Renewable energy technologies for developing countries phần 5 docx

Renewable energy technologies for developing countries phần 5 docx

Renewable energy technologies for developing countries phần 5 docx

... 2020 1.9 % 1.3 % 1 .5 % 3.8 % 4 .5 % 5. 1 % 5. 1 % 4.0 % 2.6 % 3.4 % 2.7 % Electricity demand by 2020 (TWh/ year) 451 5 57 29 17 45 2041 2081 16 95 3691 907 26 15 864 25, 883 20% of 2020 demand (TWh/ year) 903 ... Lanka Thailand Vietnam Solar ther- mal system (1000m 2 ) 50 00 467 - - 57 - - - - 10 - - - - - - 50 - - 0. 15 6.00 50 5 3.6 0.48 2 1.08 0.44 0 .52 - - 5...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 14:22

10 314 0
Renewable energy technologies for developing countries phần 1 pdf

Renewable energy technologies for developing countries phần 1 pdf

... Figure 1(b) : Logarithmic Plot for per capita energy- consumption (1984) Figure 2 : Per-Capita Energy Consumption Renewable Energy Technologies for Developing Countries Now and to 2023 By Dr. ... Economics of Renewable Energy Technologies …… Chapter 4 The Major Options for Various Categories of Countries ………… Chapter 5 Research, Development and Demonstration of...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 14:22

10 407 0
Renewable energy technologies for developing countries phần 2 pdf

Renewable energy technologies for developing countries phần 2 pdf

... year 450 20 75 550 - 750 5. 7 -5. 9 9 .5 2012 55 0 21 25 750 -1,100 7.9-9.0 11 2030 650 21 75 970-1,270 10.2-10.8 12 .5 2 050 750 2200 1,090-1,430 10.0-11.8 13 .5 2060 1,000 23 75 1,220-1,610 12.7 15 20 75 Table ... 10% to 15% by 2020 and, hopefully 30% by the year 2 050 . Global Energy- Economy : - 50 % energy is consumed by 16% population - 1.6 billion people have no...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 14:22

10 262 0
Renewable energy technologies for developing countries phần 3 ppt

Renewable energy technologies for developing countries phần 3 ppt

... indicated) 5- 13 5- 15 $ 2-3/gallon ($ 15- 25 gigajoule) 20-40 35- 70 50 -100 10-18 3-10 3 -5 2-3 15- 25 8-10 15 to > 70 Costs declined fivefold from 19 85 to 19 95 Steam cycle of 25 megawatts ... 2002. 5. “World Energy Assessment” 2001 UNDP. - 22 - 4. Appendix The Renewable Energy Technologies and Problems Associated with them. While all RETs derive their...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 14:22

10 319 0
Renewable energy technologies for developing countries phần 4 potx

Renewable energy technologies for developing countries phần 4 potx

... Californian grid (USA). Country Japan US Europe ROW Total 1994 16 .5 25. 64 21.7 5. 6 69.44 19 95 16.4 34. 75 20.1 6. 35 77.6 1996 21.2 38. 85 18.8 9. 75 88.6 1997 35 51 30.4 9.4 1 25. 8 1998 49 53 .7 33 .5 18.7 154 .9 1999 80 60.8 40 20 .5 201.3 2000 128.6 74.97 60.66 23.42 287. 65 2001 171.22 100.32 86.38 32.62 390 .54 Source ... Share 45, 799 .51 153 ,58 8 .52 288.00 2,6...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 14:22

10 227 0
Renewable energy technologies for developing countries phần 6 pps

Renewable energy technologies for developing countries phần 6 pps

... kilowatt) 900-3,000 250 - 750 1,100-1,700 5, 000-10,000 3,000-4,000 50 0-1,700 1,000-3 ,50 0 1,200-3,000 800-3,000 200-2,000 1,700-2 ,50 0 1 ,50 0-3,000 2,000-3,000 - 5- 15 c/kWh 5- 15 c/kWh 8- 25 $/Gj 5- 13 c/kWh 25- 1 25 c/kWh 12-18 c/kWh 3-20 c/kWh 2-8 ... capacity All countries 43,000 32,000 18,000 8 ,50 0 350 250 102,000 680,000 3,400,000 Developing countries 25, 00...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 14:22

10 326 0
Renewable energy technologies for developing countries phần 7 doc

Renewable energy technologies for developing countries phần 7 doc

... Options for Developing Countries. “World Bank Environment Department discussin paper : Washington, DC. 5. Wanger, Andreas. 2000. “Set for the 21st century: Germany’s new renewable energy law. Renewable ... table 5. 2. Source : Howerd Geller, Energy revolution - policies for a sustainable future” Renewable Energy World, July-August 2003, p.40&42 Table 5. 2 : Economi...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 14:22

10 297 0
Renewable energy technologies for developing countries phần 8 ppsx

Renewable energy technologies for developing countries phần 8 ppsx

... biomass Mature Demonstration (commercial-2000) Demonstration (commercial-2003) Demonstration (commercial-20 05) Demonstration (commercial-20 05) Research (demonstration-20 05) Not feasible Not feasible 20- 25 26 29 34 -57 21- 25 80% + (?) 80% + (?) 80% + (?) 4000 -50 00 2100 150 0 1800-3000 ... 6 SOME OTHER LIKELY RENEWABLE SOURCES FOR DEVELOPING COUNTRIES 1. Geo...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 14:22

10 263 0
Renewable energy technologies for developing countries phần 9 pptx

Renewable energy technologies for developing countries phần 9 pptx

... alternative /renewable energy- sources, through demonstration; 4. Promotion of Financial for renewable energy; 5. Regulate law, tax-exemption investment, which can attract local and foreign partnership for ... CHAPTER 7 ENERGY POLICY AND PLANNING Situation in Developing Countries : Developing countries generally do not have elaborate policies to support development of re...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 14:22

9 343 0
Tài liệu Renewable Energy Technologies for Rural Development potx

Tài liệu Renewable Energy Technologies for Rural Development potx

... 86 2 Kenya 38 .5 78.7 13 51 .5 3 .5 Malawi 13.9 81.7 7 .5 34 2 .5 Mali 12.2 68.4 13 41 2 .5 Senegal 12.4 57 .9 46 .5 82 19 Uganda 30.9 87.2 47 .5 8 .5 2 .5 Zambia 11.9 64.7 20 50 3 .5 Source: World ... RENEWABLE ENERGY TECHNOLOGIES FOR RURAL DEVELOPMENT 3. Renewable energy technologies 3.1. Defining RETs RETs are energy- providing technologies that uti...

Ngày tải lên: 22/02/2014, 09:20

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