Enabling Technologies for Wireless E-Business phần 8 pps

Enabling Technologies for Wireless E-Business phần 8 pps

Enabling Technologies for Wireless E-Business phần 8 pps

... real world Web contents. In [80 ], a For example, TranSend [81 ], ProxyNet ProxiWare, SpyGlass Prism Server, and pages. Similar approaches are reported in [82 ] [83 ] [84 ]. Instead of specific rules ... ( 1996 ) Enhanced services for World Wide Web in mobile WAN environment. Re p ort C-1996– 28, 88 . R. Han, P. B h agwat, R. LaMa i re, T. Mummert, V. Perret, J. Ru b as ( 19 98 ) Dy...

Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 21:20

41 372 0
Enabling Technologies for Wireless E-Business phần 3 pps

Enabling Technologies for Wireless E-Business phần 3 pps

... cons id erat i on for 86 2 87 0 MHz. For Austra li a and New Zealand, 915–927 MHz is the ran g e of UHF for unlicensed use. For C hina, South Korea, and Japan, there is no re g ulation for the use of ... Karygiannis and Les Owens ( 2002) Wireless Network Security: 80 2.11 , B l uetoot h an d Han dh e ld Dev i ces, NIST Spec i a l Pu bli cat i on 80 0- 48 . 2 7. IEEE P...

Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 21:20

41 278 0
Enabling Technologies for Wireless E-Business phần 5 pps

Enabling Technologies for Wireless E-Business phần 5 pps

... protoco l d es ig ne d for t h e IEEE 80 2.11 b are we ll k nown [ 81 ]. T h e IEEE 80 2.11 b wor ki n g g roup h as now re l ease d WEP2 for t h e ent i re c lass of 80 2.1x p rotocols. Bluetooth ... One type represents information con- d sumers, i.e., applications that search for information, while the other type of logic represents i nformat i on pro d ucers. Infor...

Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 21:20

39 308 0
Enabling Technologies for Wireless E-Business phần 7 ppsx

Enabling Technologies for Wireless E-Business phần 7 ppsx

... T he RFC 82 2 e-mail header indicates t he existence of an RFC 82 2 Internet e-mail in the data part of the message. The e xten d e d o bj ect IE a ll ows an exten d e d co d e range for format ... via a network or a wireless protocol, it initiates a payme n t and exchanges information with the i ntended merchant. The secure re q uirements include the re q uirements for form fill...

Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 21:20

37 224 0
Enabling Technologies for Wireless E-Business phần 1 doc

Enabling Technologies for Wireless E-Business phần 1 doc

... 170 R e f erences 171 8 Mobile Agents: The State of the Art B. Yang an d J. Li u 1 77 8. 1 Intro d uct i on 1 77 8. 2 System Facilities 1 78 8.3 M i grat i on an d P l ann i ng 180 8. 4 Communication ... locall y . ABC Weidong Kou Yelena Yesha (Eds.) Wi th 141 F ig ures and 15 Table s Technologies for Wireless E-Business Enabling 2 Fundamentals of Wireless Communicatio...

Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 21:20

40 298 0
Enabling Technologies for Wireless E-Business phần 2 docx

Enabling Technologies for Wireless E-Business phần 2 docx

... are offered for PTP and PMP communication. T he data rates for UMTS are: • 144 kb ps for rura l out d oor an d sate lli te • 3 84 kb ps for ur b an out d oor • 2 .0 48 Mbps for indoor or ... ( 1,5 ) ( 1, 18 ) ( 9,5 ) ( 9, 18 ) ( 11,10 ) ( 11,13 ) ( 13,5 ) ( 13, 18 ) ( 15, 3 ) ( 15, 20 ) ( 16, 8 ) ( 16, 15 ) ( 17, 10 ) ( 17, 13 ) ( 18, 10 )...

Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 21:20

37 460 0
Enabling Technologies for Wireless E-Business phần 4 pdf

Enabling Technologies for Wireless E-Business phần 4 pdf

... ( with SOD ) 0.315 0.5 7 4 32. 18 16.36 Total % bandwidth saved by S OD 3 . 64 66 .5 4 . 22 5 1 . 8 Av g . normal code size in KB 2 7 143 7 68 84 8 Avg. i n i t i al memory usage ... Aiz u , Japan, 26– 28 Au g ust 2004. pp. 77 6 –7 8 5. 2 7. J. Sousa and D. Garlan, Aura: an architectu ra l framewor k for user mo bili ty in ubiquitous computing environments . 2 8...

Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 21:20

41 361 0
Enabling Technologies for Wireless E-Business phần 6 doc

Enabling Technologies for Wireless E-Business phần 6 doc

... respon d to t h e state c h an g e. H . F . Li e t al . 1 98 B. Yan g an d J. L iu 18 . M . Straßer, M. Schwehm. A p erform a n ce model for mobile a g ent s y stems. I n Proceeding of the Internationa l Con f erence ... a g ent securit y . NIST Special Publica - tion, 1999, 80 0 81 9. 28. B. Yang, K. Yang, D.Y. L i u. Mo bil e a gent secur i ty fac ili ty for networ k mana...

Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 21:20

39 334 0
Enabling Technologies for Wireless E-Business phần 9 pdf

Enabling Technologies for Wireless E-Business phần 9 pdf

... environments TENCON ’ 98, 19 98. IEEE Re g ion 10 International Conference on Global C onnectivity in Energy, Computer, Communication and Control , vo l ume 1, 17–19 December 19 98, pp . 82 85 22. G. Le ... IEEE Pervasive Computin g , 80 89 , April–June 2003 2. W AP Location Protocol, http://www.wapforum.or g/ 3 . Location Inter-operability Foru m (LIF), http://www.locationforum.or...

Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 21:20

37 307 0
Enabling Technologies for Wireless E-Business phần 10 doc

Enabling Technologies for Wireless E-Business phần 10 doc

... 275, 276, 2 78, 280 , 282 Audio 253, 273, 274, 276, 285 , 286 Image 253, 272, 274, 276, 279 Video 253, 263, 274, 280 Webpage 287 Transport layer security (TLS) 77, 78, 83 , 85 , 86 TLS handshake ... 27 Logical channel 285 Access channel 19, 28, 29 Forward traffic channel 28 Paging channel 28 Pilot channel 28, 29 Reverse traffic channel 28 Synchronization channel 28 Po...

Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 21:20

43 309 0