... existence of various categories of cohesins and dockerins which determine the composition of the cell- ulosomes [23,34]. Despite the enzymatic diversity of the cellulosomes from C. cellulolyticum (there ... of cellulosomes and their synergies FEBS Journal 276 (2009) 30763086 ê 2009 The Authors Journal compilation ê 2009 FEBS 3079 The cellulosomes from...
Ngày tải lên: 18/02/2014, 08:20
... SD Bax- a5 Buffer 23 6 15 2 10 2 7 1 19 4 26 3 20% TFE 62 5 26 2 0 1 0 1 3 1 9 6 60% TFE 61 5 27 2 0 1 0 2 1 1 11 5 0 .5 m M SDS 63 6 19 3 1 2 0 1 4 4 13 4 4m M SDS 61 4 25 3 0 1 0 1 4 2 10 6 Bax- a6 ... C 50 (lM )1 ) Bax- a5 Bax- a6 PtdCho 158 .7 35. 2 PtdCho:PtdSer ( 75 : 25) 59 .3 15. 8 PtdCho:PtdSer (50 : 50 ) 37 .6 13.8 PtdCho:CL (90 : 10) 35. 3 5. 7 Ptd...
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Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: Arginine ethylester prevents thermal inactivation and aggregation of lysozyme pptx
... equation and determined the apparent T m . Results Thermal inactivation and aggregation of lysozyme in the presence of additives Figure 1 s hows the thermal inactivation and aggregation of lysozyme ... presence of NaCl suggest that the molecular mechanism of ArgEE in preventing thermal inactivation and aggregation is different from that of Arg. Therm...
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... Proton transfer in the oxidative half-reaction of pentaerythritol tetranitrate reductase Structure of the reduced enzyme-progesterone complex and the roles of residues Tyr186, His181 and His184 Huma ... of histidine residues in PETN reductase inferred to be involved in ligand binding and counterpart residues in related enzymes...
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Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: The undecided serpin The ins and outs of plasminogen activator inhibitor type 2 pdf
... Studies on the plasminogen activating system. J Biol Chem 26 7, 122 20– 122 26. 85 Maurer F & Medcalf RL (1996) Plasminogen activator inhibitor type 2 gene induction by tumor necrosis factor and phorbol ... overexpression of plasminogen activator inhibitor type- 2. J Biol Chem 26 6, 20 960 20 964. 63 Dickinson JL, Bates EJ, Ferrante A & Antalis TM (1995)...
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... binding of Nrl to the rhodopsin promoter (Fig. 4C,D). The mRNA tran- script levels of Ppp2r5c and rhodopsin in mouse retina corresponded to the observed increase in Nrl binding affinity for their ... blotting. Fig. S1. Expression of neural retina Nrl mRNA. Fig. S2. Generation of the polyclonal antibody for Nrl and expression of Nrl proteins in various cell lin...
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... hydantoinase, allantoinase and dihydrooratase [32]. Cyclic amidohydrolases share a number of physicochemical characteristics. These characteristics include quaternary, tertiary, secondary and ... decarboxyl- ation of OHCU to (S)-allantoin. Thus, the pathway of the conversion of uric acid to (S)-allantoin via the three enzymes uricase, TLP (5-HIUase) and OHCU decar- boxylas...
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Báo cáo khoa học: Post-ischemic brain damage: pathophysiology and role of inflammatory mediators ppt
... pathophysiology and role of inflammatory mediators Diana Amantea 1 , Giuseppe Nappi 2 , Giorgio Bernardi 3 , Giacinto Bagetta 1,4 and Maria T. Corasaniti 5 1 Department of Pharmacobiology, University of Calabria, ... 2008) doi:10.1111/j.1742-4658.2008.06766.x Neuroinflammatory mediators play a crucial role in the pathophysiology of brain ischemia, exerting either del...
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... human kynurenine aminotransferase I (Eur. J. Biochem. 271) 4805 pH dependence, substrate specificity and inhibition of human kynurenine aminotransferase I Qian Han, Junsuo Li and Jianyong Li Department ... epartment of Animal Health and Biomedical Sciences, University of Wisconsin (Madison, WI, USA) and Dr Menico Rizzi (De partment of G enetics, Unive...
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Báo cáo khoa học: Intermodule cooperativity in the structure and dynamics of consecutive complement control modules in human C1r Structural biology docx
... timescale in both of the free modules. Thus, these loops are strong candidates for binding sites of other complement and ⁄ or regulatory proteins. The large insertion between E and F strands in C1r ... protein module of C1r (CCP1 single ) and second complement control protein module of C1r (CCP2 single ) for the single CCP mod- ules, and CCP1 CCP2 and...
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... Cloning, over-expression, purification and characterization of Plasmodium falciparum enolase Ipsita Pal-Bhowmick, K. Sadagopan, Hardeep K. Vora, Alfica Sehgal*, Shobhona Sharma and Gotam ... is at variance to those of mammalian and yeast enolases. Figure 5B shows the effect of increasing concentrations of Mg 2+ on the activity of r-Pfen, rabbit and yeast enolases...
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Báo cáo khoa học: Systems biology: model based evaluation and comparison of potential explanations for given biological data pot
... toolboxes for the systems biology community. Discussion The focus of this minireview is the problem of evaluat- ing and comparing two or several explanations for a given set of data and prior ... focus of this article is to evaluate competing explanations for a given data set and prior knowledge. We will now introduce the basic notation for this data set,...
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Báo cáo khoa học: Sulfated polysaccharides inhibit the catabolism and loss of both large and small proteoglycans in explant cultures of tendon doc
... FEBS Sulfated polysaccharides inhibit the catabolism and loss of both large and small proteoglycans in explant cultures of tendon Tom Samiric, Mirna Z. Ilic and Christopher J. Handley School of ... to determine the amounts of glycosaminoglycans remaining in the matrix. Measurement of turnover of 35 S-labeled proteoglycans in tendon ma...
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Báo cáo khoa học: "Infrageneric classification of Quercus (Fagaceae) and typification of sectional names" ppsx
... Ari- zona, and barely into adjacent Chihuahua; also present on the channel islands of southern California, and the only group of oaks present on the islands of Guadalupe and Cedros ... are known from the Oligocene and Paleocene of North America, and later deposits in Europe. A subgeneric and sectional classification of Quercus that...
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Báo cáo y học: "A double blind, randomized, placebo controlled study of the efficacy and safety of 5-Loxin® for treatment of osteoarthritis of the knee" potx
... properties by inhibiting the 5-lipoxygenase enzyme. A 90-day, double- blind, randomized, placebo- controlled study was conducted to evaluate the efficacy and safety of 5-Loxin đ in the treatment of osteoarthritis ... not for citation purposes) Vol 10 No 4 Research article A double blind, randomized, placebo controlled study of the efficacy a...
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