... and you’ll get a lot by osmosis. Science, the journal of the American Association for the Ad- vancement of Science, is also weekly, and its front section of science news is without peer. Because ... information. The less scientific back- ground you have, the more you may wish to subscribe to Sci- ence News and the New Scientist, both of which offer what you need: an ongoing education in...
Ngày tải lên: 26/01/2014, 08:20
... rộanimation. Nutr. Clin. Mộtabol. 199 9; 13,51-6. Bleichner G., Dupont H.: Surveillance et complications de la nutrition entộrale. In: Traitộ de Nutrition Artificielle SFNEP, 199 8, pp. 465-75. Hộbuterne ... antécédents une tuberculose pulmonaire, en 195 2, et une gastrectomie pour ulcère en 196 0. Tabac : 50 paquets-années. Alcool : 60 g/j. Son poids normal avant 196 0 était de 75 kg (1,78 m...
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Les troubles de l’intégration visuelle - part 9 pot
... Ophthalmol 2005;140(5) :90 3-10. 28. Petrunak JL. The treatment of convergence insufciency. Am Orthoptic J 199 9; 49: 12-6. 2 9. Jenkins RH. Characteristics and diagnosis of convergence insufciency. Am Orthoptic J 199 9; 49: 7-11. 30. ... Ophthalmology 198 2; 89( 2):4 89- 91. 35. Kraft SP. Surgery for Duane syndrome. Am Orthoptic J 199 3;43:18-26. 36. Lee JP. Botulinum toxin in the manageme...
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Susceptibilités génétiques et expositions professionnelles - part 9 pot
... 199 9, 36 : 3 79- 382 DEICHMANN K, BARDUTZKY J, FORSTER J, HEINZMANN A, KUEHR J. Common polymor- phisms in the coding part of the IL-4 receptor gene. Biochem Biophys Res Comm 199 7, 231 : 696 - 697 DEICHMANN ... Clin Pharmacol Ther 199 9, 65 : 562-5 69 GRASEMAN H, YANDAVA CN, DRAZEN JM. Neuronal NO synthase (NOS1) is a major candidate gene for asthma. Clin Exp Allergy 199 9, 29 : 39- 41...
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Faculté de Médecine - part 9 potx
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