flame safeguard control phần 9 ppsx
... ard a V9055 for modulated tiring. The V9055 Actuator can be controlled directly from a series 90 controller (except Ihe T 991 family), just like the M941 Modutrol Motor. The V9055 has ... MOTOR STROKE M954A No None 90 or 160 degrees. M954D No 2 M955A Yos None ConlinuOJSfy adjustable from 90 to 160 degrees. M955C Yos , FIG. 52-M954 AND M9SS SUPER MOD ......
Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 15:21
flame safeguard control phần 6 ppsx
... R7 795 AND BC7000. FIG. 1-FSP1535 TESTER FOR RA 890 AND R4 795 PRIMARY CONTROLS. , " FSP 197 5 TESTER PANEL FSP 197 6 SUBBASE (R4140, A41S0) FSPI978 SUBBASE (R4138, R4181) FSP 197 7 ... SIMULATOR WITH AN R485B, R7023B, RA 190 B, RA 890 E WITH TEST JACK, OR RA 890 F,H,J,K. FIG. 9- USING A 121708 FLAME SIMULATOR WITH AN R4 795 AND R7289A AMPLIFIER....
Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 15:21
flame safeguard control phần 1 doc
... PRIMARY CONTROLS 107 RA 890 Primary Controls 1 09 RA 890 H Self-Checking P,lmary Controls 115 R471lS Primary Controls 122 R771lS Primary Controls 124 PROGRAMMING CONTROLS 131 ... Programming Controls 148 BC7000 Microcomputer Burner Control Systems 165 Semi-Automatic, Industrial FSG Con1fols 175 TROUBLESHOOTING AND MAINTENANCE OF 192 FLAME SAFEGU...
Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 15:21
flame safeguard control phần 2 pps
... 650,000 pounds of steam per hour at an c:peraling pressure of 1300 psig and a 19IT98ralure of 95 5 F [513 C). Some ha e comblna- 1100 burners using pul erized coal with gas ... ' SU ',IOG I \ , , 'H'ELO ",~g9'\f'OOWNI I FIG. 1 19- HOT WATER BOILER WITH ELECTRODE SHIELD CONTROL. 66 FIG. Sg-SECTIONAL VIEW OF A SINGL...
Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 15:21
flame safeguard control phần 3 ppt
... 0",,40 11 .9 28.4 6.3 17.6 23.2 34.' 2 11 .9 14.8 17.6 20.4 3.5 6.3 9. 1 23.2 26.0 26 .9 31.7 34.' 3 10.1 11 .9 12 .9 15.7 17.6 19. 5 2.6 4.4 6.3 8.2 21.3 23.2 4 9. , 11 .9 13.4 14.8 ... own flame ro:! an::! flame safeguard control. With the RA 890 Primary Controls, this individual supervision can be accompliShed wil.toJl aUlfjl- iary equipment....
Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 15:21
flame safeguard control phần 4 pps
... HONEYWELL FLAME SAFEGUARD PRIMARY CONTROLS The Flame safeguard Primary Control. is the heart of the: bu!'flll' control ~. It lrans/ales inputs 1rom the flame delector, controller, ... ~I •. ~ ,,' "" _ FIG. 30- UPDATING RA 890 INSTALLATIONS WITH THE AA 890 H. R4 795 PRIMARY CONTROLS ThElse controls U&e much of the proven, reliable ha...
Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 15:21
flame safeguard control phần 5 pot
... six types of Interlocks. R4140 PROGRAMMING CONTROLS DEVELOPMENT OF THE R4140 FLAME SAFEGUARD PROGRAMMING CONTROLS Way back In 193 1, HQl"lEllljWeli inlroc1Jced the firm elec- Ironic flame satfo,Jard control- the Protecloglo system. This ... been designed to replace lhe R4126, R4127, R41a" and R4150 Flame safeguard Pro- gramming Controls. APPLICATIONS The R4140 Flame sa...
Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 15:21
flame safeguard control phần 7 pps
... 0,2 49 3 0.036 25.4 . 49 0.00254 7.47 0,00762 0,747 0108 75.2 , , .245 10 12.45 0,0127 0,181 127 24 .91 0.0254 2. 491 0.0533 0.361 254 S.231 0.75 533 .31 2' 68 .95 0.0703 6, 895 1.000 ... 10 6 89. 5 68 .95 703' , 105~6 1.055 415,2 1C.34 553.6 20 " 14062 13 79 1.406 137 .9 - 2t13 2.461 24608 24'.3 ,38< 96 eB 35 35154 3m 3.515 344.7...
Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 15:21
flame safeguard control phần 8 pot
... Pro- gramming Controls. 118702B-1or use on RA 890 and R4 795 Flame sate- guard Primary Controls. 198 365A-for use on R7 795 Flame Safeguard Primary Controls, 118760B-for use on R4140 Flame safeg.Jard ... THE 0624A SOUD STATE SPARK GENERATOR FLAMe SAFEGUARD 0624A CONTROL TER_ FLAME SAFEGUARD MODeL MINAL CONTROL TeRMINAL RA 890 G IU1d R4 795 T1 • T2...
Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 15:21
flame safeguard control phần 10 pdf
... should, For all name saf9QJard controls, safEity shuld:Mn $h:lUfdoccur f1 a flame is not established or If " o::es out. Some flame safeguard controls should cause safety ... POINT. CONTROL SYSTEM-the entire system, including the controlled system And the automatic conlrol eq.Jip- ment. see CONTROLLED SYSTEM. CONTROL VALVE-see AUTOMATlC CONTROL VALV...
Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 15:21