C++ Programming for Games Module I phần 3 pdf

C++ Programming for Games Module I pot

C++ Programming for Games Module I pot

... that unifies high-level programming paradigms, such as object oriented programming, with low-level efficiencies, such as the ability to directly manipulate memory. For these reasons, C++ has ... low-level optimizations in order to squeeze out extra performance for such things as sophisticated special effects, realistic physics, and complex artificial intelligence. Chapter Objectiv...

Ngày tải lên: 27/06/2014, 09:20

259 432 0
C++ Programming for Games Module I phần 1 potx

C++ Programming for Games Module I phần 1 potx

... POINTERS 10 7 INTRODUCTION 10 8 CHAPTER OBJECTIVES 10 8 4 .1 REFERENCES 10 8 4 .1. 1 Constant References 11 0 4.2 POINTERS 11 1 4.2 .1 Computer Memory Primer 11 1 4.4.2 Pointer Initialization 11 2 ... .CPP File to the Project 12 1. 1.3 Writing the Code 13 1. 1.4 Compiling, Linking, and Executing 14 1. 2 THE “PRINT STRING” PROGRAM EXPLAINED 16 1. 2 .1 Comments 16 1....

Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 09:45

27 346 0
C++ Programming for Games Module I phần 2 potx

C++ Programming for Games Module I phần 2 potx

... 22 3 H e call the nere w umerator 2, in 72 , the remainder—it is the remaining part that cannot be divided enly We will say two integers divide evenly if and only if the division results in ... arithmetic operation defined for std::string is the addition operator. The following program illustrates the arithmetic operations: to t <<, k is incremented first, before being disp...

Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 09:45

24 357 0
C++ Programming for Games Module I phần 3 pdf

C++ Programming for Games Module I phần 3 pdf

... BOUNDS INDEX !! In a syntax three columns. { }; d nm ì in fMatrix [1][2] fMatrix [12][10 ddition to performing individual element initializations, you can initialize ... to3. Conditionals are the key to make certain that a block of code will only be ex (i. e., if this condition is tr 5. An array is a c individual variab 2.7 Exercises Assume A is true, B i...

Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 09:45

23 293 0
C++ Programming for Games Module I phần 4 ppt

C++ Programming for Games Module I phần 4 ppt

... In order to perform its task, a function me information and/or returns some information. The concept is somewhat similar to e trigonometric function typically inputs so mathematical functions. ... uivalent functions with different parameters is convenient because, depending on the data tion with which the client is working, the client can call the most suitable function version. individ...

Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 09:45

26 319 0
C++ Programming for Games Module I phần 5 potx

C++ Programming for Games Module I phần 5 potx

... default value for pointers, if you wish to postpone initialization, is null. The null value in C++ is simply zero. Rewriting the preceding pointer declarations with initialization to null yie ool* ... actually valid or not. By nullifying the pointer after its deletion, we explicitly state that it is now an invalid (null) pointer, and there is no ambiguity about its validity. Rul...

Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 09:45

29 363 0
C++ Programming for Games Module I phần 6 ppsx

C++ Programming for Games Module I phần 6 ppsx

... Header files include the class definition, and implementation files entation (i. e., method definitions). Eventually, the source code file is compiled compiled class implementation, which To invoke ... instructions as marked in the figure. We see that a few instructions, after the first instruction of main, we come to a function call instruction, which modifies the instruction pointer to...

Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 09:45

26 349 0
C++ Programming for Games Module I phần 7 potx

C++ Programming for Games Module I phần 7 potx

... used: header files (.h) and implementation files (.cpp). Header files include the class definition, and implementation files contain the class implementation (i. e., method definitions). Eventually, ... be specified during construction. isDead Th : This simple method returns true if a monster is dead, otherwise it returns false. A monster is defined to be dead if its hit points...

Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 09:45

34 249 0
C++ Programming for Games Module I phần 8 pdf

C++ Programming for Games Module I phần 8 pdf

... format: A pointer to a null-terminating c-string, which contains a string with some special formatting symbols within. These formatting symbols will be replaced with the arguments specified ... case, the this pointer is used explicitly, and in the former case it is used implicitly. 6.5 Friends 6.5.1 Friend Functions Sometimes we will have a non-member function that is closely related ....

Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 09:45

31 379 0
C++ Programming for Games Module I phần 9 pps

C++ Programming for Games Module I phần 9 pps

... than point coordinates; specifically, vector coordinates indicate the end point to which a directed line segment (originating from the origin) connects. Conversely, point coordinates specify a ... where negating a vector flips its direction. Scalar Multiplication: A vector can be multiplied by a scalar, which modifies the magnitude of the vector but not its direction. To multiply a...

Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 09:45

39 285 0
C++ Programming for Games Module I phần 10 pps

C++ Programming for Games Module I phần 10 pps

... initialization list: ClassName::ClassName(parameter-list…) : // Member initialization list { } When an object is instantiated, the memory of its members is first constructed (or initialized) ... public inheritance as modeling an is a relationship, but it seems that if we must explicitly specify public inheritance then there must be another type of inheritance. Indeed there is, and...

Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 09:45

55 292 0
C++ Programming for Games Module II phần 1 pps

C++ Programming for Games Module II phần 1 pps

... 11 6 14 .6 EXERCISES 11 7 14 .6 .1 Exit Message 11 7 14 .6.2 Horizontal and Vertical Scroll Bars 11 7 14 .6.3 Multiple Windows 11 7 14 .6.4 Change the Cursor 11 7 14 .6.5 Blue Background 11 8 14 .6.6 ... TextOut 12 5 15 .1. 3 Example Program 12 6 15 .2 SHAPE PRIMITIVES 13 1 15 .2 .1 Drawing Lines 13 1 15 .2.2 Drawing Rectangles 13 7 15 .2.3 Drawing Ellipses 14 1 15...

Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 09:45

30 334 1
C++ Programming for Games Module II phần 2 pot

C++ Programming for Games Module II phần 2 pot

... 0 10 5 10 6 10 7 101010101010 22 221 326 4 128 225 +++=+++= But, we have the following binary to decimal relationships from Section 2. 2 .2: 10 7 1 02 128 210000000 == 10 6 1 02 6 421 000000 == 10 5 1 02 322 100000 == ... 21 016 1000013 321 = = 21 016 1 022 == 21 016 1001018 12 = = 21 016 1000103 422 = = 21 016 1133 == 21 016 100111913 = = 21 016 1000113 523 = =...

Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 09:45

47 437 0
C++ Programming for Games Module II phần 3 potx

C++ Programming for Games Module II phần 3 potx

... as before, this would output: Vanessa is 18 years old. 73 Program 13. 1 Output 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Press any key to continue 13. 2.4 Deletion There are three methods of concern for deleting ... Introduction With the core C++ language behind us, we now begin the second major theme of this course: Windows (Win32 for short) programming. What we mean by Win32 programming...

Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 09:45

29 434 0
C++ Programming for Games Module II phần 4 pptx

C++ Programming for Games Module II phần 4 pptx

... CreateBrushIndirect(&lb); 103 14. 2 The Event Driven Programming Model 14. 2.1 Theory One of the key differences between the console programming we have been doing since Module I and Windows programming is ... subcategories more information can be found: Figure 14. 10: Selecting the MessageBox documentation for the Win32 API. Here, we want to select the “...

Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 09:45

31 368 0