... Applications 15 .11 15 .8 Limitations 15 .12 15 .9 Installation and Maintenance 15 .13 15 .10 Specifying a Diaphragm Compressor 15 .14 16 . Rotary Compressor Seals 16 .1 16 .1 Introduction 16 .1 16 .2 Types ... Diaphragm Compressors 15 .1 15 .1 Introduction 15 .1 15 .2 Theory of Operation 15 .1 15 .3 Design 15 .4 15 .4 Materials of Construction 15 .9 15 .5 Acc...

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 12:22

76 456 0
ANSI/ISO C++ Professional Programmer''''s Handbook phần 1 ppt

ANSI/ISO C++ Professional Programmer''''s Handbook phần 1 ppt

... Programmer's Handbook - Chapter 1 - Introduction file:///D|/Cool Stuff/old/ftp /1/ 1/ch 01/ ch 01. htm (1 von 8) [12 .05.2000 14 :45:43] ANSI/ISO C++ Professional Programmer's Handbook Table of ... Professional Programmer's Handbook - Chapter 1 - Introduction file:///D|/Cool Stuff/old/ftp /1/ 1/ch 01/ ch 01. htm (5 von 8) [12 .05.2000 14 :45:43] ANSI Committee Esta...

Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 10:20

24 321 0
Tunable lasers handbook phần 1 ppt

Tunable lasers handbook phần 1 ppt

... laser MPL 19 3 248 308 308 308 308 308 308 10 ,5 91 10 ,5 91 10 ,5 91 10 ,5 91 600 600 524 600 SI0 -6000 GHz 10 GHL 2437 GH/ 19 GHz -12 0 GHz - 31 GHz -1. 5 GHL -1 GHz 515 0 MHz ... GHz 1. 8 GHz 11 7 MHL 2.6GHz 400-700 MHz 11 40 MHz 10 7 MHz 2.5 GHL 300 MHz 2.5 GHz 519 -575 nm 420 MHz 300 MHL 15 0 MHz 490-530 nm 1. 61 GHz E"...

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 03:20

50 316 0


... is 11 40 fps and that of propylene at Ϫ40ЊF is 740 fps. If a compressor stage is operating at a mechanical tip speed of 780 fps on propylene at Ϫ40ЊF, the equivalent tip speed is: U ϭ 780 ϫ 11 40/740 ... FOUR FIGURE 4.57 Static pressure tap. The hole should be 1/ 4 to 1/ 2 inch in diameter. It should be deburred but have a sharp edge. 13 ,15 All pressures should be measured using qual...

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 12:22

76 233 0
Dairy Farm Energy Management Handbook phần 1 pptx

Dairy Farm Energy Management Handbook phần 1 pptx

... share of electricity usage at 25%, followed by ventilation at 19 %, water heating at 18 %, vacuum pumps at 17 %, and lighting at 15 %. Electric space heating and miscellaneous uses accounted for ... ventilation at 22%, and vacuum pumps at 17 %. Electric water heating (4%), manure handling (4%), feeding equipment (3%), and miscellaneous (1% ) made up the balance of 12 %. So, an ene...

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 15:21

6 433 0
Oracle SQL Internals Handbook phần 1 ppt

Oracle SQL Internals Handbook phần 1 ppt

... Internals Handbook Environment 14 8 The Tests 14 8 Java: 14 9 PL/SQL: 14 9 Multiple Statements 14 9 Java: 14 9 PL/SQL: 15 0 Truncate 15 0 Java: 15 0 PL/SQL: 15 1 Benchmark Results 15 1 Single ... Joe Celko 17 2 Introduction 17 2 Triggers 17 3 INSERT INTO Statement 17 5 Table of Contents vii Warnings 11 6 Conclusion 11 8 References 11...

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 20:21

20 379 0
Energy Management Handbook for Homeowners phần 1 pptx

Energy Management Handbook for Homeowners phần 1 pptx

... Refrigerator 10 Selecting a Washer and Dryer Selecting a Dishwasher 11 Appliance and Equipment Cost of Operation 12 -13 -14 Heating 15 Natural Gas Forced Air Hydronic Systems Combustion Air 16 Replacement ... where suitable Water conservation Energy Management Handbook for Homeowners Missouri Department of Natural Resources Energy Center P.O. Box 17 6, Jefferson City, MO 6 510 2-...

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 15:21

11 490 0
The essential handbook of internal auditing phần 1 pptx

The essential handbook of internal auditing phần 1 pptx

... Internal Audit Role 10 9 Introduction 10 9 5 .1 Why Auditing? 10 9 5.2 Defining Internal Audit 10 9 5.3 The Audit Charter 11 3 5.4 Audit Services 11 5 5.5 Independence 11 7 5.6 Audit Ethics 11 9 5.7 Police Officer ... Conclusions 15 1 Chapter 6: Multi-Choice Questions 15 1 References 15 4 7 The Audit Approach 15 5 Introduction 15 5 7 .1 The Systems Approach 15 5 7.2 Control Risk...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 16:21

31 302 1
Tài liệu Bài giảng ứng dụng công nghệ sinh học trong NTTS phần 1.ppt

Tài liệu Bài giảng ứng dụng công nghệ sinh học trong NTTS phần 1.ppt

... sử dụng kháng thể đơn dòng - BWSD: âm tính khi kiểm tra bằng các kỹ thuật trên WSSV 474 bp MBV 2 61 bp IHHNV 389 bp HỘI CHỨNG ĐỐM HỘI CHỨNG ĐỐM TRẮNG TRẮNG VS WSSV BWSD

Ngày tải lên: 24/09/2012, 14:16

10 1,3K 8