Indigenous Rights and United Nations Standards Part 9 doc

.Indigenous Rights and United Nations Standards Part 9 doc

.Indigenous Rights and United Nations Standards Part 9 doc

... 167/ 198 4, UN Doc. A/45/40 ( 199 0); also La ¨ nsman v. Finland, Communication No. 511/ 199 2, UN Doc. CCPR/C/52/0/511/ 199 2 ( 199 3); Hopu v. France, Communication No 5 49/ 199 3, UN Doc. CCPR/C.60/D/5 49/ 199 3/Rev.1 ... Act 199 8, UN Doc. ERD/C/ 54/Misc.40/Rev.2 (28 March 199 9), 6–8 and CERD 199 8 Decision 1 (53) adop- ted on 11 August 199 8, UN Doc. A/53/18; CERD Decision 2 (54...

Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 21:22

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.Indigenous Rights and United Nations Standards Part 1 doc

.Indigenous Rights and United Nations Standards Part 1 doc

... Doc. CCPR/C/PER/ 199 8/4 2 69 Concluding Observations: Canada, UN Doc. CCPR/C/ 79/ Add.105 ( 199 9) 194 , 271, 276 Concluding Observations: Mexico, UN Doc. CCPR/C/ 79/ Add.1 09 ( 199 9) 195 , 276 Concluding ... Canada ( 198 9) 79 I.L.R, 261 178 Apirana Mahuika et al. v. New Zealand, Communication no. 547/ 199 3 134, 178 viii Indigenous Rights and United Nations Standards S...

Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 21:22

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.Indigenous Rights and United Nations Standards Part 2 doc

.Indigenous Rights and United Nations Standards Part 2 doc

... Identity and the Rights of Indigenous Peoples ( 199 5) 91 Norway Finnmark Act (2003) 257 Pakistan Bonded Labour System (Abolition) Act No. III ( 199 2) 57 Philippines Indigenous Labour Act ( 199 7) 91 Indigenous ... they have achieved almost equal rights to those of states. From 198 5 to 199 3, 2 INDIGENOUS RIGHTS AND UNITED NATIONS STANDARDS of groups have provided...

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.Indigenous Rights and United Nations Standards Part 3 docx

.Indigenous Rights and United Nations Standards Part 3 docx

... America’, 14 August 2001, UN Doc. A/56/18, paras. 380–407 at para. 399 . 40 INDIGENOUS RIGHTS AND UNITED NATIONS STANDARDS 148. J. Anaya, ‘International Human Rights and Indigenous Peoples: The Move towards ... state parties. The Convention also 58 INDIGENOUS RIGHTS AND UNITED NATIONS STANDARDS East and two in Europe. Each state has to provide regular reports...

Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 21:22

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.Indigenous Rights and United Nations Standards Part 4 doc

.Indigenous Rights and United Nations Standards Part 4 doc

... 199 0, 199 1, 199 3, 199 4, 199 6, 199 8 and 199 9; also see CEACR, Individual Observations concerning Convention No. 107, Indigenous and Tribal Populations, Brazil, published 199 0, 199 1, 199 3, 199 4, ... 199 1, 199 3, 199 4, 199 5, 199 6, 199 7, 199 8 and 199 9. 31. CEACR, Individual Direct Request concerning Convention No. 107, Indigenous and Tribal Populations, Iraq, publis...

Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 21:22

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.Indigenous Rights and United Nations Standards Part 6 docx

.Indigenous Rights and United Nations Standards Part 6 docx

... public and private. It is manifested in the activities of cooperation, negotiation and struggle over the 158 INDIGENOUS RIGHTS AND UNITED NATIONS STANDARDS instruments are not legally binding and ... con- ceptualising a demand for protection through guarantees appropriate to the specific characteristics of indigenous peoples. 3 19 174 INDIGENOUS RIGHTS AND UNITED...

Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 21:22

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.Indigenous Rights and United Nations Standards Part 7 docx

.Indigenous Rights and United Nations Standards Part 7 docx

... value. 57 206 INDIGENOUS RIGHTS AND UNITED NATIONS STANDARDS CCPR/C/ 79/ Add.112 ( 199 9), paras. 16 and 17; also Mexico, UN Doc. CCPR/C/ 79/ Add.1 09, para. 19; and Australia, UN Doc. CCPR/CO/ 69/ AUS (2000), para. ... of the Human Rights Committee, Canada, UN Doc. CCPR/C/ 79/ Add.105( 199 9), paras 4, 7 and 8; also Norway, UN Doc. 194 INDIGENOUS RIGHTS AND...

Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 21:22

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.Indigenous Rights and United Nations Standards Part 10 docx

.Indigenous Rights and United Nations Standards Part 10 docx

... November 1 and 2, 199 9, WIPO Doc. WIPO/IPTK/RT /99 /2 World Commission on Culture and Development, Report: Our Creative Diversity (Paris: UNESCO, 199 5) Xanthaki, A., ‘Land Rights of Indigenous ... Human Rights Law’ (PhD Thesis, University of Nottingham, 199 9) United Nations, Code of Conduct on Transnational Corporations, UN ESCOR, Organisational Session for 199 8, UN Doc. E/...

Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 21:22

29 321 0
.Indigenous Rights and United Nations Standards Part 5 pps

.Indigenous Rights and United Nations Standards Part 5 pps

... Doc. E/CN.4/ 199 3/ 29, Annex I. 7. See the technical review at UN Doc. E/CN.4/Sub.2/ 199 4/2. 8. Resolution 199 4/45, 26 August 199 4. 9. ‘Establishing a Working Group to Elaborate a Draft United Nations ... genocide and defined it as the UN DRAFT DECLARATION ON INDIGENOUS RIGHTS 113 Rights, Report on the 51st Session, UN Doc. E/ 199 5/23 and also UN Doc. E/CN.4/ 199 5/L.1...

Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 21:22

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.Indigenous Rights and United Nations Standards Part 8 pptx

.Indigenous Rights and United Nations Standards Part 8 pptx

... Communication No. 5 49/ 199 3, UN Doc CCPR/C.60/D/ 5 49/ 199 3/Rev.1 ( 199 7). 21. I. Brownlie, Principles of Public International Law (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 4th edn 199 0), p. 699 . 22. P. Thornberry, ... ethical and professional standards of research and artistic expression; the establishment of national and international sui generis systems to 220 INDIGENOUS RIGHTS...

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