... the last reporting period. In fi.xe4 bed reactors, process variable studies using 100 Fe/5 Cu/4.2 1~/20 -~1203, 100 Fe/5 Cu/4.2 K, and Ru~rchemie LP 33/81 catalysts were made. The alumina-contalnlng ... t]ze process, compared to the behavior of 100 Fe/5 Cu/4.2 K. X-ray p]aotoelectron spectroscopic data revealed tha'c, unlike the behavior observed for 100 Fe/5 Cu/4.2 K/25 $i0~,...
Ngày tải lên: 06/08/2014, 13:22
... been detailed previously and employed :[or a]] prior ca~.lyst syntI~eses: 100 Fell C~/0.2 K 100 Fe/3 Cu/0.2 K 100 Fe/5 Cu/4.2K/8 $i0~ ~[emeata~ aaa]yses were pe_rformed ~y atO~C a]~sorption ... 99-1348). The effect of support concen- tration ca~ be stnc]Jed over the range 0 -100 parts SiO.~ and 0-20 parts A]_-O3 /100 parts Fe. The 15 made as both a stabmx7 test and a process ~...
Ngày tải lên: 06/08/2014, 13:22
phân tích eclectron trong hóa phân tích phần 3 pptx
... compositions (normalized to 100 pa~s Fe by weigh~) of the zhz'ee re~-nthesized cacal.vsts are summarized below: 19 Nominal Composition ~00 Felz Cu/0.2 100 Fe/3 CulO.~ K 100 Fe/~ Ca/4.2 ... Cu/0.2 100 Fe/3 CulO.~ K 100 Fe/~ Ca/4.2 E/S SiO~ Ac~ma~ Composition 100 Fe/1.1 C~/0.19 K zoo Fe/3.~ Ca/0.~ E 100 Fe/6.3 C~/5.2 K/8 SiOz .M~hou~ the analyzed copper ~md po...
Ngày tải lên: 06/08/2014, 13:22
phân tích eclectron trong hóa phân tích phần 4 pps
... Studies. 3.2.1. Run FA-63-1305 (100 Fe/5 Cu/4.2 K/8 Si02). Run FA-63-1305 was made as a long term fixed bed stability test o~ the catalyst containln~ $ parts SiO /100 parts Fe, wh~.h is among ... 3.2.2. Runs FA-15 1695/FA-15-1768 (100 Fe/1.0 Cu/0.2 K). Runs YA-15-1698 and FA-t5 1768 were made to e~uate the performmice of a predp/zated cs~£ys~ (100 Fe/1.0 Cu/0.2 K) over the long term ....
Ngày tải lên: 06/08/2014, 13:22
phân tích eclectron trong hóa phân tích phần 5 pot
... Composition 100 Fe 100 FeD Cu 100 Fe/3 Cu 100 Fe/0.2 E 'zOO Fe/2 K 100 Fe/1 Cu/0.05 E 100 Fe/1 Cu/0.2 K 100 Fe/5 Cu/4.2 K 100 ~'e,/5 Cu/4.2 K/8 Si02 100 Fe/5 Cu/4.2 ... 2.03 3,53 270. R2.2 08,3 .fl02 .002 16,0 41o8188 3 .10 3.57 10, 8 56.7 8,00 1,08 10, 8 0,78 30.3 34,9 II0, 105 . 10, 5 103 . 2.92 0.72 6.40 3.77 3,58 71.8 0.1 235....
Ngày tải lên: 06/08/2014, 13:22
phân tích eclectron trong hóa phân tích phần 6 potx
... Unreeovered pTo(lucts from wax annlysis C: 0 iim (.t m k,, q,,, G) 0 10& quot; 10& quot; 10 .3 10 .4 10& quot; I I ' ' I ' ' ' ' I ' ' I I ... 1.02 1,37 1 .10 ,130 .104 ,0542 ,457 .415 .326 1.70 1.40 1,38 .197 .147 .llO .501 .604 .475 1,84 1.07 1.77 ,365 .257 .267 .517 .489 ,479 I.f19 1.57 1.79 ,222 ,223 .243 10, 3 10. 6...
Ngày tải lên: 06/08/2014, 13:22
phân tích eclectron trong hóa phân tích phần 7 pptx
... FA-03-0 410 (100 Fel5 Gu14.2 KlO 810 2 ) I"1 FA-00-0540 (100 FeI§ Cu14.2 KI25 810 ) FA-00-0008 (100 Fel6 Cul4.2 KI100 sl . 2) -t- FB-90-1340 (Ruhrohomle LP 33181. 100 Fe/§ Cu/4.2 KI24 810 ... commercial ]~thrchemie catalyst. 62 O IIN O L. Nk" tD / O 10 0 10 -1 10 -~ 10 -~ 10& quot;' 10 .5 0 ,, Included point • Excluded point cx I = 0.63 ~I= =...
Ngày tải lên: 06/08/2014, 13:22
phân tích eclectron trong hóa phân tích phần 8 pdf
... followiug exposure of the sa~np]e to 10 tort of ~qO for 15 rain, foUowed by e~cuation. T/~e second spectrum was obtained immediately a~te~ admission of 10 torz of 02 at 25 °C. The ~'ema~g ... obt.zined following exposure of the sample to 10 ~r of NO for 15 m~ followed by e~cua~on. The second spectrum was obtalned immediately after admission of 10 tort of 02 at 25 °C. The r~...
Ngày tải lên: 06/08/2014, 13:22
phân tích eclectron trong hóa phân tích phần 9 pptx
... '"I ,I i J i . = . I | IN nm [] FA-63-1308 (100 Fe/5 Cu/4.2 K/8 810 2) 235 eC , 1.48 MPa 2,0 NI/g-Fe.h ~0 , o , . I 0 100 N I • , I • , , l_ 200 800 400 Time on stream (h) ... obtained following exposure of the sample to 10 tort of NO for 15 ~ followed by e~cuation. The second spectrum was obtained immediately a~ter admission of 10 tort of 02 at 25 °C. ~e rem...
Ngày tải lên: 06/08/2014, 13:22
phân tích eclectron trong hóa phân tích phần 10 pdf
... ""'" ','' "+~- I-, ,. [] Included point 10& quot; 10& quot; m ~ 10 .3 113 .+ 10& quot;' _=~ • Excluded point . ",i, : o. o ; = ; i 235 ... tiz,e on streams For r.n Fn-90-1588. , I lo ° • 10 -+ ¢:: o 10 .= 0 L. (D m ] 10 "3 10 .4 10 .5 [] Included point " • Excluded point _ CX I = 0.74 - O •...
Ngày tải lên: 06/08/2014, 13:22