Studying the gre 4 pps

Studying the gre 4 pps

Studying the gre 4 pps

... serious errors in the argument. Do not worry whether the claim seems correct or true, and do not mention whether you agree or disagree with the claim. This is not the point of the task. Your assignment ... with the argument, or even whether the report the author gives is accurate.You should do the following: ■ Talk about the argument the author makes. ■ Examine whether...

Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 13:21

6 133 0
Studying the gre 3 pps

Studying the gre 3 pps

... parts of the world say about the most important quality of teachers? Once again, to formulate a good thesis, you must think critically about the issues the claim raises to formu- late the position ... variety ■ skillful use of the conventions of standard written English, perhaps with minor errors SCORE 4 An essay with a score of 4 reveals a proficient analysis of the issue....

Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 13:21

6 171 0
The A to Z of the Vikings 4 ppsx

The A to Z of the Vikings 4 ppsx

... Europe: the thickest and best-quality furs came from the cold North, there was also the ivory from walrus tusks, and the 14 • INTRODUCTION the desire to move beyond the simplistic image of the Vikings ... example, there were many raids following the death of Louis the Pious in 840 , when his Frankish empire was divided among his three sons, Lothar, Louis the German, and C...

Ngày tải lên: 02/07/2014, 04:21

10 380 0


... – Mạch chốt: dùng IC 747 5 – 4 chốt loại D; – Mạch giải mã: dùng IC 744 6, 744 7 – giải mã từ BCD – 7 đoạn; IC 744 1, 744 2 – giải mã từ BCD – tích phân lái đèn NIXIE. 4. 2 .4. Phân tích khả năng ... phân như sau: – 744 1, IC giải mã BCD sang thập phân, ngõ ra chịu thế cao (60V); – 744 2, 74LS42: IC giải mã BCD sang thập phân; – 744 3: IC giải mã dư 3 sang thập phân; – 744 4: IC giả...

Ngày tải lên: 21/07/2014, 18:20

21 699 4
Acing the gre 4 ppt

Acing the gre 4 ppt

... zero to six. The two readers’ scores for each response are then averaged, unless they differ by more than one point. If that is the case, a third reader will score the essay to resolve the differences. ... ETS selects the actual Analytical Writing prompts. Don’t get too – ABOUT THE GRE GENERAL TEST– 10 7 Reading comprehension questions may be the most familiar types of questio...

Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 13:21

6 114 0
Acing the gre 9 ppsx

Acing the gre 9 ppsx

... of you during the GRE. You are in training now: Get with the program. – STUDYING FOR THE GRE 32 1. During test preparation, pretend you are actually taking the test. 2. During the actual test, ... get there, to park, and to walk from the park- ing lot to the testing center where you will take the GRE. Do this to avoid a last-minute rush to the test and its accompanying...

Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 13:21

6 131 0
Studying the gre 1 ppt

Studying the gre 1 ppt

... whom? Although the answer “professional athletes” is implied, the claim does not explicitly state this. – THE GRE ANALYTICAL WRITING SECTION– 40 The argument, as given, is weakened by the fact that ... sources, the author’s credibility is weakened because the evidence cannot be verified as fact. If the figures can be verified, then the prem- ises are reasonable; however, for...

Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 13:21

6 154 0