Ngày tải lên: 21/12/2013, 03:17
... company, and set sail again, and after a course of thirty days came to Africa, being ignorant as yet whither to steer. From thence they came to the Philenian altars, and to a place called Salinae, ... rest that were able to bear arms, should go to meet the army. At last an assault being made, a bloody fight ensued; in which after a great part of the day had been spent, Corineus was ashamed to see ... require. For he was afraid on account of GoffariusÕs approach with the kings and princes of Gaul, and a very great army, which was now come near the place, ready to give him battle. Having therefore...
Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 13:21
History of the Kings of Britain Part 2 ppt
... Stadud, Gladud, Ebren, Blagan, Aballac, Angaes, Galaes, (the most celebrated beauty at that time in Britain or Gaul,) Edra, Anaor, Stadial, Egron. All these daughters their father sent into Italy to ... in all affairs, both of peace and war, be showed a great capacity, so that this prince loved him with a paternal affection. He was besides of a graceful aspect, tall and slender in stature, and ... that country, than he made war against Ymner king of Loegria, and killed him in battle. Hereupon Rudaucus king of Kambria, and Staterius king of Albania, had a meeting, wherein they formed an alliance...
Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 13:21
History of the Kings of Britain Part 3 pps
... greater part of the year; for which reason it was afterwards called Kaerlud, and by the corruption of the word, Caer-london; and again by change of languages, in process of time, London; as also ... Tenuantius is made king of Britain after Cassibellaun. After seven years had expired, Cassibellaun died and was buried at York. He was succeeded by Tenuantius, duke of Cornwall, and brother of Androgeus: ... of Hamo, is now called Southampton. There was at the same place a convenient haven for ships, and some merchant-ships at anchor. And just as Hamo was attempting to get on board them Arviragus came...
Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 13:21
History of the Kings of Britain Part 4 ppt
... had learned that the island of Britain was drained of all its soldiers, made a speedy voyage towards it; and, taking into their assistance the people of the adjacent islands, arrived in Albania. Then ... killed; and so Bassianus obtained the sovereignty. Chapter 3. Carausius advanced to be king of Britain. At that time there was in Britain one Carausius, a young an of mean birth, who, having given ... north part of Britain, which is called Albania, and began to ravage that country. Marius therefore raising an army went in quest of him, and killed him in battle, and gained the victory; for a monument...
Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 13:21
History of the Kings of Britain Part 5 potx
... are of the nature partly of men, and partly of angels, and whenever they please assume human shapes, and lie with women. Perhaps one of them appeared to this woman, and begot that young man of ... bodies St. Eldad afterwards gave Christian burial, not far from Kaercaradauc, now Salisbury, in a burying-place near the monastery of Ambrius, the abbot, who was the founder of it. For they all came without ... the parts of Cambria, not knowing what to do against so barbarous a people. Chapter 17. Vortigern, after consultation with magicians, orders a youth to be brought that never had a father. At last...
Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 13:21
History of the Kings of Britain Part 6 pot
... and shall make subterraneous passages. At that time shall the stones speak, and the sea towards the Gallic coast be contracted into a narrow space. On each bank shall one man hear another, and ... sway the sceptre, but after them shall arise a German worm. He shall be advanced by a sea-wolf, whom the woods of Africa shall accompany. Religion shall be again abolished, and there shall be a ... the pall of the City of Legions, and a preacher of Ireland shall be dumb on account of an infant growing in the womb. It shall rain a shower of blood, and a raging famine shall afflict mankind....
Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 13:21
History of the Kings of Britain Part 7 ppt
... the pagans. After some deliberation, it was agreed that ambassadors should be despatched into Armorica, to king Hoel, to represent to him the calamitous state of Britain. Hoel was the son of ArthurÕs ... Britons gained the summit of the hill, and quickly came to a close engagement with the enemy, who again gave them a warm reception, and made a vigorous defence. In this manner was a great part of that ... without delay, the horse-litter and all his attendants were got ready and the day arrived which had been appointed for their march. Chapter 23. Octa and Eosa, with a great number of their men, are killed. The...
Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 13:21
History of the Kings of Britain Part 8 pdf
... should describe particularly, I should draw out the history to a tedious length. For at that time Britain had arrived at such a pitch of grandeur, that in abundance of riches, luxury of ornaments, and politeness ... Arthur, and gave him an account of what he had met with. Arthur very much lamented the damselÕs sad fate, and ordered his companions to leave him to deal with him alone; unless there was an absolute ... Clofaut, Rupmaneton; Kimbelim, Map trunat; Cathleus, Map catel; Kinlich, Map neton; and many others too tedious to enumerate. From the adjacent islands came Guillamurius, king of Ireland; Malvasius,...
Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 13:21
History of the Kings of Britain Part 9 pps
... Geoffrey of Monmouth Chapter 8. Britain, in the flame of a civil war under king Careticus, is miserably wasted by the Saxons and Africans. After Malgo succeeded Careticus, a lover of civil war, ... years. Chapter 7. Malgo, king of Britain, and a most graceful person, addicts himself to sodomy. After him succeeded Malgo, one of the handsomest of men in Britain, a great scourge of tyrants, and a ... Cornwall and Wales. But to return to the history; when the inhuman tyrant, with many thousands of his Africans, had made a devastation almost over the whole island, he yielded up the greater part...
Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 13:21
Tài liệu A history of schools of marketing thought pptx
... there exists a probability greater than zero of their purchasing a given class of products or services offered for sale by a particular firm or by a particular agglomeration of firms’. Apparently, ... empirical support (Farley and Ring, 1970), and a partial formalization of constructs was made by Hunt (1976). A metatheoretical analysis of all three models along 16 subjective criteria was made ... aggregating the set of parallel channel-transvections taking place in a particular economy, such as the USA, for a given time frame, say a year, provides ‘an exhaustive description of the market- ing...
Ngày tải lên: 18/02/2014, 07:20