bulbs (black ar- rows) 30 9 Abstinence, ... inflam- matory demyelinating poly- neuropathy. A Multiple inflam- matory cells in the endoneuri- um of the sural nerve (black ar- row). B Variation in myelin thickness in the presence...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 16:21

46 318 0
Atlas of Neuromuscular Diseases - part 8 pps

Atlas of Neuromuscular Diseases - part 8 pps

... legs and feet of patients with acute intermittent porphyria. J Intern Med 248 (1): 27 32 Prognosis References 36 3 tion of the pore forming protein perforin, by upregulation of Fas-induced apoptosis, ... negative myasthenia Electrophysiology Differential diagnosis 33 3 Many other hereditary neuropathies have been identified, often in just a handful of families in a particular ethni...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 16:21

46 305 0
Atlas of Neuromuscular Diseases - part 10 docx

Atlas of Neuromuscular Diseases - part 10 docx

... tunnel syndrome 236 Anti-Hu antibodies 276 Anti-MAG antibodies 267 Anti-striatal antibodies 33 8 Anti-titin antibodies 33 8 Antibody negative myasthenia 34 1 Arsenic neuropathy 32 0 Autonomic findings ... 89 Cervical spondylosis 1 23 Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease type 1, CMT-1 32 4 Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease type 2, CMT-2 32 7 Chemotherapy and neuropathy 31 5 Chloramphenicol neuropath...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 16:21

45 277 0
Advances in parasitology global mapping of infectious diseases - part 3 pptx

Advances in parasitology global mapping of infectious diseases - part 3 pptx

... Data and Methods 97 3. 3. Data-Based Accuracy Assessment 99 3. 4. Model-Based Accuracy Assessment . . . 1 03 3.5. Validation of Global Disease Maps: Some Considerations . . . 105 3. 6. Satellite Sensor ... . . 108 ADVANCES IN PARASITOLOGY VOL 62 ISSN: 006 5 -3 08X $35 .00 DOI: 10.1016/S006 5 -3 08X(05)6200 3- 9 Copyright r 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights of reproduction in any form...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 08:20

2 308 0
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