Energy Management Handbook for ASEAN phần 3 ppt
... ThankYou! ThankYou! Source: PROMEEC (Energy Management) Project ENERGY MANAGEMENT HANDBOOK for ASEAN NewApproachto Energy Conservationin ASEAN Countries ProcessandActivitiestoComplete Energy Management Handbook •Review Energy Management Handbook for ASEAN (ECCJ/ACE /ASEAN Countries) •Discuss Energy Management Handbook for ASEAN amongrelatedmembersfrom ASEAN Country •Re...
Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 17:20
... Missouri home: Ceiling: R -38 Walls: 2x4 R- 13* 2x6 R-19 Floors: R-19 Crawlspace walls: R-10 * An additional R -3 or more of exterior insulated sheathing will provide improved comfort and will be cost-effec- tive ... stains, find the leaks, and repair them. 2. Inspect for adequate ventilation (see section on Attic Ventilation for requirements, page 31 ). 3. Cover open chases or hole...
Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 15:21
... where suitable Water conservation Energy Management Handbook for Homeowners Missouri Department of Natural Resources Energy Center P.O. Box 176, Jefferson City, MO 65102-0176 (5 73) 751 -34 43 1-800 -36 1-4827 /energy 5 Caulk/Weatherstrip Types ... Condensation Reducing Excess Humidity 30 New Construction Ventilation 31 Attic Crawl Space Water Heater...
Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 15:21
Energy Management Handbook for ASEAN phần 1 pdf
... ECActivitiesbyALLParticipation • Management (Owner/Managers) • Staff,Engineers,Foremen,Workers(Operators) 3 ConceptandPurpose: Energy Management Handbook 2 Energy Management Handbook ‐ Introduction‐ •Backgroundofthis Handbook • ... Figure1 Steps for Energy ConservationActivities (KeyStepApproach) 11 Energy Management Handbook for ASEAN BernardE.Pacia Energy...
Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 17:20
Energy Management Handbook for ASEAN phần 2 doc
... infrastructure/environment by management 2. Establishment of groups 3. Setup of subject for activities 4. Setup of basic duration of group activities for SGA 5. Setup of action plan for each subject by ... group 17 Energy Management Handbook ‐ SmallGroupActivities‐ ‐ Howtoproceedwith SGAbasedonprinciples ‐ Stepstobetaken •SmallGroupFormation •DoandSee •ManyAvailab...
Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 17:20
Energy Management Handbook for Homeowners phần 2 doc
... 12 Comfort Usage Cost in Dollars Air Cleaner 1/20 kWh/hour $0.004 Air Conditioner, Central (36 ,000 Btu, SEER 7) 5 kWh/hour 0 .36 5 (36 ,000 Btu, SEER 10) 3 2 /3 kWh/hour 0.268 (36 ,000 Btu. SEER 12) 3 ... 0.018 Heating Pad 1 /3 kWh/hour 0.024 Fireplace Log, Gas, 33 ,000 Btu 1 /3 therm/hour 0.178 Pilot Usage 1/5 therm/day 0.107 Floor or Wall Heater 1 /3 Therm/hour 0.178 Furnace, F...
Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 15:21
Energy Management Handbook for Homeowners phần 4 ppsx
... Insulate Electric 1 2 3 For GAS water heaters you must NOT cover the following areas: 1. The top of the tank. 2. Below the water tank line. 3. The temperature dial. 3 1 2 Natural Gas 31 Attic Ventilation Ventilation ... and reproduce their homeowner handbook, which was the basis for for this publication. Printed on recycled paper. PUB000775 “Integrity and excellence in all we do”...
Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 15:21
Tài liệu Manual on the Production and Use of Live Food for Aquaculture - Phần 3 ppt
... Selco ® per m 3 .day - 1 (L-strain) (in g) (in g) 100 - 150 0. 53 53 - 80 150 - 200 0.47 70 - 93 200 - 250 0.40 80 - 100 250 - 30 0 0 .37 92 - 110 30 0 - 35 0 0 .33 100 - 117 35 0 - 400 0 .30 105 - ... protein.ind - 1* 200 ± 31 1 63 ± 13 238 ± 44 ng protein.ind - 1** 117 100 165 protein/lipid * 3. 7 2 .3 2.6 protein/lipid ** 2.2 1.4 1.8 ng DW.ind -1 37 6 ± 20...
Ngày tải lên: 15/12/2013, 00:15
Engineering Drawing for Manufacture phần 3 ppt
... driven by the need to give sufficient information for the part to be manufactured. One should try to avoid giving more views than 38 Engineering drawing for manufacture lessons in a school, ... Engineering Drawings, 1999. ISO 128 -30 :2001, Technical Drawings - General Principles of Presentation - Part 30 : Basic Conventions for Views, 2001. ISO 128 -34 :2001, Technical Draw...
Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 17:20
Expert CAD Management The Complete Guide phần 3 ppt
... achieving lower unit costs for every job you do. When you’ve made this point, 16 531 c 03. qxd 3/ 19/07 1:41 PM Page 44 16 531 c 03. qxd 3/ 19/07 1:41 PM Page 50 40 CHAPTER 3: MANAGING YOUR MANAGEMENT ■ nature ... Tasks Enabler Results Training Procurement Processes Efficiency 16 531 c 03. qxd 3/ 19/07 1:41 PM Page 38 58 CHAPTER 4: MANAGING STANDARDS ■ Figure 4 .3 Managing vendors...
Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 23:21