History of the Kings of Britain Part 8 pdf

History of the Kings of Britain Part 8 pdf

History of the Kings of Britain Part 8 pdf

... that the kings and princes from the countries beyond the seas might have the convenience of sailing up to it. On the other side, the beauty of the meadows and groves, and magnificence of the royal ... Epistrophius, king of the Grecians; Mustensar, king of the Africans; Alifantinam, king of Spain; Hirtacius, king of the Parthians; Boccus, of the Medes;...

Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 13:21

22 342 0
History of the Kings of Britain Part 1 pptx

History of the Kings of Britain Part 1 pptx

... all the provinces, forced the giants to fly into the caves of the mountains, and divided the country among them according to the directions of their commander. After this they began to till the ... this time Eli the priest governed in Judea, and the ark of the covenant was taken by the Philistines. At the same time, also, the sons of Hector, after the expul...

Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 13:21

22 378 0
History of the Kings of Britain Part 2 ppt

History of the Kings of Britain Part 2 ppt

... clear the law of all ambiguities, summoned all the workmen of the island together, and commanded them to pave a causeway of stone and mortar, which should run the whole length of the island, from the ... was the son of Cloten king of Cornwall, and excelled all the kings of Britain in valour and gracefulness of person. When his father was dead, he was no soo...

Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 13:21

22 472 0
History of the Kings of Britain Part 3 pps

History of the Kings of Britain Part 3 pps

... acknowledge the kingdom of Britain subject to the Roman 66 Geoffrey of Monmouth Chapter 14. GuithelinÕs successors in the kingdom. For this reason the mother had the sole management of affairs committed ... force of arms. Such was the wonderful valour of the British nation in those times, that they were able to put the conqueror of the world twice to flight and...

Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 13:21

22 429 0
History of the Kings of Britain Part 4 ppt

History of the Kings of Britain Part 4 ppt

... of them. Among others of both sexes who continued firm in the army of Christ, and suffered, were Alban of Verulam, and Julius and Aaron, both of the City of Legions. Of these, Alban, out of the ... submit to the Ambrons fell upon them, and without remorse murdered the greatest part of them. This done, the two wicked leaders of the Picts and Huns, Guanius an...

Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 13:21

22 398 0
History of the Kings of Britain Part 5 potx

History of the Kings of Britain Part 5 potx

... among them, partly by the pagans whom the king had brought into society with them, partly by the Pelagian heresy, with the poison whereof they had been a long time infected. But by the preaching of ... fleet to their country, and there, speedily encountered the enemy. At last, after the slaughter of a vast multitude of them, they drove them entirely out of the country,...

Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 13:21

22 434 0
History of the Kings of Britain Part 6 pot

History of the Kings of Britain Part 6 pot

... tongues of bulls. They shall load the necks of roaring lions with chains, and restore the times of their ancestors. Then from the first to the fourth, from the fourth to the third, from the third ... distress one another, but the courage of the beast shall gain the advantage. Then shall come one with a drum, and appease the rage of the lion. Therefore shall...

Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 13:21

22 314 0
History of the Kings of Britain Part 7 ppt

History of the Kings of Britain Part 7 ppt

... soon as they arrived there with all their forces, they fought with the Saxons, and made a grievous slaughter of them, to the number of six thousand; part of whom were drowned in the rivers, part fell ... which was what many of the Britons 146 Geoffrey of Monmouth desired, though the greater part of them were for having the matter quickly decided with the enemy....

Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 13:21

22 444 0
History of the Kings of Britain Part 9 pps

History of the Kings of Britain Part 9 pps

... them, pursued the rest: but they took the greatest number of them prisoners, being desirous to present them to the 177 Geoffrey of Monmouth Chapter 12. Part of the Romans flee; the rest, of their ... king of the Northumbrians, and the other petty kings of the Saxons, to raise a great army, and march to the city of Bangor, to destroy the abbot Dinooth, and...

Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 13:21

22 325 0
History of the Kings of Britain Part 10 pptx

History of the Kings of Britain Part 10 pptx

... for the kings that have succeeded among them in Wales, since that time, I leave the history of them to Caradoc of Lancarvan, my contemporary; as I do also the kings of the Saxons to William of Malmesbury, ... hinder them, excepting the poor remains of the Britons, who continued together. in the thickets of the woods in Wales. From that time the power of...

Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 13:21

16 280 0