photoshop CS2 essential skills phần 5 pot

photoshop CS2 essential skills phần 5 pot

photoshop CS2 essential skills phần 5 pot

... creating complex selections. 156 essential skills: photoshop CS essential skills >>>>>> PHOTOSHOP CS >>> ACTIVITY 2 The ... type to avoid the appearance of blured text. 158 essential skills: photoshop CS essential skills >>>>>> PHOTOSHOP CS >>> 5. The followi...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 11:21

36 191 0
photoshop CS2 essential skills phần 1 potx

photoshop CS2 essential skills phần 1 potx

... and the V key to be pressed. essential skills: photoshop CS PHOTOSHOP CS >>> 8 essential skills: photoshop CS essential skills >>>>>> PHOTOSHOP CS >>> The ... 246 Filters 251 Filtering in Photoshop 252 New for Photoshop CS – The Filter Gallery 253 Fade Filter command 254 Improving fi lter performance 254 Installing and using third...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 11:21

36 185 0
photoshop CS2 essential skills phần 7 potx

photoshop CS2 essential skills phần 7 potx

... of the ‘Shape 1’ layer. 228 essential skills: photoshop CS essential skills >>>>>> PHOTOSHOP CS >>> ACTIVITY 6 1. If ... for years. 216 essential skills: photoshop CS essential skills >>>>>> PHOTOSHOP CS >>> Cast shadows Cast shadows, instead of drop shadows, are often...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 11:22

36 131 0
photoshop CS2 essential skills phần 8 potx

photoshop CS2 essential skills phần 8 potx

... top of the characters. 266 essential skills: photoshop CS essential skills >>>>>> PHOTOSHOP CS >>> ACTIVITY 1 lters.html One way ... Light Direction fi lters 240 essential skills: photoshop CS essential skills >>>>>> PHOTOSHOP CS >>> ACTIVITY 10

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 11:22

36 144 0
photoshop CS2 essential skills phần 2 ppsx

photoshop CS2 essential skills phần 2 ppsx

... print service provider. Red: 255 0 0 Green: 0 255 0 Blue: 0 0 255 Cyan: 0 255 255 Magenta: 255 0 255 Yellow: 255 255 0 Black: 0 0 0 White: 255 255 255 Mid gray 127 127 127 Color RGB ... appear as blocks 24 essential skills: photoshop CS essential skills >>>>>> PHOTOSHOP CS >>> Paul Allister 52 essential skills: photoshop CS essent...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 11:21

36 193 0
photoshop CS2 essential skills phần 3 pps

photoshop CS2 essential skills phần 3 pps

... adjustment instead). 82 essential skills: photoshop CS essential skills >>>>>> PHOTOSHOP CS >>> Amber Williams 76 essential skills: photoshop CS essential skills >>>>>> PHOTOSHOP ... color channel. 66 essential skills: photoshop CS essential skills >>>>>> PHOTOSHOP CS >>> Paul Allister...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 11:21

36 246 0
photoshop CS2 essential skills phần 4 ppsx

photoshop CS2 essential skills phần 4 ppsx

... the following skills: – selection tools and techniques – layers and channels – layer masks. selections essential skills Stuart Wilson 102 essential skills: photoshop CS essential skills >>>>>> PHOTOSHOP ... (Photoshop document) for subsequent editing or manipulation. 101 layers and channels essential skills >>>>>> PHOTOSHOP CS &...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 11:21

36 182 0
photoshop CS2 essential skills phần 6 pptx

photoshop CS2 essential skills phần 6 pptx

... Original Shadow (50 ,50 ,30) Highlights (50 ,50 ,30) Adjustments (20,0) Shadow ( 65, 80 ,50 ) Highlights (0,9,30) Adjustments (20,39) Shadow (100,90,60) Highlights (0 ,50 ,20) Adjustments ( 75, 35) 178 essential skills: ... apply the curves adjustment. 188 essential skills: photoshop CS essential skills >>>>>> PHOTOSHOP CS >>> ACTIVITY 4 www.phot...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 11:21

36 139 0
photoshop CS2 essential skills phần 9 ppt

photoshop CS2 essential skills phần 9 ppt

... Shape. 294 essential skills: photoshop CS essential skills >>>>>> PHOTOSHOP CS >>> Introduction ImageReady was bundled with Photoshop with the release of version 5. 5. This ... steps, however, introduce a new feature to the animation. 292 essential skills: photoshop CS essential skills >>>>>> PHOTOSHOP CS >>> i...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 11:22

36 313 0
Photoshop cs2 Essential skills

Photoshop cs2 Essential skills

... would be the same color blue. 316 essential skills: photoshop CS essential skills >>>>>> PHOTOSHOP CS >>> Picture Package The Photoshop Print Package option provides ... arrow keys on the keyboard when in full screen view. 322 essential skills: photoshop CS essential skills >>>>>> PHOTOSHOP CS >>> Upload your we...

Ngày tải lên: 27/08/2012, 14:33

29 899 2